Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group II | Mrs. Vanam Vijayalakshmi

Mrs. Vanam Vijayalakshmi
F-703, South Block, Dwarakamayi Complex,
Navodaya - Srinagar Colony,
Yellareddyguda, Hyderabad - 500 073
Tel: 040-23447652

Mrs. Vanam Vijayalakshmi (50), housewife, relates a few of her experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in her own words.

'My mother, Mrs. A. Radha Devi, was a devotee of Sri Sathya Sai Baba though my father, Mr. A. Rama Rao was a non-believer for several years. I developed faith in Shirdi Sai Baba originally and, later, began believing in Sri Sathya Sai also. My husband, Mr. Jwala Narasimha Rao, however, remained a non-believer like my father till his own experience drew him towards Bhagavan.

I had Darshan of Bhagavan at Sivam, Hyderabad around 1973.

My daughter, Mrs. Premamalini, had to undergo medical termination of pregnancy. Then she contracted hospital infection. That had resulted in a rare medical problem, normally unknown, of its effects, to several doctors, and known as 'Atypical mycobacterium'. Many doctors told us that even the medical books referred by them do not give details about it except merely mentioning it. Even now those who are affected by it get rarely cured completely. She was admitted in a nursing home for 18 days. On the very second day after her admission in the nursing home, I came out to find a few beggars going along the street in a jubilant mood. I was surprised that they, who possessed nothing worthwhile, were so happy. 'Where are you going?' I asked them.

'There is a temple of Shirdi Sai just behind this hospital', they told me, 'we are coming from there'. I was immensely happy and immediately went to that temple and prayed. I felt assured that Swami had wanted me to know by this event, that He is always with us.

A curious fact I had observed was that, during the period of 18 days we had spent in that nursing home, a fly used to come in and move about. It could not be sent out however much we tried. There were no other flies except that one. My daughter miraculously recovered and, I concluded that Baba came in that form to take care of us.

Whenever we had any serious problem either of health or of any other nature, I used to find a fly moving about in our house; only one fly! It used to disappear after the problem was solved. I feel that Baba comes in that form to protect us.

In 2001, I went to Puttaparthi with my brother, Dr. A.V.Manohar Rao. As we entered the premises, I saw the temple of Ganesh. I walked towards it and began to pray. Even before I could fold my hands to make obeisance, my cousin, Mr. Seshu, a press reporter, gave me his mobile phone saying, 'a phone call for you!' My husband came on the line to tell me 'Aditya's wife is carrying. It is confirmed by her doctor'. I was very happy to receive the good news. No sooner did I enter the premises of Prasanthi Nilayam, than Bhagavan bestowed on us this blessing. Aditya is our only son and his wife had some medical problems earlier, posing threat to conception. Despite all that, this good news! I always considered this a miracle of Bhagavan. She has later been blessed with a healthy son, Ansha.

My daughter Mrs. Premamalini also had no children in those days. Doctors were sceptical if she would ever conceive. Even after she was in the family way, they were cautioning us on the outcome. Even when she was being taken into the labour room, they did not sound confident. Yet, owing to Swami's grace, she delivered a healthy baby.

We went to the USA for the delivery of our second daughter, Mrs. Kinnera. She gave birth to a male child, Yashwin. He had an attack of jaundice on the fourth day. We took him to a hospital and requested the doctors to attend to him. They did not seem to be attentive due to procedural problem. I could not follow their pronunciation, nor could communicate our problem well. My daughter at that time almost decided not to stay further in the USA as she was disenchanted by the medical procedures there. She pleaded with me, 'mummy, no use pleading with these people. Why don't you pray to Baba for my son and me'. Then I was carrying a book of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. I thrust it in the hands of the doctor and pleaded. I don't know what happened. He immediately came to our grandchild and treated him. The child recovered amazingly well in no time. This was in August 1999.

While we resided at Khairatabad, we used to get fine vibhuti fragrance in our house occasionally. Swami appeared in my dreams also a few times.

Only after we came into the fold of Bhagavan, there has been a perceptible improvement in our affairs on all fronts owing to His grace.'

-- Mrs. Vijayalakshmi.

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Hyderabad on 16.12.2004.)