Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group VI | Mr.V. Krishnan

Mr.V. Krishnan,
New Delhi.

      Mr. V. Krishnan, a devotee of Bhagavan, narrates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

'My son Vijay had been complaining of severe headache since the beginning of 1997. The intensity and frequency increased by the summer and the headache was sometimes accompanied by vomiting. In August, an eye specialist was consulted and he immediately suspected something seriously wrong and advised a CT scan of the brain. After much testing, the diagnosis of a brain tumour was confirmed and the Neurosurgeon recommended surgery as soon as possible.

Vijay was admitted on August 21 with the operation scheduled 2 days later. Nearly 40 years ago my mother's younger sister was operated on for a benign brain tumour, but she was not cured and died within three years. This thought was uppermost in my mind and I was not at all happy about the operation, but the diagnosis was unanimous, so there was nothing else to be done.

The morning of the operation I went into the prayer hall at the hospital along with a portrait of Sathya Sai Baba and started praying intensely. Although it was not logical, I prayed repeatedly that the operation should go well but that there should be no tumour.

The team of doctors came out at 1:30 p.m. and the chief Neurosurgeon looked perplexed. He said the operation was successful but he was surprised to see no tumour where there ought to be one, but instead he found a legion which he scraped and sent a sample off for biopsy. I was the only believer of Sathya Sai Baba amongst my relatives. My wife believed only in Shirdi Sai Baba. I know for sure that Baba had answered my prayers. It must have been He who had removed the tumour, the presence of which had been confirmed by all scan reports and doctors.

Four days later the report came back from the biopsy and it said that the sample was insufficient and that further investigation should be done. Meanwhile Vijay started getting headache again and he started pestering me to take him to Baba at Puttaparthi which I decided to do. This was apparently Baba's decision as well because events started going in my favour. My cousin, Sri K. V. Krishnamurthy who was an ardent devotee of Baba and a sevadal service worker, set up an appointment with a specialist, Dr Verma. My cousin was going to Puttaparthi and so it was decided we would go with him.

After an exhausting drive, we reached Puttaparthi but we had just missed the morning darshan and so it appeared we would have to wait until 4 p.m. However a sevadal worker known to my cousin suggested that I stand along with my son Vijay (who was at that time suffering from headache) at the exit point through which Baba might come out for going to the cricket ground which was under preparation at that time. Within ten minutes, Baba came out and as he came near the place where we were standing, He looked up with his hand in a blessing posture and particularly smiled at my son Vijay. I could feel the enormity and intensity of the love in His face and that very instant my child Vijay shouted in joy saying 'Papa, my headache is gone!' There was no physical touch for my son. His direct eye to eye contact was all that happened and the miracle indeed worked. Of course the real miracle had already happened at the hospital. This was only a confirmation of that.

In the evening when we went for darshan, my son had a letter for Baba in which he had requested to cure him of his headache. After collecting a few letters from some of the women devotees, He came straight to where we were seated as if He knew we were there and collected my son's letter through me. My cousins were immensely delighted, because my visit to Puttaparthi had proved fruitful. We returned the same day to Bangalore.

Two days later when we attended the appointment with Dr Verma as arranged by my cousin, he examined Vijay thoroughly and said these exact words: 'Baba is the Greatest of all Surgeons. He has cured this young child. The child will not have problems any more. Even if headache does come sometimes, ignore it as a common headache.'

My son Vijay at that time was only 13. He had never spoken of Sathya Sai Baba before. Yet now he does not leave for school without lighting up a stick of agarbatti incense before Baba's portrait. Even though he had missed three months of school, he has caught up with his studies and whenever he smiles, I can see Baba's smile through him.

What other proof is needed to show Baba loves and cares even when we do not think of Him but do our duties with utmost devotion?'

-- Mr.V. Krishnan

      (Extracted from the April 1998 issue of Sanathana Sarathi magazine in English published by Sri Sathya Sai Books and Publications Trust Courtesy: http://www.cosmicharmony.com/)