Features | Virtual Veda University | Courses | B.A. (Hons) Course in Sanskrit

                    I Year Syllabus | II Year Syllabus | III Year Syllabus


B.A. (Honours) Course in Sanskrit

1. Eligibility Conditions:

The candidates who have completed PUC or equivalent examination with Sanskrit or PDC (+2) examination with Sanskrit or Prak Sastri or any other Oriental course examination, equivalent to it, are eligible to do this course. In the absence of the certificate of qualifying examination, it is open to the Director, Internet (Distance) Education of the University to grant exemption to any student from the qualifying examination subject to satisfactory evidence of the student possessing knowledge in Sanskrit equivalent to the qualification so prescribed

2. Duration of the Course:

The course is for three years, each year starting from June of the year ending with May of the following year.

3. Scheme of Papers:

I Year BA (Honours) Course in Sanskrit

Part I

Code No.
1.1.1.     Paper I English          100
1.1.2.     Paper II

One of the Indian languages Sanskrit, Telugu, Malayalam, Tamil, Kannada
or Hindi

Part II

Code No.            Marks
1.2.1.     Paper I Sanskrit Major          100
1.2.2.     Paper ll Sanskrit Major          100

Part III

Code No.     Marks
1.3.1.     Paper I     Minor -1 Western Literary Criticism   100
1.3.2.     Paper ll    Minor -2 Western Philosophy   100


II Year BA (Honours) Course in Sanskrit

Part I

2.1.1.     Paper I   English 100
2.1.2.     Paper II

One of the Indian languages Sanskrit, Telugu, Malayalam, Tamil, Kannada or Hindi 100

Part II

2.2.1.     Paper Ill Sanskrit Major 100
2.2.2.     Paper lV Sanskrit Major 100

Part III

2.3.1.  Paper I  Minor -1 Western Literary Criticism 100
2.3.2.  Paper ll Minor -2 Western Philosophy 100


III Year BA (Honours) Course in Sanskrit

Part II

3.2.1.  Paper V Sanskrit Major 100
3.2.2.  Paper VI Sanskrit Major 100
3.2.3.  Paper Vll Sanskrit Major  100
3.2.4.  Paper VllI Sanskrit Major 100
3.2.5.  Paper lX Sanskrit Major 100
3.2.6a. Paper X

3.2.6b. Paper X
Indian Scientific & Technical Traditions
Introduction to Linguistics

4. Examinations and Declaration of Results:

a) Each year the examination is held in the month of May for the Papers related to the courses done during the academic year.

b) The candidates who have completed any three papers of the I year will be allowed to keep terms for the II year. It is, however, open to the candidates to take the papers of the I & II years together. The candidates should complete all the papers of the I & II years to get admission for the III year. The Director of the Distance Education Course will, however, have the discretion to permit the candidates to take the papers of the III year along with the left over papers of the preceding years. Those who complete the course by repetition of the examination are declared as 'passed' whatever the aggregate percentage of marks they get in the three-year course.

c) (i) The candidates who have secured 75% and above marks in the aggregate of all the three years will be      declared to have passed in distinction.
ii) The candidates who have secured 60% and above marks subject to the upper limit of just below 75% in the aggregate of all the three years will be declared to have passed in First Class.

(iii) The candidates who have secured 50% and above marks subject to the upper limit of just below 60% in the aggregate of all the three years will be declared to have passed in Second Class.

(iv) The candidates who have secured 40% and above marks subject to the upper limit of just below 50% in the aggregate of all the three years will be declared to have passed in Third Class.

(v) The minimum for a pass in each paper is 35%, subject to the minimum of 40% in the aggregate for a pass in the examination of each year. Whatever the percentage, subject to the minimum of 35% for a pass in each paper and to the minimum of 40% in the aggregate of each year, the candidates of the I & II years are declared to have passed.

5. Registration and Keeping Terms:

a) The candidates are to register themselves in the month of June each year. However for the first year of commencement of the course in the Distance Education mode of the University, the registration is open to the students at such time as the Director, the Internet (Distance) Education of the University so notifies.

b) This three-year course should be completed within the maximum period of six years from the month of first registration for the course.

6. Programme of the Course:

a)The medium of the examination except for languages is English. The medium is the language concerned for the language papers including the minors.

b) Reference books including the texts for different papers will be brought on to the website www.vedamu.org and converted into eBook format progressively for easy download. Efforts will be made to bring lessons in English for all the Part III Jyotisa courses for all the papers prescribed, onto the website, progressively. The candidates will be enabled to be in contact with the Faculty of the University for clarification of doubts, advice, guidance, etc through e-mail. 

c) Every year, for the candidates of each year (I, II or III) separately, contact programmes will be held at prescribed centres (to start with at Prasanthi Nilayam) during the months of November - December, depending upon need of the candidates.

7. Fee Structure:

a) The offer of the course is totally free.

b) The candidates are to meet their expenses to attend the contact classes whenever and wherever held subject to their needs. Their attendance of the contact classes is not compulsory.

c) The candidates are to write the examinations for each year at the centres approved by the Director, Internet (Distance) Education of the University at their own expense



I Year BA (Honours) Course

Paper Code 1.1.1.

Part I

 English Paper I Prose, Poetry and Grammar 100
 Unit I &
.Unit II     
About 8 to 10 essays of one author or many authors
Text: Patterns of Modern Prose Essays 1 - 8 
Unit III & 
Unit IV
Select poems from Romantic Poetry or later poetry
The Golden Quill
(Except Elegy written by Thomas Gray)
Unit V
Tenses, Voices, Direct & Indirect Speech, Prepositions, Transformation of sentences, Phrases and Idioms  20

Books recommended

1. Patterns of Modern Prose - Ed. by M. Elias, Orient Longman,
2. The Golden Quill - Macmillan, Madras
3. Comprehensive English Grammar and Composition - N.Krishna 
4. A Remedial Grammar for Advanced Students - Martin Hewings, 
    Cambridge University press, Madras


Paper Code:1.1.2.A    Sanskrit Paper I Prose, Poetry, Grammar, 100
Translation and Composition
Unit I       Prose Select portion of classical prose 35
Text: Harsacaritasangraha 
Unit II Poetry  Select portion of a Mahakavya or
 a Khandakavya
Text: Kumarasambhava, Canto III
Unit III Grammar   10

Ravi, Bhaanu, Pitru, Lata, Mati,
 Nadee,Dhenu, Vadhuu, Maatru,
 Vaari, Madhu, Marut, Aatman,
 Dandin, Vaach, Sarit, Sarva, Tad,
 Etad, Yad, Idam, Jagat, Asmad,

 and Yushmad (Sanskrit words)

Patt, Pach, Bhu, Kru, As, Ad, Han,
 Hu, Div, Tan, Tud, Su, Rudh, Kree, 
Chur, Sev, in Lat, Lajn, Lit, Lrut,
 Lote, Vidhilijn Lakaaraas.

(Sanskrit words) 
Unit IV Translation
English to Sanskrit and Sanskrit to English
Unit V Composition
Paragraph writing in Sanskrit

Books recommended

1.Harsacaritasangraha - M.Krishnamachariar - R.S.Vadhyar,
2. Kumarasambhava - Ed. by M.R.Kale - Motilal Banarsidass, 
    New Delhi
3. Kumarasambhava Canto III - Ed. by C.R.Devadhar - Motilal 
    Banarsidas, New Delhi
4. Sabdacandrika - Pub. CSS Office, Varanasi
5. Sabdamanjari - Pub. R.S.Vadhyar, Kalpatti, Palghat
6. Dhaturupamanjari - Pub. R.S.Vadhyar, Kalpatti, Palghat
7. Exercises in Sanskrit Translation - Pub. R.S.Vadhyar, Kalpatti,


Paper Code:1.1.2.B   Telugu Paper I Poetry, Prose and Translation 100
Unit I       Poetry 20

Manimekhala - Lessons: 
Sisupalavadha Ghosayathra and 
Maguva Manchala 
Unit II Poetry   20

Manimekhala - Lessons: Varudhini 
Pravarulu Nigamasarmopakhyanamu
 and Ganga Gouri Samvadamu 
Unit Ill Prose   20
Text: Mani Khani
Lessons: Caritra - Andhra Vangmayamu, Shaleendudu & Vuuthapadaalu - Vyarthapadaalu
Unit IV Poetry   20
Text:  Mani Khani
 Lessons: Kashmeeramu, Rayalanaati Sahityamu and Jaanapadasahityamlo Attalu - Allullu
Unit V Translation
English to Telugu and Telugu to English

Books recommended

1. Manimekhala - Pub. Prasaranga, Bangalore University, Bangalore
2. Mani Khani - Pub. Prasaranga, Bangalore University, Bangalore


Paper Code: 1.1.2.C  Malayalam Paper I

Poetry and Drama

 Unit I Introduction to the History of Malayalam Literature (Poetry and Drama) 20
Unit II        Bhakti literature in Malayalam 20
Text: Jnanappana by Punthanam
Unit IIl Modern Poetry  Khandakavya 20
Text:  Sisyanum Maganum by Vallattoor
Unit IV Modern Lyrics 20
Text: Prayanam
The following only:
 i      ON.V. - Bhoomikkoru Charamageetham
 ii      Katammanitta - Santha
 iii     Sachitaanantan - Evanekkoody
 iv     Sugathakumary - Gajendramoksam
 v      Chullikkadu - Gasal
Unit V Drama 20
Text: IV Anka of Sakuntalam by A.R.Rajaraja Varma
Modern Drama
Text: Aa Manusyan Ni Tanne by C.J.Thomas

Books recommended

1. Jnanappana - Pub. National Book Stall, Kottayam
2. Sisyanum Maganum - Pub. National Book Stall, Kottayam
3. Prayanam - Pub. M.G.University, Kottayam
4. Sakuntalam of Rajaraja Varma - Pub. National Book Stall,
5. Aa Manusyan Ni Tanne by C.J.Thomas - Pub. National Book 
    Stall, Kottayam
6. Keuraliyute Katha by N. Krishna Pilla - Pub. D.C.Books,
7. Malayala Sahitya Caritram by P.K.Parameshwara Nair
        - Pub. Kerala Sahitya Academy, Trichur
8. Kavitha Sahitya Caritram by Dr. M.Leelavathy
       - Pub. Kerala Sahitya Academy, Trichur


Paper Code:1.1.2.D  Tamil Paper I

Poetry and Prose

 Unit I Poetry 20

Tamil Paaccudar - I
Portions prescribed:
1. Pura naannuru 
3. Nantikkalambagam 
4.Kudumba Vilakku
Unit II Poetry Jnanappana by Punthanam 20

Tamil Paamaalai II
Portions prescribed:
1. Tirukkural     2. Pandiyan Parisu
Unit IIl Prose  Khandakavya 20
Text: Ilakkiakkankal by Dr. M.Balamurugan
Unit IV Prose 20
Text: Tiru.Vi.Ka.Oor Ilakkiam by S.T.Kasirajan
Unit V Prose 20
Text: Ilakkiappozil by Dr. Ponnuswami

Books recommended

1. Tamil Paaccudar -I - Pub. Prasaranga, Bangalore University,
2. Tamil Paamaalai -II - Pub. Prasaranga, Bangalore University, 
3. Ilakkiakkankal by Dr. M.Balamurugan - Pub. Kavya, No.16,
          17th E Cross, Indira Nagar II Stage, Bangalore - 18
4. Tiru.Vi.Ka.Oor by S.T.Kasirajan - Pub. Manivasakar Noolagam,
          12B, West Sannadhi Veethi, Chidambaram, Tamilnadu
5. Ilikkiappozil by Dr. Ponnuswamy - Pub. Annai Pathippagam
          48 / 1, Uccinni Maakali Amman Koil Street, Palayamkotai,


Paper Code:1.1.2.E Kannada Paper I Prachina Kavya, Essay and Translation 100
 Unit I Prachina Kavya 20
      Text: Prachina Kavya Kusuma
Unit II Prachina Kavya 20
Text: Prachina Kavyadhare
Unit IIl Essay   20
Text: Malenadina citragalu (Kuvempu)
Unit IV Essay 20
Text: Rathasaptami and other Essays (Pu. Thi. Na.)
Unit V Translation 20
English to Kannada and Kannada to English 

Books recommended

1. Prachina Kavya Kusuma - Ed. Prof. H.S.Madhava Rao, 
    Prof K.Kodandarama
2. Prachina Kavyadhare - Ed. Dr.K.Gokulanath, Dr. Mangala 
3. Malenadina Citragalu - Kuvempu
4. Rathasaptami and other Essays - Pu. Thi. Na.
5. Kannada Sahitya Charitre - R.S.Mugali


Paper Code:1.1.2.F

Hindi Paper I

Modern Prose, 
Poetry,Grammar and

 Unit I Modern Prose 20
      Text: Gadyavihar Ed. by Saroj Singh
Unit II Short Story 20
Text: Katha Saptak Ed. by Ram Darash Misra
Unit IIl Poetry   20
Text: Kavyatarang Ed. by Dr.Niranjan
Unit IV Grammar 20
Sanjna:Ling, Vacana, Karaka, Sarvanama, Visesan
Kriya: Kal, Vacan, Sandhi
Unit V Translation 20
English to Hindi and Hindi to English

Books recommended

1.Gadyavihar Ed. by Saroj Singh - Pub. Lok Bharati Prakasan, 
   15 A,Mahatma Gandhi Road, Allahabad
2. Kathasaptak Ed. by Ram Darash Misra - Pub. Radhakrishna 
    Prakasan P Ltd,7 / 23, Anzari Road, Daria Ganj, 
    New Delhi - 110 002
3. Kavyatarang Ed. by Dr. Niranjan - Pub. Jawahar Pustakalay,
    Sadar Bazar, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh
4. Saral Subodh Hindi Vyakaran by Sri Motilal Chaturvedi - Pub.
    Vinod Pustak Mandir, Agra - 2


Part II

Paper Code:1.2.1.

Sanskrit Major          Paper I 
Samskrut Bhasha Naipunyam -1(Mastering
Sanskrit Language -1)
(Texts, Grammar, Translation and Composition)

Unit I
Raghuvamsa Canto 1
Unit II
Hitopadesa, Mitralabha
Unit III Laghusiddhantakaumudi 20
  Maahesvarasutrani, Samjna, 
Sandhi - Achsandhi to Visargasandhi
Subanta - Ajantapullinga to Halanta napumsakalinga,Avyayaani
Unit IV General Grammar 20

i) Declenation of Rama, Gopaa, Hari, Vishnu, Dhatru,Pitru, Aatman, Tad,     Asmad, Yushmad

ii) Conjugation in Lat, Lajn, Lote and Vidhilijn Lakaaraas of roots belonging to the I (Bhuaadi), IV (Divaadi), VI (Tudaadi) and X (Churaadi) Classes.

Unit V

ITranslation - English to Sanskrit                
Précis (Compression) in Sanskrit

 Books recommended

1. Raghuvamsa (Cantos 1-5) with Mallinatha's Commentary Ed.
    by M.R.Kale,Motilal Banarsidas, New Delhi
2. Hitopadesa Ed. by M. R.Kale, Motilal Banarsidass, New Delhi
3. Laghusiddhantakaukudi by Sarada Ranjan Roy
4. Navaneetha Sanskrit Sabda - dhaturupavali Navaneeth 
    Prakasan, Mombay
5. Raghuvamsam canto 1 by R.S.Vadhyar, Kalpatti, Palghat, Kerala
6. Exercises in Sanskrit Translation by R.S.Vadhyar, Kalpatti, 
    Palghat, Kerala 
7. Raghuvamsa Tr. by C.R.Devadhar - Pub. Motilal Banarsidass,
    New Delhi 
8. Raghuvamsa Tr. by M.R.Kale - Pub. Motilal Banarsidass,
    New Delhi
9. Raghuvamsa - Rastriya Samskrit Samsthan, 
    56-57, Institutional Area, Janakapuri, New Delhi
10. Hitopadesa of Narayana - Rastriya Samskrit Samsthan, 56-57,
     Institutional area, ,,
11. Sabdamanjari by R.S.Vadhyar, Kalpatti, Plalakkad, Kerala
12. Dhaturupamanjari by R.S.Vadhyar, Kalpatti, Plalakkad, Kerala
13. Hitopadesa Tr. by M.R.Kale - Pub. Motilal Banarsidass,
     New Delhi
14. Laghusiddhanta Kaumudi Ed by Sridharananda Sastri - Motilal
     Banarsidass, N Delhi
15. Laghusiddhanta Kaumidi Ed. by Sharada Ranjan Roy - Motilal 
     Banarsidass, N Delhi
16. Sanskrit Composition by Apte.


Paper Code:1.2.2.

Sanskrit Major          Paper II 
Samskrut Sahitya Parichay (Introduction
to Sanskrit Literature)
(Texts, History and Composition)

 Unit I Kavyadarsa of Dandin - Pariccheda 1 20
Unit II  Sanskrit Gadya Sangraha 20
Harischandropaakhyanam, Gurubhaktih,
Gangaavataranam, Anguleeyakapraaptih,
Sibeh Upaakhyaanam, Sukajanmakatha, Maatangacharitam,
Krutakakalahah and Bhushankaveh Shivarajena Parichayah
Unit III Sanskrit Padya Sangraha 20
Upanisadvachanaamrutam, Muula Ramayanam,
Sitaparityagah, Sivaparvatisamvaadah, 
Simhadilipasamvaadah, Saradvarnanam, 
Kapilaasramavarnanam, Dasavataravarnanam and 
Unit IV
History of Sanskrit Literature 
(Beginnings, Padyakavya, Gadyakavya
& Campuu)
Unit V
Translation from Sanskrit to English
Paragraph Writing in Sanskrit

 Books recommended

1. Kavyadarsa of Dandin - Pub. Krishna Das Malike Chwokhamba
    Pustaka Bhandara, Varanasi
2. Sanskrit Gadya Padya Sangraha on the website
3. A Concise History of Sanskrit Literature by Gaurinath Shastri
    Pub. Motilal Banarsidass, New Delhi
4. A Short Hisotry of Sanskrit Literature - R.S.Vadhyar, Kalpatti,
    Palghat, kerala
5. History of Classical Sanskrit Literature by A.B.Keith - Motilal 
    Banarsidas, New Delhi
6. History of Indian Literature Vol. III by M.Winternitz - Motilal
    Banarsidas, New Delhi


Part III


Paper Code:1.3.1. Minor I - Paper I            Western Literary Criticism
 Unit I
Classical Age 
Plato, Aristotle, Horace and Longinus
Unit II 
Middle Age 
Plotinus, Augustine and Aquinas
Unit III

Sir Philip Sidney, Bacon and

Unit IV

17th Century 
John Milton, John Dryden and
 John Dennis

Unit V

18th Century 
Joseph Addison, Alexander Pope
and Dr. Samuel Johnson

 Books recommended

1. History of Literary Criticism by Harry Blamire Pub. Macmillan,
    2 / 10, Ansari Road, Dariyaganj, New Delhi - 110 002
2. English Literary Criticism by J.W.H.Atkins (in three volumes)
    Pub. Methuen, London
3. Literary Criticism by William K.Jr. & Cleanth (in four volumes) by
    Brooks Pub. Routledge Kegan Paul, London
4. An Introduction to English Criticism by B.Prasad Pub. Macmillan,
    2 / 10, Ansari Road, Dariyaganj, New Delhi - 110 002


Paper Code:1.3.2. Minor II - Paper I Western Philosophy
Unit I Ancient Philosophy  20
Beginnings, Sophistic Movement - Plato, Aristotle;
Stoics - Epicures and Wandering Sages

Unit II Medieval Philosophy  20
Augustine, Boethius, John Scotus Eriugena,Peter Abelard
Unit III Medieval Philosophy 20
 Thomas Aquinas, Bonaventure,John Duns Scotus and William Ockham
Unit IV Descartes to Kant - Descartes, Locke and Berkeley 20
Unit V Descartes to Kant - Spinoza, Hume and Kant 20

 Books recommended

1. Western Philosophy - An Anthology by John Cottingham
    Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, 1996
2. The Oxford Illustrated History of Western Philosophy - Ed. by
    Anthony Kenny
3. A History of Philosophy (three volumes) by
    John Edward Erdmann Anmol Publications P. Ltd, New Delhi - 2
4. History of Western Philosophy by Frank Thilly,
    Central Publications, Delhi
5. A Critical Survey of Western Philosophy by Y.Masih Munshiram
    Manoharlal Publishers, New Delhi
6. History of Western Philosophy by Russel

II Year BA (Honours) Course

Code No.

Part I

Paper Code: 2.1.1 English Paper II Drama, Novel, Composition 100
Unit I & Drama 40
Unit II Text: Nagamandala by Girish Karnad
Unit III & Novel   40
Unit IV  Text: Guide by R.K.Narayan
Unit V  Composition Guide by R.K.Narayan 20

Précis, Letter Writing, Notes-making, Expansion,
Proverbs and Feature-writing

Books recommended

1. Nagamandala by Girish Karnad - Oxford University, Madras    
2. Guide by R.K. Narayan - Macmillan, Madras
3. Comprehensive English Grammar and Composition by
    N. Krishna Swamy


Paper Code:2.1.2.A  Sanskrit Paper II Drama, Fable or Popular tale, 100
Grammar and Composition
Unit I & Drama 35
Unit II Text: Malavikagnimitra of Kalidasa
Unit III  Fable   35
Text: Pancatantram (I Tantra)
Unit l V Grammar 20
Kritpratyay - Ktva, Lyap,Tumun, 
Nyat, Yat, Kta, Ktavatu,
Satru, Saanach, Tavyat, Aneeyar
Tadditas Pratyayh - Matup, In, Thak, Tva, Tal.
Sreepratyay - Tap and Jneep
Change of Voice,
unit V Composition 10
Essay writing in Sanskrit or Comprehension in Sanskrit

Books recommended

1. Malavikagnimitra Ed. by M.R.Kale - Motilal Banarsidass, 
    New Delhi
2. Malavikagnimitra Ed. by C.R.Devadhar - Motilal Banarsidass,
    New Delhi 
3. Malavikagnimitra Ed. by M.D.Paradkar - Motilal Banarsidass, 
    New Delhi
4. Pancatantram Ed. by M.R.Kale - Motilal Banarsidass, New Delhi
5. A Higher Sanskrit Grammar by M.R.Kale - Motilal Banarsidass,
    New Delhi
6. A Concise History of Sanskrit Literature by Gaurinath Sastri 
    Pub. Motilal Banarsidass, New Delhi 
7. Sanskrit Nibandha Ratnakara by Dr. Sivaprasad Bharadwaj
    Pub. Ashok Prakasan, Delhi
8. Vibhaktivallari - Samskrita Bharathi, Aksharam, Girinagar,
9. Natva Nijantam - Samskrita Bharathi, Aksharam, Girinagar,
10. Kalabodhini - Samskrita Bharathi, Aksharam, Girinagar,
11. Samasah - Samskrita Bharathi, Aksharam, Girinagar,
12. Sandhih - Samskrita Bharathi, Aksharam, Girinagar, Bangalore
13. Karakam - Samskrita Bharathi, Aksharam, Girinagar,


Paper Code:2.1.2.B  Telugu Paper II Drama, Short Story and Composition 100
Unit I Drama 20
Text: Sri Krishnadevarayalu by Prof. K.Sreerama Murth
Unit II  Drama   20
Text: Nayakuralu by Uppaala Satyanarayana
Unit lll Short Story 20
Text: Telugu Katha Ed. by D.Ramalingam
  The following only:
i) Eduruchustunna Muhurtham
ii) Nannugurinchi Katha Vrayavu?
iii) Karmasiddhantham
iv) Anavasarapu Dampathyam
v) Sanmana Bhangam
Unit lV Short Story 20
Text: Katha Bharathi - Telugu Kathanikalu Ed by Vakati Pandu Ranga Rao and
  Puranam Subrahmanya Sarma
The following only:
i) Mamakaram
ii) Parvathi Parinayam
iii) Asha kiranam
iv) Purnahuti
v) Kaanuka
Unit V Composition   20
Essay and Comprehension in Telugu

Books recommended

1. Sri Krishnadevarayalu by Prof. K.Sreerama Murthy 
    Visalandhra Publishing House, 4-7-435, Bank Street,
    Hyderabad - 500001
2. Nayakuralu by Uppaala Satyanarayana, Alaknagar, Hyderabad
3. Telugu Katha Ed. by D. Ramalingam - Sahitya Academy,
    New Delhi
4. Katha Bharathi - Telugu Kathanikalu Ed. by Vakati Pandu 
    Ranga Rao and Puranam Subrahmanya Sarma, National Book 
    Trust, India
5. Vyasavali by Diwakarla Venkatavadhani, 
    Sreerama Book Depot, Market Street, Secunderabad
6. Vijnana Vyasavali by Maralla Nageswara Rao
    Maruthi Book Depot, No.63, Main Road, Guntur - 520 003


Paper Code:2.1.2.C  Malayalam Paper II       Prose 100
Unit I General Introduction to Prose Literature in Malayalam 20
Unit II Essay
  Text:  Pariprekshyam (1999). 20
The following only:
i) P.K.Narayana Pisharodi - Keralathile kalakal
ii) S. Gupthan Nair - Ibsen
iii) Sara Joseph - Pennezhuthinte Prasakthy
iv) Sukumar Azhikkode -Sree Narayanante Darsanam
v) R.Narendra Prasad - Nishedhavum Adhunikathayum
Unit lll Biography / Autobiography / Travelogue 20
Text: Balidvipu by S.K.Pottekadu
Unit lV Novel 20
Text: Khasakkinte Itihasam by O.V.Vijayan
Unit V Short Story   20
Text:                 Naveena Katha
                 .      The following only:
                        i) Karoor - Mothiram
                        ii) Thakazhi - Thahasildarule Achan
                        iii) Uroob - Rachiyamma
                        iv) Sacaria - Prapanchathinte 
                        v) Madhavikutty - Unny 

Books recommended

1. Malayala Sahitya Caritram by P.K.Parameshwaran Nair
    Pub. Kendra Sahitya Academy, New Delhi
2. Pariprekshyam - Pub. M.G.University, Kottayam (1999)
3. Balidvipu by S.K.Pottekadu - Pub. D.C.Books, Kottayam
4. Khasakkinte Itihasam by O.V.Vijayan - Pub. D.C.Books, 
5. Naveena Katha - Pub. M.G.University, Kottayam (1999)


Paper Code:2.1.2.D  Tamil Paper II Novel, Drama and Short Story 100
Unit I Novel 20
Text: Anti - Dr. S.Shanmuga Sundaram
Unit II  Drama   20
Text: Manonmaniyam - Sundaram Pillai
Unit lll Novel 20
Text: Kurincitteen - Mrs. Rajam Krishnan
Unit IV Short Story
Text: Uyirizai - Mr. V.P.Ithaya Venthan
Unit V Short Story
Text: Veetkai - Suryakantan

Books recommended

1. Anti by Dr. S.Shanmuga Sundaram 
    Pub. Kaavya, No.16, 17th Cross, Indira Nagar, II Stage,
2. Manonmaniuyam by Sundaram Pillai - Pub. Paarinilayam, Madras
3. Kurinchitteen by Mrs. Rajam Krishnan 
    Pub. Tamil Puththakalayam, Broadway, Madras
4. Uyirizai by Mr. V.P.Ithaya Venthan
    Pub. Kaavya, No.16, 17th Cross, Indira Nagar, II Stage,
5. Veetkai by Suryakantan - New Century Book House P Ltd, 47B,
    Citko, Industrial Estate, Ambattur, Madras - 600 098


Paper Code:2.1.2.E Kannada Paper II Drama, Short Story, 100
Pravasakathana and Composition
Unit I Drama 20
Text:  Karnata Sakuntala, Acts 1-4 by Basavappa Sastri
Unit II Drama 20
Text: Jalagara by Kuvempu
Unit lll Short Story 20
Text: Vyasaraya Ballalara Ayda Kathegalu
Unit IV Pravasakathana 20
Text: Pampayatre by Vi. Si.
Unit V Essay writing in Kannada 20
Sankshepalekhana and Visayagrahike

Books recommended

1. Karnata Sakuntala by Basavappa Sastri
2. Jalagara by Kuvempu
3. Vyasarayaballalara Ayda Kathegalu by Vyasarayaballala
4. Pampayatre by Vi. Si.
5. Prabandhaloka Ed. by Srinivasaraju 


Paper Code:2.1.2.F Hindi Paper II Drama, Khandakavya, Bhaktikavya, 100
Novel and Functional Hindi
Unit I Drama 20
Text: Katha ik Kams Ki by Dayaprakash Sharma
Unit II Khandakavya 20
Text: Shakuntala by Maithilisaran Gupt
Unit lll Bhaktikavya 20
Text: Ramacharita Manas - Ayodhya Kanda
Unit IV Novel 20
Text: Mahabhoj by Mannu Bhandari
Unit V Functional Hindi 20

Books recommended

1. Katha ik Kams Ki by Dayaprakash Sharma
    Radhakrishna Prakashan P Ltd, 7 / 23, Anzari Road,
    Daria Ganj, N.Delhi
2. Shakuntala by Maithili Saran Gupta - Sahitya Sadan, Jhansi
3. Ramacharita Manas - Pub. Gita Press, Ghorakhpur
4. Mahabhoj by Mannu Bhandari Radhakrishna Prakashan P Ltd,
    7 / 23, Anzari Road, Daria Ganj, N.Delhi
5. Vyavaharik Hindi Vyakaran by Dr. Hardev Bhahari
    Lok Bharathi Prakashan, 15A, Mahatma Gandhi Road, 
    Allahabad - 1
6. Prayojanamoolak Hindi by Ram Prakash and Dr. Dinesh Gupta
   Radhakrishna Prakashan P Ltd, 7 / 23, Anzari Road, Daria Ganj,


Part II

Paper Code:2.2.1. Sanskrit Major Paper III 100
Samskrut Bhasha Naipunyam-2 
(Mastering Sanskrit Language-2)
(Texts, Grammar, Translation and composition)
Unit I Kumarasambhava Canto V 20
Unit II Kadambari - Sukanaasopadesa 20
Unit lll Laghusiddhantakaumidi 20
Streepatyay, Vibhaktyarth,
Samasa - Avyayibhav to Samasaantaah,
Tijnantha - Bhuvaadi to Churaadi, Nyanthaprakriyaa,
Sannantha, Yajnantha, Yajnlugantha, Naamadhaatavah, 
Aatmanepadaprakriya, Parasmaipadaprakriya,
Bhaavakarma and Karmakartru.
Unit IV General Grammar 20
i) Declenation of Mati, Nadee, Dhenu, Vadhuu, Matru,
Phala, Vaari, Madhu (
Napum), Marut, Dandin, Vaach,
Sarit, Sarva (in all genders)
ii) Conjugation of Bhuvaadi, Divaadi, Tudaadi, Churaadi,
Adaadi, Kryaadi
roots in Vidhilijn, Aaseerlijn, Lujn and
Lrut Lakaraas.
iii) Krutpratyays - Ktva, Tumun, Lyap, Nyat, Yat, Kta, 
Ktavatu, Satru, Saanach, Tavyat, Aneeyar.
Taddhitapratyayas - Matup, In, Thak, Tva, Tal. 
Unit V Translation 20
English to Sanskrit and Sanskrit to English

Books recommended

1. Kumarasambhava with Mallinatha's Commentary
2. Kadambari of Bana - Ed. by P.V.Kane - Pub. Motilal
    Banarsidass, New Delhi
3. Laghusiddhantakaoumudi - Ed. by Shridharananda Shastri
    Pub. Motilal Banarsidass, New Delhi
4. Laghusiddhantakaumudi - by Sarada Ranjan Roy - Motilal 
    Banarsidass, New Delhi
5. Kumarasambhava - Ed. by C.R.Devadhar - Motilal Banarsidass,
    New Delhi
6. Kumarasambhava - Krishnadas Series - Chaukhambica Sanskrit
   Series, Varanasi
7. Kadambari - Ed. by Mohan Dev Panth - Motilal Banarsidass,
    New Delhi
8. Sanskrit Composition - by Apte
9. Exercises in Sanskrit Translation - R.S.Vadhyar, Kalpatti,
    Palghat, Kerala
Paper Code:2.2.2. Sanskrit Major Paper IV 100
Darsanaanaam Saamaanya Parichay 
(Elements of Darsanas)
Unit I Tarkasangraha of Annambhatta 20
Unit II &
Unit lll
Shad-darsanasamuccaya of Haribhadra
(Bauddha, Jaina, Saankhya, Jaiminiya)
Unit IV &
Unit V 
History of Darsanaas 
(Excluding Vedanta systems)

Books recommended

1. Tarkasangraha - by Athalye and Bodas, BORI, Pune, 1963
2. India - What Can It Teach Us? - Kuppu Swami Sastri
3. Sad-darsanasamuccaya with English translation and notes
    by Dr. M.Sivakumara Swamy, Prasaranga, Bangalore University,
4. A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy - by Chandradhar Sarma
5. Essentials of Indian Philosophy - by M.Hiriyanna - Motilal
    Banarsidass, New Delhi
6. Tarkasangraha - by Krishnadas - Pub. Chaukhamba Sanskrit
    Series, Varanasi
7. Tarkasangraha - Translated by Dayananda Bhargava - Motilal 
    Banarsidass, N Delhi


Part III

Paper Code:2.3.1. Minor I - Paper II Western Literary Criticism 100
Unit I Romantic Age  20
William Wordsworth, Samuel Coleridge and P.B.Shelly
Unit II  Victorian Age 20
John Ruskin, Mathew Arnold, Walter Horatio Pater
Unit III Twentieth Century 20
Henry James, W.B.Yeats, Ezra Pound, 
A.C. Bradley, T.S. Eliot 
Unit IV Twentieth Century 20
I.A. Richards, William Empson, F.R.Leavis
Unit V Twentieth Century 20
Virginia Wolf, Crowe Ransom, Roman Jacobson,
Roland Barth

Books recommended

1. History of Literary Criticism by Harry Blamire 
    Pub. Macmillan, 2 / 10, Ansari Road, Dariyaganj,
    New Delhi - 110 002
2. English Literary Criticism by J.W.H.Atkins (in three volumes) - 
3. Literary Criticism by William K.Jr. & Cleanth (in four volumes) by
    Brooks Pub. Routledge Kegan Paul, London
4. An Introduction to English Criticism by B.Prasad
    Pub. Macmillan, 2 / 10, Ansari Road, Dariyaganj, 
    New Delhi - 110 002
Paper Code:2.3.2. Minor Il - Paper II     Western Philosophy 100
Unit I Continental Philosophy 20
Fichte, Schelling, Schiller, Hegel, Marks, 
Schopenhauer, Roger Sruton. 
Unit II  Continental Philosophy 20
Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Bergson, Croce, Brentano, 
Husserl, Dilthey, Sartre.
Unit III Mill to Wittgenstein: 20
John Stuart Mill, Frege, Russell, Wittgenstein 
The Vienna Circle, Private Language Movement
Unit IV Political Philosophy 20
German Romantic Idealism; Plato, Aristotle, Hegel; 
Utilitarianism - Cicero, Seneca. 
Unit V Political Philosophy 20
Middle Ages to 20th Century: Church and State
Anti-papalism - Dante, Marsiglio Ockham, 
Thomas Hobbes, Locke, Hume, Rousseau.

Books recommended

1. Western Philosophy - An Anthology by John Cottingham 
    Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, 1996
2. The Oxford Illustrated History of Western Philosophy - Ed. by
    Anthony Kenny
3. A History of Philosophy (three volumes) by John Edward
    Erdmann Anmol Publications P. Ltd, New Delhi - 2
4. History of Western Philosophy by Frank Thilly,
    Central Publications, Delhi 
5. A Critical Survey of Western Philosophy by Y.Masih
    Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, New Delhi
6. History of Western Philosophy by Russell


III Year BA (Honours) Course

Part II

Paper Code:3.2.1. Sanskrit Major Paper V
Samskrita Bhashanaipunyam -3 
(Mastering Sanskrit Language -3)
(Texts, Grammar, Translation and Composition)   
Unit I Kiratarjuniyam Cantos I & II 20
Unit II  Harsa Caritam - Ucchvaasa 1 20
Unit III Laghusiddhantakaumudi 20
Krudantha Krutyaprakriya, Purvakrudantham,
Unaadayah, Uttarakrudantham 
Tadditaah - Apatyadhikara to Svaarthikaaha
Unit IV Translation 20
English to Sanskrit and Sanskrit to English
Unit V Essay in Sanskrit 20

Books recommended

1. Kiratarjuniyam Cantos I - III - Translated by M.R. Kale
    Pub. Motilal Banarsidass, New Delhi
2. Harsacaritam - Ed. by P.V. Kane Pub. Motilal Banarsidass,
    New Delhi
3. Laghusiddhantakaumudi - by Sharada Ranjan Roy - Motilal
    Banarsidass, New Delhi
4. Laghusiddhantakaumudi - Ed. by Shridharananda Shastri
    Pub. Chaukhambica Sanskrit Series, Varanasi
5. Kiratarjuniyam Cantos I & II - Ed. by Janardana Shastri
    Pandeya Pub. Motilal Banarsidass, New Delhi
6. Exercises in Sanskrit Translation - R.S.Vadhyar, Kalpatti,
    Palghat, Kerala
7. Nibandharatnamala - Rashtriya Samskrit Samsthan, 
    56-57, Institutional Area, Janakapuri, New Delhi - 110058

Paper Code:3.2.2. Sanskrit Major Paper Vl 100
Samskrut Natakam Natyasastramcha 
(Sanskrit Drama & Dramaturgy) 
(Texts, History & Composition)
Unit I Svapnavasavadattam of Bhasa 20
Unit II  Dasarupaka - Chapter I 20
Unit III &
Unit IV
History of Dramatic Literature
Unit V Précis writing and Essay writing in Sanskrit 20

Books recommended

1. Svapnavasavadatta of Bhasa - Translated by M.R.Kale
    Book Seller's Publishing Co. 1961
2. Dasarupaka of Dhananjaya Nirnayasagar Press, Bombay
3. Sanskrit Drama - by A.B. Keith - Pub. Motilal Banarsidass,
    New Delhi 
4. Types of Sanskrit Drama - by Mankad
5. A Concise History of Sanskrit Literature by Gaurishankar
Pub. Motilal Banarsidass, New Delhi (1974)
6. History of Indian Literature - by Winternitz Vol III (Classical
    Literature) Pub. Motilal Banarsidass, New Delhi 
7. Dasarupaka - by Krishnadas - Pub. Chaukhambika Sanskrit
    Series, Varanasi
8. A Short History of Sanskrit Literature - R.S. Vadhyar, Kalpatti,
    Palghat, Kerala


Paper Code:3.2.3. Sanskrit Major Paper Vll 100
Vedah, Upanisat Geeta cha 
(Veda, Upanisad and Gita)
(Selected Vedic hymns, Selected 
portion of Upanisads, Selected portion
of Bhagavad-Gita and Literature)
Unit I
Vedabharati Ed. by Dr. M.Sivakumara Swami 
Suktas I.1, I.154, II.33.
Unit II 
First three Vallis
Unit III 
Adhyaya II
Unit lV &
Unit V
History of Vedic Literature and Epic Literature


Books recommended

1. Vedabharati - Bharavi Prakashan, No.88, 4th Cross, Diagonal
    Road,RPC Layout, Bangalore - 560 040 
2. Kathopanisad - Ramakrishna Math, Madras / Bangalore
3. Bhagavad-Gita - Ramakrishna Math, Madras / Bangalore
4. History of Indian Literature Vol. I Parts I & II - by Winternitz
    Pub. Motilal Banarsidass, New Delhi
5. History of Sanskrit Literature - A.A. MacDonnell - Motilal
    Banarsidass, N.Delhi 
6. Vedic Reader for Students - A.A. MacDonnell - Oxford 
    University Press
7. Outlines of Indian Philosophy - M.Hiriyanna - Motilal
    Banarsidass, New Delhi
8. Bhagavad-Gita - Ed. by S.Radhakrishnan - Allen University,
Paper Code:3.2.4. Sanskrit Major Paper Vlll 100
Vedantadarsanam (Vedanta Systems) 
(Texts and History)
Unit I
Vedantasara of Sadananda
Unit II 
Unit III 
Brahmasutra Sankari Vyakhya - Sutras 1 - 4 by Umucigi Sankara Sastrin
Unit lV
Tattvasankhyayana, Tattvodyota and Pramanalaksana of Madhvacarya
Unit V History of Vedanta Systems 20

Books recommended

1. Vedantasara of Sadananda Ed. by Badrinarayan Sukla
    Pub. Motilal Banarsidass, New Delhi
2. Vedantasara of Sadananda - Pub. Sri Ramakrishna Math,
    Madras / Bangalore
3. Yatindramatadipika - Pub. Sri Ramakrishna Math,
    Madras / Bangalore
4. Brahmasutra Sankara Bhashya - Pub. Saddharmasimhasana
    Peetha Ujjini, Bellary District, Karnataka
5. A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy - Dr. Chandradhar Sarma.
6. Outlines of Indian Philosophy - M.Hiriyanna - Motilal
    Banarsidass, New.Delhi
7. Saktivisistadvaitadarsana - by Dr.Chandrasekhara Shivacharya 
    Mahaswamiji Jangamwadi Math, Varanasi
8. Saktivisistadvaitadarsan - by Dr. T.G.Siddhiapparadhya,
Paper Code:3.2.5. Sanskrit Major Paper lX 100
Sahityasastram (Literary Criticism in Sanskrit) 
(Text (s) & History)
Unit I Sahityadarpana Pariccheda 1 20
Unit II  Kuvalayananda - Upama to Vyatireka 20
Unit III  Kavyaprakasa Ullasa II 20
Unit lV Natyasastra Adhyaya IV 20
Unit V History of Sanskrit Poetics 20

Books recommended

1. Sahityadarpana - Chaukhambika Sanskrit Series, Varanasi
2. Kuvalaynanda - R.S. Vadhyar, Kalpatti, Palghat, Kerala 
3. Kuvalayananda - Nirnayasagar Press, Bombay (old edition)
4. Kavyaprakasa with three commentaries - Rashtriya Samskrit
    Samsthan 56-57, Institutional Area, Janakapuri,
    New Delhi - 110 058
5. Kavyaprakasa with Balabodhini - BORI, Pune
6. Sahityadarpana I, II & X - Ed. by P.V. Kane - Pub. Motilal
    Banarsidass, N.Delhi
7. Natyasastra of Bharata
8. Kavyaprakasa - Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series, Varanasi
9. History of Sanskrit Poetics - P.V. Kane - Pub. Motilal
    Banarsidass, New Delhi
10. History of Sanskrit Poetics - S.K. De 


Paper Code:3.2.6.A Sanskrit Major Paper X A 100
Bharatiya Tantravijnana Paramparaha 
(Indian Scientific and Technical Traditions) 
(Texts and History
Unit I Ayurveda - Carakasamhita 20
Sutrasthana Adhyaya 1 - Deerghajeeviteeya
Vimanasthana Adhyaya 8 - Janapadodhvamsa
Unit II  Vrksayurveda - Brihatsamhita Chap 55 20
Unit III  Vastusastra - Brihatsamhita Vastuvidyadhyaya 20
Unit lV Ganita and Bhumiti 20
Lilavati - Sreni-vyavahaaraantha Adhyayas 1-3
Bhaskara's Beejaganitam Adhyayas 1-2
Unit V History of Scientific and Technical Literature 20

Books recommended

1. Ayurved ka Pramanik Itihas - Gupta, etc. Krishnadas Academy
    Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series, Varanasi 1998
2. Ayurved ka Vaijnanik itihas - Priyavrat Sarma, etc. 
    Chaukhamba Orientalia, Varanasi 1975 
3. History of Indian Medicine - Mitra, Jyotir, Jyotirloka Prakashan,
    Varanasi 1974
4. Pracina Bharatiya Vriksayurveda - M.D. Pandit 
   Shubhada Saraswati Prakashan, Pune 1999

Athava (or)

Paper Code:3.2.6.B Sanskrit Major Paper X B 100
Bhashavijnana Bhumika 
(Introduction to Linguistics)
Unit I
Language - Its nature, importance,
Origin and Development
Linguistic families, criteria to decide.
Unit II  Methods of Classification of Languages 20
Indo-European family: Chief common Characteristics.
History of Indo-Aryan languages.
Unit III  Phonetics 20
Sanskrit Alphabet, Physiology of Language,
Acoustic Phonetics, Accent, Ablaut, Phonetic Changes,
Unit lV Morphology 20
Suffixes, Noun Forming Suffixes (Krut and Taddhitha)
Vedic Infinitive, Gerund, Compounds:
Origin and Types; Verbal Morphology.
Unit V Semantics  20
Primary and Secondary meanings, Etymological meaning
Synonyms, Polysemy, Antonyms, Clauses of semantic
change, Kinds of semantic change.

Books recommended

1. Introduction to Linguistics - Ratford.A, elal, Cambridge
    University Press 1999
2. Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics - Lyons John 
    Cambridge University Press 1968
3. Phonology in Generative Grammar - Kenstowiez.M, Basil
    Blackwell, 1994
4. Morphology - Spencer.A, Cambridge University Press 1995
5. Elements of General Phonetics - Abercrombie David, 
    Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 1966
6. An Introduction to Sanskrit Linguistics - M.Srimannarayana
    Murthi, D.K.Publishers, Delhi, 1984
7. An Introduction to Linguistics - Prof. Kuriakose & J. Mathew
    Gayathri Publishers, Kochi.


                 I Year Syllabus | II Year Syllabus | III Year Syllabus