Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group I | Mrs. Padma Prabhakar

Mrs. Padma Prabhakar,
C/o Sri Pavitra, Shop No. 12, Luz Ginsa,
140, Rayapeta High Road,
Shanti Vihar Complex,
Luz, Mylapore, Chennai - 600 004
Tel: (O) 044-24671663 (R) 044-24672055

Mrs. Padma Prabhakar (41), working in Audit Office, has been a Sathya Sai devotee since her child-hood. She narrates how Bhagavan saved the life of her Mother about 13 times, and finally granted her a peaceful end at Puttaparthi.

One of my Father's friends told him about Sri Sathya Sai Baba in 1974. Our family regards Lord Venkateswara of Tirumala as our Kuladaivam (Family Deity). However, we began to cultivate faith in Swami.

We went to Puttaparthi for the first time in 1976 for Shivaratri. Bhagavan took out Atmalingam from His mouth. We were fortunate to witness that. After that, Bhagavan stopped taking out lingas for nearly 21 years. I still remember His singing the Bhajan 'Ganga Jatadhara Gouri Shankara' after He took out the lingam when we all joined in the Bhajan.

After our return from Puttaparthi, we began taking interest, from 1985, in seva and joined Villivakkam Sathya Sai Samiti. I underwent training as Bala Vikas teacher and also for Prasanti Seva. I was fortunate to come to Puttaparthi as a member of sevadal during Bhagavan's 60th Birthday Celebrations. All this came to a stop after my marriage, as I had to discharge my responsibilities as a housewife. More than that I was averse to doing anything, which my husband did not like. Only ten years after my marriage Bhagavan's grace helped me in coming for His Darshan, as my husband began to allow me going to Puttaparthi or Brindavan for Darshan of Bhagavan. I consider this a miraculous transformation in my husband brought about by Bhagavan. I am only looking forward for the auspicious moment when I can come for Darshan of Bhagavan along with my husband and hope that day is not far off.

My Mother, Mrs. Anandavalli Krishna Murty worked as an Accountant in the Integral Coach Factory, Chennai. She was a diabetic. In 1991, her leg was swollen horribly. When she was taken to the Hospital, it was found that her blood sugar was as high as 600. The Doctor advised amputation of her leg and wanted us to choose between life or leg. We all prayed to Bhagavan intensely. The Doctor gave her an injection and asked us to come prepared for surgery. But miraculously her leg came to normal shape and the sugar reading also came down. There was no need for amputation of the leg. We all thanked Bhagavan in our hearts for the blessing.

On January 22, 1998, my Mother had breathing trouble and perspiration. She was feeling uneasy. We were afraid that it was heart attack. I called an auto-rickshaw, put my Mother and my servant-maid in it and took her to the Hospital accompanying them on my motorbike. Some years back I bought a book on Bhagavan with His Photograph on the cover page at Dharmavaram Railway Station. My Mother used to regard that book with immense devotion. On that day also, I noticed that she was carrying that book, literally hugging it though she was hardly conscious.

At that time, the traffic was heavy and we had to traverse about 11 km (from PNV Gardens, Mylapore to Vadapalani). I was very much worried whether we would reach the Hospital in time. I began praying to Bhagavan as we were racing along. When we reached the Hospital, the Doctor attended on her immediately. They put her under oxygen mask. She recovered gradually. Then the Doctor remarked, 'Had you been late by five minutes, I cannot say what would have happened!' I don't know how we had brought her before it was too late - if it was not due to Bhagavan's grace.

My Mother took voluntary retirement and decided to shift to Puttaparthi. We went there in 1998 after her retirement. In the month of March, 1999 we went to Brindavan where Bhagavan was camping. We took a room in a private lodge and stayed. On the night of April 1, my Mother began to vomit severely. I did not know what to do at that unearthly hour. I went to a lad who was a fruit vendor, and who had suggested that lodge to me to stay. He was very helpful. He brought an auto-rickshaw and we took my Mother to a Private Doctor. He was kind enough to come down and examine my Mother. He gave an injection while she was in the auto-rickshaw. She returned to normal in the morning and we could get her back to Chennai. The name of the fruit vendor who helped us is Sai Prasad!

On April 21, 1999, she had an attack of severe vomiting coupled with motions. At that time it was raining heavily outside. I was at a loss to know what to do. I was going on changing her clothes as they were getting soiled by frequent vomits and motions without respite. All the time I was praying to Bhagavan. Then one of my neighbours came to help me. With his help I could shift her to a Hospital. She was saved.

We went to Puttaparthi in June 1999. Leaving her at Puttaparthi, I went to Brindavan to have Darshan of Bhagavan. My Mother gave me a letter to be given to Bhagavan. But as there was no scope to hand it over to Bhagavan personally, I posted it. I did not know at that moment that there was fire accident in our kitchen at Puttaparthi while my Mother was cooking some thing there. By Bhagavan's grace, nothing happened as some of our neighbours came and put out the fire. Otherwise, it could have ended in a calamity. Bhagavan saved my Mother though He received her letter only by post.

When we were at Puttaparthi, she had an attack like fits on July 5, 2001. Her body became stiff. She was not passing urine or motion. I telephoned my husband and he promised to come immediately. My neighbour Mr. Srinivasn who is a resident of Perumbudur came forward to help me. We took her to the General Hospital near Ashram. All Doctors were busy with the Gurupurnima celebrations. I began praying to Swami, while Mr. Srinivasan did the entire running about. Fortunately there was one Doctor on duty, Dr. Uma. She is a devotee of Sai and is very dutiful. She treated my Mother. I think that Swami made her His instrument, and made my Mother recover well. Next morning we could shift her to Chennai as my husband arrived at Puttaparthi in a car.

On July 8, 2001, my Mother had to undergo surgery, which, also, due to Bhagavan's grace, she withstood well.

On January 17, 2002, my Mother, after our return to Puttaparthi, hit something by oversight and, as a result, had severe bleeding from the injury. I tried at length to control the bleeding by putting bandage, etc, but of no avail. She was losing blood. I grew panicky and prayed to Bhagavan. Then I took her to the General Hospital at Puttaparthi and showed her to Dr. Gopinath. Surprisingly, the moment she entered the Hospital, the bleeding was arrested. How did it happen when I could not control it despite my strenuous efforts? The Doctor also was surprised.

On June 12, 2002, my Mother began passing urine in red colour. It was a sign of serious kidney problem. I wrote a letter to Swami and put it before His Photograph in our room. By morning, the colour came to normal, though no medicine was used.

On the night of Aug 20, 2002, my Mother had no sleep. I too had no sleep because I had to be with her. Next morning was Onam. She came for Darshan. That was her last Darshan. She returned home, took food normally and even did some walking. That night she slept peacefully. We knew only next morning that Bhagavan blessed her with eternal peace as she passed away in sleep.

Bhagavan not only prolonged her life as many as 13 times though she was literally a bundle of diseases, besides being aged, but also granted her a perfectly peaceful end. That too, as she ardently wished, at Puttaparthi!

A few months before her death, I had a dream in which Bhagavan appeared and said, 'Bring your Mother for morning Darshan, I will give you interview'. Some how, I could not take her in time for morning Darshan, however much I tried. We missed a golden opportunity and I regret it every time I think of it in retrospect. Bhagavan who wanted to call her for interview might have called her to merge in Him granting her a painless and peaceful demise finally.'

-- Mrs. Padma Prabhakar.

(As narrated to Mr. B.Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 02.06.2004)