Sri Sai Viswanadha Veda Vidya Peetham
      Podagatlapalli, EG District

Viswanadha Foundation, Prasanthi Nilayam-515134 has set up Sri Sai Viswanadha Veda Vidya Peetham, effective from November 1, 2007 at Podagatlapalli, East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh, the village of eminent Vedic scholars such as Brahmasri Remella Suryaprakasa Sastry garu, an authority on Veda Bhashya, Mimamsa and other Sastras.

The Veda Vidya Peetham invites eminent Bhashyarathnas, Scholars qualified in different Sastras / Lakshana, etc to be the Faculty at the Peetham. The Peetham admits Ghanapathis and Kramapathis of different Veda Sakhas as vidyarthis for study of Vedabhashya / Sastras / Lakshana, etc, on the advice of the concerned Faculty. The Peetham pays honourarium to the Faculty of Bhashyarathnas / qualified Sastra and Lakshana scholars, and scholarship to the vidyarthis for the period of their study till they qualify in the subjects of their study. In addition, the Peetham provides free accommodation and medical aid to the inmates of the Peetham. Incidentally, for the first six months from November 1, 2007 the Peetham provides free boarding, too.

Vedic scholars intending to associate with the Veda Vidya Peetham as Faculty, or anyone on their behalf may kindly send email to K.R.Paramahamsa, Trustee, Viswanadha Foundation on ID or send letter through courier to the following address.

     Sri K.R.Paramahamsa
     S3-B4, Prasanthi Nilayam-515134
     Anantapur District, A.P., India.
     Tel: 08555-287305

Sri Sai Viswanadha Veda Vidya Peetham deems it a great privilege to have eminent Vedic scholars as its Faculty.