Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group I | Mrs. K. Sarojini

Mrs. Kolli Sarojini,
W/o Sri Kolli Vijaya Babu,
3-5-961, Narayanaguda,
Hyderabad, India.
Tel: 040-23228122

Mrs. Kolli Sarojini (57), a housewife, is a highly respected lady, referred to by fellow devotees of Bhagavan as 'Amma garu' with reverence. She has had several blissful experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan. She renders a few of them in her own words.

'I hail from Punadipadu (Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh) where my Grandfather used to head a Guru Peetham. My Father inherited the Peetham. He had no sons. Therefore, he gave the Peetham to my husband who, after maintaining it for some years, has given it up for want of time.

Since my childhood, I was a chronic asthma patient. I was hospitalized several times. My husband is a firm believer in Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, and I, too, followed in his footsteps, though not that intensely.

Owing to His abundant love and compassion, Bhagavan has allowed us to experience His blissful Divine Presence on astral plane in our house and to be in touch with Him. As I do not have the permission to elaborate this aspect, I mention only this much at this stage.

Bhagavan, responding to my pitiable condition, assured me through the astral mode that He would cure my disease by His birthday. This was in late 1995. We eagerly waited for Bhagavan's birthday in 1996 expecting that I would be cured by that birthday. But there were no signs of abatement of my health problem even after Nov.23, 1996. However, I was cured well after Nov.23, 1997, as promised by Bhagavan, miraculously.

But before I was cured thus, I had a very severe attack of asthma in 1996. I was admitted in Arya Nursing Home at Hyderabad. While the treatment was in progress, my condition deteriorated inexplicably and all signs of life disappeared one by one. I was stated to be in a state of clinical death for about an hour.

Then suddenly, there was, I was told later, a thick, sweet fragrance that enveloped the entire building. Many patients and staff came out to find out what was happening. After that, signs of life began to reappear in me. Gradually I recovered and gained consciousness.

Later, my family members told me that, while awaking, I had wept inconsolably saying, 'Baba! Why did you bring me back into this body?' Baba had taken me, in my consciousness (not physical), to an unidentifiable place where I was in a state of total bliss. I was very reluctant to return to my body. So, when I returned to my body, I could not bear the separation from bliss and wept. Yet, much to my chagrin, Bhagavan brought me back to the earthly environment of suffering from the divine environment of Ananda.

My family members were all happy to find that Baba had given me rebirth. In fact, Swami told me through His astral medium that He was giving me rebirth. This rebirth was not just in physiological terms, but in spiritual terms as well. My life took a new turn after this event towards Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai, losing all interest in materialistic affairs. We are now frequent visitors to Puttaparthi.

Sometime later, we started conducting Akhanda Bhajan in our house every Saturday. It became popular and many devotees used to attend it. Several devotees requested us to hold it in their houses promising to make all arrangements for Bhajan for 24 hours, including arrangements of meals, etc for the participating devotees. Many used to come and take dates even a couple of months in advance. Due to Bhagavan's grace, this activity has continued without break for the last six years and a half.

At the outset, it all began on Aug 8, 1993 when vibhuti started materializing from the Photograph of Swami. Later it used to materialize from different places, and even from the roof. On one Sri Ram Navami day, pearls and akshatas came before Swami's Photograph for us as talambralu for Sitarama Kalyanam.

-- Kolli Sarojini.

(As narrated to Mr. B.Parvatala Rao at her own residence at Hyderabad on 22.04.2004)