Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group VI | Ms. P.B. Janani

Ms. P.B. Janani, II B.Sc.,
Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning,
Anantapur Campus.

Ms. P.B. Janani, a student of the second year B.Sc. of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Anantapur Campus narrates her experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in her own words.

'My journey towards Sai started when I joined the 1st group in Balvikas. I used to attend the classes regularly only to listen to the stories told by my Balvikas guru about Swami. My interest in Swami's miraculous power and His materializations grew day by day.

When I was in my 2nd group of Balvikas, we heard the news that Swami was going to pass Salem on His way to Kodaikanal. With my parents' permission, I joined the Balvikas group to go to Salem. As we reached there, bhajans were going on, and luckily I got a place in a vantage position. Meanwhile, we heard the announcement that Swami's car had reached Salem. I prepared myself to see for the first time Swami whom I had always known through a photograph. Swami entered the hall where we were seated, and started moving among the masses. As Swami crossed my row, I was a bit nervous, and gazed only at His feet. In the meantime, He stopped before me, and waved His hand twice and materialized vibhuti. I looked up to see Swami looking at me with the materialized vibhuti in His hand. I extended my palm in which He placed the vibhuti with a pleasant smile. I still remember that day very vividly. My Balvikas guru told me that I was very fortunate and that I would definitely study in Swami's Institution.

This incident made my journey towards Swami a little smoother, and I always dreamt of joining the Swami's Institution. Because of many reasons, my parents did not admit me to Swami's school. So, my ultimate goal was to join Swami's college. As soon as I finished my XII Standard Board Exams, I applied only to Swami's college at Anantapur and, fortunately, my long cherished desire was fulfilled by His Grace.

Though I came to the hostel willingly, I was a little homesick. In addition to that, I had a bad fall and got a ligament tear in both the knees. My routine life was totally changed as I couldn't walk and play like the other girls. It was in November when we went for akhanda-bhajan; I was made to sit on a chair in the darshan hall, a little away from the other girls. The first two days, Swami looked only at the girls sitting in the first row, and I felt very unlucky. On the third day, I prayed intensely to Swami at least to cast a glance at me. When Swami's car started moving from the dais, my prayers grew stronger and, to my surprise, Swami, who was looking at the other side, suddenly turned His gaze to me, looked into my eyes for more than 15 seconds until He crossed the ladies side. His eyes spoke a million words, and my tears responded to Him.'

-- Ms. P.B. Janani

(As extracted from the souvenir Ananta Prematarangini published by the Anantapur Campus of the SSSIHL on the occasion of the 80th Birthday of Bhagavan)