Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group VI | Ms. B. Jayasree

Ms. B. Jayasree, B.Ed.,
Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning,
Anantapur Campus.

Ms. B. Jayasree, a student of the B.Ed. of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Anantapur Campus narrates her experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in her own words.

'The year 1996 was a turning point in my life. I lost my father whom I had loved very dearly. I felt helpless and insecure. The next year I came to the Abode of Peace, Prasanthi Nilayam for having the darshan of Bhagavan. Prasanthi Nilayam then was like a beehive of activity, as it was the festival of Gurupoornima. I was sitting in the last line along with my mother. The soothing music announced the arrival of the Lord. For a glimpse of that adorable Divine Form, everyone craned their necks. I, too, raised myself, but what I saw was not Swami; I saw my father in His place! Out of excitement and enthusiasm, I ran towards the first line to have a closer view of my father. But the sevadal lady stopped me. I was sure that my father had not left me, and that he is in Prasanthi Nilayam. A strong desire arose in my mind to become His student, so that I could come closer to this Universal Father.

Finally, in the year 2002, I came to Prasanthi Nilayam along with my sister to write the entrance test for the B.Sc. course. My sister had more faith in Him than me. We both wrote the written test, and I was sure that I would not get through, as I had not prayed for it as much as my sister had. The next day the results of the written test were declared. As I was walking to the college campus to look up my results, I crossed the beautiful form of Nataraja that adorns the walls of Bhagavan's residence. A strong current of love enveloped me! Knew I would get the seat. True to my intuition, I cleared the written entrance test and interview, while my sister did not.

Soon after, on the 11th May, I had a strange dream in the afternoon. I saw myself going for the entrance examination. On the way, a recluse in ochre robes suddenly stopped me and pushed me down. I was taken aback, and asked him the reason for his action. His answer was surprising. He said, 'why worry about such petty things? You will get the most beautiful gift of life today by 4 o' clock.' I woke up with a shock. The time was 2:30 p.m. The dream was so real that I could not do anything else, except watch the hands of my wrist watch. Exactly at 4 p.m., I got a phone call from my uncle with the message that I had got a seat in the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Anantapur Campus. Indeed, it was the most beautiful gift to me, for now I would be called 'His Property'.

On the 15th May, I joined the Institute, and was welcomed by the most memorable experience of the Summer Course. The Summer Course was a feast to the body, mind, and soul. While delicious dishes were served at every meal, I missed home-made dhal and potato fry which was my favourite menu. I found it difficult to adjust with the food habits there. One day I prayed thus: 'I have left home and come to You. I thought You would take care of me like a father, but You don't even bother about my food. I want dhal and potato fry for lunch today.' With this prayer, I entered the dining hall, and to my disappointment, there was no change in the usual menu. I decided that He had not listened to any prayers. Suddenly, my senior appeared from nowhere, called me aside, and gave me a box saying 'it is for you.' I eagerly opened it and, to my utter astonishment, it contained rice, potato fry and dhal. I was overwhelmed with joy. I retracted my thoughtless verdict on Him.

Days, months and years passed. I had to leave the Institute after completing my undergraduate course. With a heavy heart, I left Anatapur. The only way I could come back was for the B.Ed. training programme. This time also, I came with my sister to write the entrance. I prayed that both of us get seats, and so it happened. It is then that I realized that the word 'No' is not there in Sai's dictionary. It is just that sometimes we have to wait patiently.

After the B.Ed. admission test results were announced, I was sitting under a tree along with my sister outside the Sai Kulwant Hall. All of a sudden, a lady approached us and started talking to us in a heightened tone. Before we could make sense of what was happening, she ordered us to help her. Out of fear, we sprang up and followed her. After we returned, we learnt that the moment we had left a huge log had fallen in the same place where we both were sitting. In this journey of life, each of us is a passenger travelling to the same destination. What we need to realize is that He is our guide who remains always by our side.'

-- Ms. B. Jayasree

(As extracted from the souvenir Ananta Prematarangini published by the Anantapur Campus of the SSSIHL on the occasion of the 80th Birthday of Bhagavan)