Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group VII | Dr. Prabha

Dr. Prabha,
Sri Sathya Sai General Hospital,
Prasanthi Nilayam.

      Dr. Prabha, a gaenecologist, practising in Africa, turned a devotee of Bhagavan. She came to Prasanthi Nilayam initially to verify the veracity of the miraculous cure Bhagavan renders to patients. She became a devotee and has stayed on at Prasanthi Nilayam to work in Sri Sathya Sai General Hospital. She records a few of her experiences in an article published in Arogyapradayini, the Golden Jubilee publication of Sri Sathya Sai General Hospital, Prasanthi Nilayam released in August 2006.

'Swami's ever guiding Hand is always evident in the work that we do. Here are a few instances from those early days when Swami was more physically accessible. My being here in this hospital itself is a miracle, for He drew me from Africa by sending me His visiting card in the form of vibhuti, which tipped the balance in favour of life for my critical post-operative patient in Africa. So I came here to find out whether it was a genuine miracle or just a coincidence. I have stayed here for good.

One night in Puttaparthi around 9 p.m. we were struggling with a difficult case. The baby had just been delivered, and I was trying my best to resuscitate him and also managing the bleeding mother. A voice suddenly said from the window 'Doctor'. I replied hurriedly 'please do not disturb'. The voice said 'Swami has sent vibhuti for the patient, I am Chiranjeevi Rao speaking'. I sent the girl next to me quickly (for we did not have trained nurses then) to fetch it and run it on the patient. The whole dismal picture changed immediately, and all became well.

One evening a lady came in labour, and complications were anticipated. We told her to go to a better-equipped hospital suited to treat her complications, but she flatly refused. Anyway, we started her on the necessary treatment, as she did not budge an inch from her decision. Another doctor and I went to the bus-stand to look for a conveyance to transfer her to Anantapur. No buses or taxis were available. We even requested Sri Kutumba Rao to hire a devotee's car for a day, but he was unable to help us. We were quite upset and confused with the situation and, fretting and fuming, we returned to the hospital. Lo and behold! The picture had changed completely. Swami had intervened, and there were positive signs of a normal delivery. Next day Swami gave us an interview and said 'why did you get so upset and go roaming to the bus-stand? Just do what you can and I will look after the rest.'

In another instance, the wife of the local Moulvi (Muslim priest) had lost her first baby and now she was pregnant again. She had a big baby with an unstable lie (position of foetus), and we sent message to Swami through Dr. Alreja stating that it would be safer to do a caesarean section. But, Swami's reply was that it would be a normal delivery. At twelve midnight, her pains increased, and the baby was presenting with its feet down. I tried to rotate the legs to bring the back forward, but I could not do so. I became anxious, and said to Swami in my mind 'you said 'normal delivery.' How can it be normal if the baby dies?' Suddenly, the legs moved in the right direction on their own, and I could deliver a healthy 3.3 kg baby normally very soon.

Another patient came with pain in the abdomen and 45 days beyond the last menstrual period. Three of us, postgraduate gynaecologists, examined her, but could not pinpoint the diagnosis. A message was sent through Dr. Alreja to Swami. He sent word to do an urgent laparotomy (surgical opening of the abdomen). When the abdomen was opened, it was found to be an ectopic pregnancy with imminent rupture. The first drop of blood had yet to drop into the peritoneal cavity. Swami's Divine Eye had seen that which our trained human eyes could not.

There are many more such experiences, but it is not possible to narrate them all. Even Goddess Saraswathi, taking all of the universe as paper and ocean as ink, cannot fathom the might of our Lord.'

-- Dr. Prabha

(Extracted from Arogyapradayini, the Golden Jubilee Commemorative volume of the General Hospital, Prasanthi Nilayam released in August 2006)