Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group I | Mr. K.Parthaa

Mr. K.Parthaa,
272 - V B - Main,
Vijayanagar Stage II,
Bangalore - 560 040
Tel: 080-23101543

Mr. K.Parthaa (50), a native of Bangalore, relates his experiences in his own words.

'My elder brother and his wife are devotees of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Though a lot of literature on Sri Sathya Sai has been in our house, I had no interest in Him in the beginning. The first time I went to Puttaparthi was in 1999 when a relative of mine took me there along with her. I took a letter with me hoping that Bhagavan would come to me wherever I sat, and would take it. That did not happen. At that time, I did not know how things move there.

From April 2001, I started going to Swami regularly. I always took a letter with me but He did not take it. There used to be a reference to a lady in my letter. I thought that Bhagavan did not like my writing about her in my letter. Finally I deleted that reference in my letter, and Bhagavan took that letter at Brindavan.

On 27-11-2001, I was in Puttaparthi I got the first token and was in the front line. Swami came to me and asked in Tamil, 'where did you come from?' I said that I had come from Bangalore. Though I replied in Telugu, Swami continued to ask questions in Tamil. He materialized some sugar candy and gave it to me saying, 'eat it'. At that time I told Him about the problems I was facing from my brothers and sought His protection. Swami assured me with the sugar candy.

Many people who saw Swami giving me candy were overwhelmed by devotion to Him, and tried to touch my feet in reverence. I did not know at that time that Swami giving sugar candy was a rare thing. That is why those who had seen that happen were telling me, 'you are lucky'.

Swami later, during 2002, blessed a Japamala, which I was holding during Darshan. He materialized vibhuti for me twice in that year during Darshan. I could touch His feet with my hand while He was materializing vibhuti.

In 2003, I had a dream. At that time, Swami was not walking as he had undergone surgery on His pelvic-bone, which was fractured due to a fall at Brindavan. I carried Him in my hands in my dream and put him to bed on a cot.

Swami took letters from me many times. Even in March 2004, He took a letter from me. From my childhood, I was notorious for my rashness. I was known to be short-tempered and was ready to go to extremes if I picked up quarrel with anyone. Sometimes I used to think of committing suicide. I was having several bad habits also.

After coming into Bhagavan's fold, a gradual transformation has overtaken me. Nowadays I am not enamoured of friends' company. Earlier I was wasting lot of time in chatting and roaming about with them. I have since calmed down perceptively in my dealings with others. Though my relations with my brothers are still far from agreeable terms, the bitterness among us has softened a lot. My friends and relatives are surprised how I have changed for the better. I gave up all my bad habits. I am spending my time now mostly on sadhana. I think that this transformation brought about by Bhagavan in me is the greatest miracle I have experienced.'

-- Mr. Parthaa.

(As narrated to Mr. B.Parvatala Rao at Sai Ramesh Hall, Brindavan, Bangalore on 24.05.2004.)