Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group I | Mrs. R.Padmini Sekhar

Mrs. R.Padmini Sekhar,
15-8, Sathick Badshaw Street,
K.K.Nagar, Trichy - 21
Tel: 2458078; Mobile: 98424-54425

Mrs. R.Padmini Sekhar (48), a Professor in Chemistry at Trichy, Tamilnadu, relates a few of her experiences the Divinity of Bhagavan, in her own words.

'I joined service as a lecturer in Chemistry in 1979. In 1995, my husband had to take up an assignment in agro-services at Chennai. I had to apply for long-leave to be together with my husband Mr. S.Sekhar and children. I thought of spending time usefully, and registered for Ph.D. While going through the books in the library for my research work, I happened to stumble upon a book on Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. On seeing the Photograph of Bhagavan in it, I recognized Him to be the person who was appearing to me and guiding me for quite sometime.

Earlier to my seeing this book, I had a dream in the same year. In the dream, I was going by a local train, and Bhagavan was sitting by my side in a lady's attire though His hair remained the same. At that moment, I did not know that it was Bhagavan.

This type of dreams and visions went on for 7days. On the 7th day, Bhagavan (I did not know even at that time that He is Sri Sathya Sai) told me in the dream, 'the whole world is at my back. I have come in search of you. You, like other daughters of mine, will come to me'.

In the same year, 1995, I bought a book on Sri Sathya Sai. As I was going through it, I found kumkum smeared on a line in the page I opened. There was no chance of kumkum getting smeared there. I showed it to my husband. Then I read the line on which kumkum appeared. It was about Guindy Temple's inauguration the next day. I took it as a direction from the Divine to be present there. Bhagavan installed the idol of Sri Shirdi Sai Baba in Guindy Temple. It is very famous now. We all went there and attended the function. I saw a snake pit near the temple. Then I remembered that Bhagavan had shown me that snake pit and the temple in my dream earlier.

In 1995 itself my husband and I went to Puttaparthi for the first time. I got the first token, and had Darshan of Bhagavan for the first time in person.

After I had attended the function at Guindy Temple and before I went to Puttaparthi, one day I had a peculiar experience. Around 10:50 to 11:00 a.m., I was busy in the kitchen. The door was ajar, and an aged person came in. On seeing Him my mind went blank. I was experiencing indescribably Bhagavan's bliss. I felt a sense of total surrender. 'Talk something', He said sitting on a sofa, 'I want to listen'. 'No', I said, 'you talk; I will listen'. He did not agree. So I began talking. I talked and talked on various issues touching the nation and the people. He sat listening. Then I had come to my senses for a moment. 'Who are you?' I asked suddenly. 'You will recognize', he replied, 'who I am'.

Earlier, one of those known to me suggested that I should worship Srichakra. But I was hesitant as I was not aware of the intricacies of Srichakra- worship. I thought of asking this aged person's advice. He then took out a metallic plate and said, 'this is a panchaloha plate. On this I carved Srichakra and a few other deities. You have not taken bath so far. So I will myself keep this in your Pooja room. Show me where it is.'

He got up and followed me to the Pooja room. As he was installing it there, I asked, 'how to worship this? I don't know anything'.

'No need for any elaborate worship', he replied sitting cross-legged on a moda (stool) there just as Shirdi Baba used to sit on the stone, 'just kindle an agarbatti (incense stick) daily. It's enough'.

On the Srichakra plate, Vinayaka and Navagrahas also are there. It is still in my Pooja room at Trichy.

'Many persons come in my vision', he told me, pointing to Srichakra, 'and you too came. The vision stopped with you. So I decided that I should give you this'. I took Padanamaskar and he blessed me, 'Deergha Sumangali Bhava!'

'When can I see you again?' I asked.

'I will be', he replied, 'in Kanchi Kamakoti Temple'. He gave a list of several temples. All are temples of Amban (goddesses).

'Then I will see you there', I said.

'You can't see me'. He laughed and remarked.

All this happened on a Thursday, though I do not remember the date. Later, I realized that He was Shirdi Sai Baba.

During my first visit to Puttaparthi, I got the first token and sat in the first line. I could see Swami from the nearest point. When Swami was near me, I felt that something - may be some energy, came from Him and entered the right side of my chest. As Swami moved a few paces away from me, something left me and went to Him. Thus, there was some kind of exchange between us.

One month earlier to Swami's 70th Birth Day, I had a dream in which Swami showed me all His 70th Birth Day programmes including the audience. I could see a lady who was sitting by my side, in the dream. Later we went to Puttaparthi for Swami's 70th Birth Day. All the programmes were like action re-play to me. On my side was sitting the very same lady whom I had seen sitting by my side in my dream.

On another day, I don't remember the date, Swami appeared in my dream and wrote AUM in Devanagari script on my head.

I came here on May 18, 2004. On May 21, I had a dream in which Swami appeared and gave me Padanamaskar. Next day, Swami, while giving Darshan, lifted his gown a little and made His Divine Lotus feet appear to all

I come frequently here (Brindavan), as we are now nearer at Chennai. I spend my summer vacation here. I feel at home only when I am at Puttaparthi or Brindavan. He is my father, mother and everything for me. Only here I find peace. '

-- Mrs. Padmini Sekhar

(As narrated to Mr. B.Parvatala Rao at Sai Gokulam, Brindavan, Bangalore on 23.05.2004.)