Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group I | Mr. Darius Zukas

Mr. Darius Zukas,
Video & Graphic Designer,
Prasanthi Digital Studio,
Prasanthi Nilayam - 515134
E-mail: lolita_darius@hotmail.com

Mr. Darius Zukas (38), a Lithuanian, has been blessed with many miraculous experiences of which he narrates a few in his own words.

'I came to know about Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba when I read a book by Dr. Sandwich in nineties. Later in 1994-95, I saw a short documentary on Him. I heard His name being mentioned in a lecture, which I attended, on meditation. I developed interest in Baba and wanted to have his Darshan.

I came to Puttaparthi in June 1998 with a group of 20 persons and stayed up to August. One of the persons in our group was Ms. Lolita whom I had known earlier. During the trip, we came closer. We sought Swami's approval for our wedding. He took our letter and blessed. We returned to our country where our wedding took place on January 8, 1999.

After the wedding, we both came to Brindavan in April 1999 in a group of six in which my wife was the only female member. One day before our return journey, Swami called us for interview on April 18, 1999 (Sunday). At that time, I was wearing a ring with Swami's Picture. Swami took it and asked, 'where did you buy this?'

'In a shop outside the Ashram, Swami!' I replied.

'May be worth Rupees five!' Remarking thus, Swami threw it into the hands of an Indian devotee who too examined it and agreed with Swami. Then Bhagavan took it back and held it between His fingers. As we were observing it, the ring turned into a golden one. Still holding it, Swami asked both of us to go into the anteroom. When we went into the anteroom, Swami came in and blew nine times on the ring counting one, two, three, …… up to nine. Then He gave it to me. My ring, which was of a cheap quality, not only turned into a golden one, but, in the place of Swami's Picture, on it came nine diamonds. So it became a Navaratna Ring!

Swami then looked at my wife and remarked in a lighter vein, 'jealous!'

Then catching my hand wearing the Navaratna Ring, Swami led us into the main interview room where others called for the interview along with us were remaining seated. Swami lifted my hand displaying the ring. All those present were amazed.

On July 1, 2000, we were blessed with a daughter, Atile. Her birth also was a miracle, which my wife had already explained in her experiences. In April 2000, we came to Puttaparthi to thank Swami for saving the pregnancy of my wife. He then gave Padanamaskar and also took a letter of thanks from me.

In February 2002, we came again for Shivaratri when my son, Marijus who was then in 6th grade gave a letter to Swami seeking admission into Swami's School. Swami took the letter, asked Marijus about what class he was in, etc and moved away.

On March 6, 2004, Swami called us for an interview. He promised to give a seat in Music College to my son. When I mentioned to Him that I was doing seva in Prasanthi Digital Studio, Swami approvingly said, 'I am very happy. Continue serving. I bless you' and put His Divine hand on my head for blessing.'

-- Mr. Darius Zukas.

(As narrated to Mr. B.Parvatala Rao at Brindavan, Bangalore on 21.05.2004)