Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group VII | Dr. Y. Gopinath

Dr. Y. Gopinath FRCS,
General Surgeon,
Sri Sathya Sai General Hospital,
Prasanthi Nilayam.

      Dr. Y. Gopinath, a senior General Surgeon, worked for long in the UK after being the FRCS. Being an ardent devotee of Bhagavan, he has come to stay at Prasanthi Nilayam and work in Sri Sathya Sai General Hospital. He records an experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan in an article published in Arogyapradayini, the Golden Jubilee publication of Sri Sathya Sai General Hospital, Prasanthi Nilayam released in August 2006.

'I joined Sri Sathya Sai General Hospital on September 1, 1998 as a General Surgeon. What I have experienced there in all these years is truly amazing. There is no doubt that Swami's infinite grace takes care of all our patients, and also us. We tend to forget very often that Sai is the doer, the physician and the surgeon. Many of the patients have simple problems, and we feel that we are curing them. It is only when we come across a life-threatening situation that we call on Him. We then pray intensely to Swami, the compassionate Lord overlooks our faults, and is ever ready to help.

In surgery, there is a saying that there is no such thing as a simple case. In every case, there is a potential complication. We have to remember to pray to God for every patient, and truly feel that God is the doer, and that we are only instruments. Thus, every patient gets the benefit of God's grace and we also get sanctified.

In 2001, we admitted a young man with acute peritonitis. He had abdominal pain for three days. After initial preparation, he underwent laparotomy (surgical opening of abdomen). There was a perforation of the descending colon, and a large abscess due to it. This abscess had leaked into the general peritoneal cavity. Drainage of abscess and transverse colostomy were done. In the postoperative period, he was very sick. He was given intravenous (i.v.) fluids, i.v. nutrition and i.v. antibiotics. The drainage of abscess did not stop. The abscess smear was reported as 'teeming with tubercle bacilli'. Now, the regular antibiotics were stopped, and anti TB treatment was considered. But the problem was that out of the five anti TB drugs, only one could be given parenterally, all the other four had to be given by mouth.

About this time, his incision dehisced, and we could see the intestines through the open incision. Abdominal binder was used. We continued i.v. fluids and i.v. nutrition, and prayed to Swami. I was wondering whether such a patient as this, with the entire incision open, abscess pouring out, bedsores, and gradual deterioration, would ever survive! We were also getting to the end of all his veins; no more i.v.s could be given. At this stage, by Swami's grace, the bowel function started. It was unbelievable that his bowels could function with the whole incision open. But the colostomy was functioning, and the stool was contaminating the incision. It was Swami's grace that four anti TB drugs could be given orally now. One anti TB drug was given intramuscularly. He started taking oral diet. The incision was cleaned twice daily. The colostomy was cleansed two or three times a day. In a month's time, he started recovering, and we could send him home on dressing changes, and the five anti-TB drugs. Later he came for closure of colostomy. He did extremely well. It was all owing to Swami's grace that he walked out of the hospital, entirely healed.

The attendant was his father-in-law, who took care of him with pure love. The staff looked after him with love. His wife who was full term pregnant then, was constantly praying for him. The patient himself was praying for his recovery, as he had to see his first child in a short time. It was all Love that worked for this patient. I truly believe that it was a miracle.'

-- Dr. Y. Gopinath

(Extracted from Arogyapradayini, the Golden Jubilee Commemorative volume of the General Hospital, Prasanthi Nilayam released in August 2006)