Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group VI | Ms.Visakha Pathak

Ms.Visakha Pathak, B.Ed.,
Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning,
Anantapur Campus.

Ms. Visakha Pathak, a student of the B.Ed. of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Anantapur Campus narrates her experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan in her own words.

'In 1994, my parents and I came to Puttaparthi as sevedal for the first time. On the very first day of darshan, I got a place in the second row. When I saw everybody holding a letter, I also wrote a letter to Swami in which I mentioned one of my most cherished dreams, 'an opportunity to be called His student'.

I used to get the first or second row for darshan everyday. Days passed and Swami continued to ignore me. Finally, the day came when the sevadal were called by Swami for padanamaskar. I decided not to take my letter that day since He had not accepted it all those days. Swami started giving padanamaskar. Seeing Him so near, I forgot everything. Slowly Swami came near, stood right in front of me with a beautiful smile playing on His lips, raised His hands and asked me, 'where is your letter?' My joy knew no bounds and tears rolled down my cheeks. I knew that my dream would be fulfilled one day. All I needed was a bit of courage, a bit of confidence in myself, and heaps of faith in my beloved Bhagavan.'

-- Ms.Visakha Pathak

(As extracted from the souvenir Ananta Prematarangini published by the Anantapur Campus of the SSSIHL on the occasion of the 80th Birthday of Bhagavan)