Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group V | Ms. Helena Rowe

Ms. Helena Rowe,

Ms. Helena Rowe from the USA came as a member of a group from the Southern California and Hawaii to Prasanthi Nilayam for darshan of Bhagavan in December 2005. A long time devotee of Bhagavan, she narrates a few of her experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in her own words in a e-mail sent to Sai devotees on December 27, 2005.

'Our group from Southern CA & Hawaii has had amazing Grace since our arrival here at the Ashram. We have two choirs for presentation before Bhagavan. One of them is directed by a woman who has directed choirs for the US Presidents in the past.

Two days ago, we got to sit close to the Temple where Swami has his interview room. We conducted our program from 4 p.m. to 6:10 p.m. when normally singing goes from 5 until 5:30 at the Ashram. Swami really liked our program. You could see it, otherwise, he would have asked us to stop, which he often does when overseas programs are presented to Him. At one point, He totally blissed out, obviously in a high state of Samadhi, as He listened to us. I ended up sitting directly in front of Swami, some rolls back with an excellent view of all. If that was not enough Grace for this trip alone, He called me and seven others from our group in for a private interview the next day. It had been 14 years since my last interview in 1991.

Swami materialized a very gold, perhaps 24k, rosary for me to use when I repeat mantras, and meditate. He put it around my neck and held my hand for a long time. I was totally blissed out. Much more happened than I can explain here.

I thanked Him for the amrita manifestations on pictures in my apartment, particularly the one on my right shoulder which was broken in 2002. He said 'yes, I know, it was very painful'.

Also, there was that look of understanding about what had gone on when that whole episode happened, the whole thing with Ammachi, whom I was visiting, when it happened. He also told me that my troubles are over.

Swami asked me 'how are your children?' I thought a moment and then realized he was talking about 'the kids - Paloma & Ginger, my two birds'. I reminded Swami that I had sent photos of Paloma in my last letter to him, Global Priority, about two months ago, when I told Him of my intention to come to visit Him, but I was really concerned about leaving my birds alone for so long a time, and their maintenance and upkeep.

I did have a dream four months ago which described aspects of yesterday's interview, an interview with only women, some of whom were so moved by it that they were in tears. Swami gives very few interviews these last few years.'

-- Ms. Helena Rowe

(As mentioned in her e-mail to Sai devotees on 27.12.2005)