Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group III | Sir Robert Bozzani

Sir Robert Bozzani,
Southern California, USA.

Sir Robert Bozzani is from Southern California. He has made a success in Automobile Industry. He came to the Lotus Feet of Bhagavan in 1974. He is instrumental in starting Sai Centres in California and Arizona in the USA.

‘We have been fortunate enough to start Sai Centres in some places in the USA. We moved to Arizona for a short time. When we were there, we wanted to start a Sai Centre there. We asked for Swami’s permission. He said, ‘yes’. The town of Phoenix had about a million people. We were organizing a public meeting once in a month there. We used to distribute vibhuti in the meetings. At one of these meetings a lady came to my wife and said, ‘when is Sri Sathya Sai Baba going to come out?’

‘Oh! No!’ my wife replied, ‘He is not here. He is in India. We have His photograph and His robe only’.

‘Why do you say so?’ the lady asked perplexed, ‘He was just walking down the hallway. I saw Him’.

Another person came to us and said, ‘in the last meeting you gave me a little of vibhuti. I went home and unfolded the wrapper. It just opened up into petals of flowers!’ They became devout devotees.

Swami unfolded His mission in the USA through many such miracles.’

-- Sir Robert Bozzani

(Source: ‘Baba is God in Human Form’ by Prem Luthra - Item 7.)