Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group II | Mrs. P.V.Sundara Lakshmi

Mrs. P.V.Sundara Lakshmi
D-613, Sarojini Nagar,
New Delhi - 110 023 
Tel: 5542 8766 Mobile: 98991-49170
E-mail: pvslaxmi@rediffmail.com

Mrs. P.V.S. Lakshmi (33), a housewife, relates a few of her extraordinary experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in her own words.

'One of my neighbours in New Delhi invited me for a bhajan in their house in February 1996. At that time, I was not a devotee of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, though my husband was already in Bhagavan's fold. At the bhajan, I was fascinated by the musical renderings and became an instant addict of bhajans. In August 1996, I went to Puttaparthi for the first time. I went there to perform seva. At the end of seva, Bhagavan gave us all Padanamaskar and vibhuti parasadam.

In the same year, I was told that one Mrs. Bhanumathi of Hyderabad had come to her son's house in Delhi and that many miracles occur when she does bhajan. I went to her son's place with some mango fruit. I heard Mrs. Bhanumathi remarking that Bhagavan ate too many mangoes that day as every one brought only mangoes, that being mango season. So I felt shy to offer the mangoes I had brought and kept the bag of mangoes behind me. After a few minutes, we all observed mango juice emanating from the Photograph of Bhagavan there.

'Someone brought here mangoes', said Mrs. Bhanumathi, 'and did not offer them to Bhagavan. So He took the fruit himself and has eaten!' Then she asked one or two people if they had brought mangoes. 'What about you?' she asked me. I put forward the bag hesitantly. 'Open it', Mrs. Bhanumathi told me. I opened the bag and found that one of the fruits was hollow as if someone had sucked it and squeezed its juice completely, and left only the tenka (stone of the fruit) in it. That is the first time I witnessed a miracle. 'Swami accepted the fruit you had brought', Mrs. Bhanumathi told me, and 'you are lucky'.

After that, on the next full moon day, I was reciting Lalitasahasranamas in my house when I had a vision. I clearly saw Mrs. Bhanumathi giving harati to Bhagavan. We did not have Bhagavan's Photograph worth mentioning in our house at that time. Swami was there in flesh and blood while Mrs. Bhanumathi was also physically present before me performing harati. The vision lasted only for a few seconds. Immediately, I rushed to Mrs. Bhanumathi's house. 'I am waiting for you', she told me, 'I have to give you a mantra. In fact, I was sent here (Delhi) by Bhagavan to do certain things. One of them is to give you mantra'. She then administered mantropadesam to me. She put her thumb between my two eyebrows and spoke the mantra in my ear secretly. At that time I felt as if some electric current was passing from her to me.

A week after that I used to hear the sound of footsteps as if some one was walking around. But there would be none when I went there and saw around. 'Baba has gone this way', my five-year old son Pavan Kumar told me one day, and 'I saw Him moving about'. To my amazement, I found vibhuti from my pooja room to the street as if someone sprinkled it all the way literally. It signified beyond doubt that Bhagavan had come to my house leaving a trace of His arrival through the vibhuti. On the Birthday of Bhagavan, that is, on November 23 the same year, I myself saw Bhagavan in my house. He was telling me something, which I could not comprehend. When I phoned up my guru (Mrs. Bhanumathi), she told me not to worry, 'you will be able to hear His words clearly as you go on ripening further in your sadhana'.

On the day of Sivarathri in 1997, I went to the house of my guru in Delhi and participated in bhajan. After a few minutes, I saw Bhagavan. My guru also saw Him. 'Tell me what He tells you', she bade me. Now I could listen to His words clearly. 'I am conferring on you power to perform miracles and also to cure diseases. Continue to serve people', Bhagavan told me. I told my guru what Bhagavan had told me. She was happy.

I was then zone-in-charge of Sri Sathya Sai Samiti in Delhi. So I was feeling the anxiety to go round and see how bhajan programmes were going on in the zone. 'Why fear when I am here', Swami told me in a Telugu verse, 'leave all your worries, oh! Sri Mahalakshmi!' Since then Bhagavan has been, in His grace, bestowing many miraculous experiences on me. I can only cite a few by way example.

One day I was sitting before the Photograph of Bhagavan and singing a bhajan song. The Photograph shows Bhagavan in a sitting posture with both His feet placed on a footrest. While singing the bhajan, I looked at Bhagavan. To my amazement, I found Him striking His feet on the footrest rhythmically as if He was laying tala in tune with my song. Once He told me how to sing the bhajan songs.

I used to keep a silver plate in the pooja. Vibhuti, kumkum, turmeric, honey, etc used to materialise on it. When I used to pray for any sick person, Swami used to place medicines also on it. Vibhuti, kumkum, turmeric and honey used to come on many of the Photographs of Bhagavan almost daily.

In 1997, I went to Puttaparthi for seva. On return to Delhi I had fever. I was alone in the house, as my husband and my son had not returned from the office and the school respectively. Swami came and started talking to me. He told me how to do meditation. He explained the defects in the way I was dong it, and suggested ways of correcting it. I could not tell Bhagavan about my fever. I forgot everything while He was with me. 'Well! Get up and give harati', Swami told me, 'how long you will lie down on the bed like this?' Then I looked at the clock. It was 6 p.m.! My God! Swami stayed with me for 45 minutes! When I gave harati, He told me before He disappeared, 'no fever, nothing!' When I took my temperature reading, it was normal.

During sittings with devotees of Bhagavan, many people come to me and represent their problems. I pray to Bhagavan. He tells me what they should do to come out of their problems. In case of health problems, He would give medicines when required. (The medicines materialise on the silver plate in the pooja room). At times, He tells me the method of preparing medicines for their ailments. I procure the herbs and prepare the medicines and give to the patients. They get cured. I prepare oil for massage for bodily pains and back pain, and it works. I prepare medicine for piles also as instructed by Bhagavan. It works.

I generally say in my mind, 'let the person get cured even if it means that part of my punyam (merit) goes to this person', while praying for the health of the persons who come to me. One day Bhagavan appearing in the astral plane reprimanded me, 'if you go on giving away your punyam (merit), you will be left with none in your account'.

Once Mrs. Vasanti Sridharan, a Bharatanatyam dancer had some problem with spinal disk. When they approached me, I prayed for her. They were considering cancelling her Australian tour because of this problem. Miraculously, she was cured and she could leave for Australia as per schedule by Swami's grace.

Her uncle's daughter, Mrs. Aruna who is in the USA had throat cancer. It was a tough case. She phoned to me from the USA. My guru told me about a technique called 'pranatyagam'. She permitted me to do that once in five years only. With the permission of my guru, I did it for Mrs. Aruna. It involved praying for two days and nights, and offering all merit I have had to the patient. By Bhagavan's grace, I could go through the ordeal successfully. When Mrs. Aruna went for a routine check up next, the doctor was amazed to find that there was no trace of cancer. A few days before, the same doctors were doubtful if she would survive a few more weeks.

Aruna's son, aged 9, was suffering from obesity. Doctors warned that if he continued to be abnormally overweight for a few more years, he would face serious problems because of the immense pressure on the heart. Mrs. Aruna telephoned to me about her son's problem. I prayed to Bhagavan. I also sent the boy a small Photograph of Bhagavan. Bhagavan suggested certain diet to the boy. The boy developed immense faith in Bhagavan. He used to represent all his grievances to Bhagavan through the photograph I had sent him. He sincerely and scrupulously followed the diet prescribed by Bhagavan. Amazingly, his weight came down in a month by 55 pounds. Gradually, owing to Bhagavan's grace he has returned to normalcy.

One Mrs. Bhagyalakshmi who is a doctor herself phoned to me once. She had a daughter already and was, then, carrying again. She was advised by doctors there to undergo medical termination of pregnancy, as she was likely to give birth to a deformed baby. I prayed to Bhagavan who told me, 'she will deliver a beautiful child; of course, a female child again. Let her not opt for abortion', I conveyed it to Dr. (Mrs.) Bhagyalakshmi. In spite of very convincing medical evidence about the baby becoming deformed, and serious risk to her life also, she kept her faith in Bhagavan and decided against abortion. She delivered a beautiful female child who is quite ok in all respects. These instances are cited here only by way of illustration of Bhagavan's grace, love and compassion. This list is, by no means, exhaustive.

In 2002, I wanted to go as a pilgrim to Manasasarovar. I happened to see the notification only on March 2. The last date to apply was March 12. I needed to submit my passport also. I did not have one. Everyone told me that it was impossible to get a passport in such a short time. For my part I applied and met the concerned to explain about the purpose and urgency. They told me that it was not possible to even process the application within that time. I began praying to Bhagavan intensely. I phoned my guru and told her about it.

'This period is not good for you', my guru told me, 'you will encounter many difficulties if you go now'. 'Bhagavan will take care of me', I thought, 'only He can make me undertake this yatra'. 'Swami! You must help me to do this yatra', I prayed. 'I depend only on You. I have none else in the world except You'. Later, my guru told me that Swami had told her, 'it is true that the period is not good now for her, but she will overcome all impediments because of her sankalpa balam (strength of determination) and will complete the yatra successfully.'

Meanwhile, my husband mentioned about my passport affair to a senior officer he happened to know in the Union Ministry of External Affairs. That officer is a Christian. 'I will send a fax to the passport office', he told my husband, 'let your wife go and meet the passport officer'. Accordingly I went to the passport office again. I had become familiar to all those working in that office by that time. 'We did not receive any fax message', they told me, 'it is impossible to issue the passport like that, we told you'.

I was terribly upset. 'What Swami', I prayed to Bhagavan silently, 'you are playing games with me'. I turned back and walked a few paces in a dejected mood. Suddenly a boy came running to me. 'Madam', he said, 'they are calling you'. I went back. The official who had told me that they did not get any fax said, 'the officer wants to see you'. I was shown the room of the officer. 'Sorry madam, the fax message came but our people did not notice it. We will process your case without delay'.

Owing to Swami's grace, I received my passport in just four days after the date on which I had applied. Perhaps, it was a record in itself. Before I received my passport, a miracle had occurred. I was praying to Bhagavan to enable me do the yatra. Then I noticed a spread of vibhuti on Swami's Photograph at my house. The spread of vibhuti was in the shape of Kailash Mountain. 'So you want me to be content with this?' I questioned Bhagavan, 'or, are you indicating that my yatra will be a reality? What does this mean?' So Bhagavan showed Kailash Mountain on His Photograph indicating that He granted my wish.

When I went to Kailash Mountain during my yatra, Swami took me (in the astral plane) inside the mountain. I saw Lord Siva and His consort Parvati there. Parvati was very beautiful. 'Siva is not good to look at' I mused, 'my Sai is many times more handsome than Siva'. Immediately Lord Siva turned into Sri Sathya Sai. Then I regretted that I entertained such thoughts about Siva, a god. After all, He and Sathya Sai are not different.

I was told that lingas would be found in Manasasarovar. But I did not find any. Many people could not go near Gourikund from where pilgrims bring water. But I went there to see if I could get any lingas. Finally, I found three small lingas at Ashtapadi. They are complete with nagabharanam and panavattam. On return I phoned my guru. 'Keep them under cover', she told me. I kept them in a small vessel and put a plate on it as the cover. To our surprise, we found that the lid had risen a bit after a few days. The lingas were growing! On the advice of my guru, I gave one linga to one of our acquaintances and another to my guru. The two lingas have grown from the size of a date fruit to a height of 2 feet. The linga that remains with me is also growing rather slowly. It has reached the height of one foot now.

In 2003, my guru told me that I would be given a swayambulingam. 'Keep some rice in the silver plate', she advised me. On the day of full moon in the month of Karthika, a linga appeared in the silver plate - complete with nagabharanam and panavattam. There were maredu leaves (bilwapatra) and a few flowers in silver on it. First I could not identify the bilwapatras and thought that they were trisulas. When I phoned to my guru, she told me, 'see, there will be bilwapatras'. She was in Hyderabad while I was talking from Delhi. When I told her that I thought they were trisulas, she said, 'no, look again, they are bilwapatras.' So, they were. Flowers are like stars. 'Aum Namah Sivaya' is written on them in Devanagari and Tamil scripts. There is writing in another language also, but I couldn't identify which language it is.

Since 1999, Swami has been giving me every year on Shravana Sukravaram (Friday in the Telugu month of Shravana) some or other piece of jewellery. It may appear in a coconut when I break one, or in a banana when I remove the peel. This has been happening every year without fail. Some times, swami tells, 'give it to so and so'. Then that lady to whom it was intended comes and takes it even if I do not send word to her. Idols also emanate like this.

Since 1998, I have been visiting the cave of Vasishta in the Himalayas. Swami also visited it when He visited Badari and Kedar. There is a photograph of Bhagavan there. I find it very peaceful to meditate there. Sometimes I go there even three or four time a year.

One Dr. Rajan from the UK had phoned to me about some problem of his. It was solved through me, owing to the grace of Bhagavan. He is a devotee of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. 'I am coming to India', he phoned from the UK, one day in 2003, 'I want to visit Vasishtha-guha. Would you care to join?' I agreed. He wanted to visit Belur Mutt and Calcutta also and call on Sri Ranganathanandaji. 'Do come', Sri Ranganathanandaji told him when Dr. Rajan phoned Swamiji, 'Lakshmi also comes with you'. How did Swamiji know? We had not planned a visit to Belur Mutt till then. I went to Calcutta and visited Belur Mutt along with Dr. Rajan. When I sat before the idol of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, I saw him in flesh and blood! Not an idol. He was looking at me. When I went to see Sarada Mata in Sarada Mutt, I experienced the feeling that I was face to face with the Mother - not her idol. Dr. Rajan told me, 'Swami Ranganathanandaji referred to you and said, 'she has a highly evolved spiritual personality'. I don't know; it was his opinion.

Afterwards we left for Vasishtha-guha. We met with an accident on the way. All those who had seen the car completely smashed were wondering if anyone had survived. All escaped with minor bruises, but I sustained the fracture of humorous bone of my arm. Dr. Rajan did some first aid and phoned to Swami Ranganathanandaji. 'Take her to Delhi', Swamiji told him, 'Dr. Mandal would help'. Dr. Mandal is a leading surgeon. It is difficult to get his appointment even three months in advance. But when we went to his hospital, he saw me immediately, owing to Bhagavan's grace. The bone was cut into two pieces and was dislocated from the joint - just hanging loose.

'I charge Rs. 50,000 for surgery', he said, 'I will do it tomorrow'. Rs. 50,000! I was stunned. Then he himself added, 'I will do it free for you!' I underwent surgery. 'You will have to undergo physiotherapy later'; Dr. Mandal told me, 'and it may take eleven months to set'. On September 2, 2003 I underwent surgery. He wanted an x-ray taken after a few days. I insisted that I could walk to the x-ray room. 'No! You have undergone a major operation', the Doctor told me, 'go in a wheel chair'. I was taken in a wheel chair. 'I know you have some miraculous powers', Dr. Mandal told me, 'even so, I don't want to take any chances.' By Bhagavan's grace, I became all right only within just one month and twelve days, that too, without undergoing any physiotherapy.

Swami plays some pranks with me now and then. 'Prepare ariselu (a type of sweet prepared by Telugu people) I want to eat', He tells me. I prepare some. He eats with relish.

'Sing 'such and such' bhajans', He tells me. I sing. If I want to sing next another song, He says, 'no, not that one, sing this'. He mentions a song of His choice.

I don't know why He has chosen me as His instrument. If I am able to do any little service to my fellow humans, it is only owing to His grace and to the blessings of my guru.'

-- Mrs. P.V.S. Lakshmi.

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 01.01.2005.)


'I had been to South India in August 2004. There I ran into a gentleman from Srinagar who came to the South for business deals. As we were talking, the discussion turned to Amarnath caves where there is an ice linga. 'I was thinking of visiting that' I said, 'I don't know when it will happen'.

'It can happen right now' he said. 'If you are really serious, I will arrange flight tickets for you to go there and return. But we have to first reserve darsan ticket with the Jammu & Kashmir Bank'.

We phoned to them. 'No chance' they told me, 'there is heavy rush this year'. I prayed to Swami to help me. Next day, I felt like making one more trial. I phoned.

'How many?' the official on the other side asked, 'there is just one ticket available'.

'Enough' I cried in exhilaration, 'keep it for me, I am coming right now'.

That is how I visited Amarnath. I was there on August 18, 2004. While we were proceeding to Amarnath, the journey proved hazardous owing to snow fall, and all movement was stopped as a matter of precaution. I prayed to Swami. After sometime, the way was cleared and we were allowed to proceed. There was a small pond where people were expected to take a holy dip. All pilgrims were getting hot water on payment for bath. 'We come here only once in our life time' I thought, 'let me have a holy dip in the pond. Bhagavan is there to take care'. I took a dip despite the army jawans on sentry duty warning me of the danger as the temperature was in minus degrees.

Then I began to trek towards the temple leaving my shoes there. I thought it was only a few minutes walk and started to bear the chill on my feet with forbearance. Then I noticed that all were going with shoes. I thought of going back to get my shoes, but the crowd was so heavy that it was difficult to move forward in that crowd in the opposite direction. I gave up, and frantically prayed to Bhagavan. Owing to Swami's grace, I did not feel the chill on my feet till I completed darshan, and returned, which took more than eight hours.

When I was face to face to the ice lingam, I thought: 'What is so great about this? It is just like a mount of ice.' As I was coming out, I found there another mount of ice. I was stunned because it looked like a replica of the mount Kailash! 'Is Lord Siva giving me darshan of His abode here only to suggest that the cave is equal to Kailash and not just a mount of ice?' I thought. Owing to Bhagavan's grace, I completed my yatra safely and happily.

In 2004, on the day of full moon in Karhika month, two Siva lingas emanated in my pooja at our residence in New Delhi. My guru, Smt. Bhanumathi garu told me two days prior to the full moon day that two lingas would emanate. 'Swami tells me so' my guru told me. It always happens exactly as what she tells me. Along with Siva lingas came three silver Bilva patras. On one is written 'Aum' and 'Namahsivaya' on another in Devanagari script. On the third leaf is written something in Tamil which I could not decipher.

My guru told me 'you will get a Jyothirlinga on the day of Sivarathri. Swami tells me so'. As she told me, a Jyothirlinga emanated in my pooja on the day of Sivarathri. It has two colours; half of it is in vibhuti colour, and the other half is in light pink. 'It may be representing Siva and Shakti' I guessed.

On the day of Varalakshmi Vratham, a golden bracelet emanated in my pooja for me. I have been wearing it on my hand ever since. When I broke a coconut on that day, pearls and diamonds emanated from within the coconut, along with two small mangala-sutras. The diamonds are star shaped. I also got a message to distribute them. I gave one to Baby Nitya (7). Sometime back she was saying 'Swami gives various things to all, but He is not giving me any.' So the Lord, out of His abundant love and compassion, would have sent it for her. Another diamond was for Mrs. Lakshmi, a housewife, in New Delhi.

My guru told me in November 2005: 'you will get Nagamani (a bright diamond) made of vaidurya. Keep a silver bowl with rice in pooja and sit in meditation for three days continuously.' I sat in meditation praying to Swami. No food, no sleep! I do not know how I sat like that for 72 hours! The Nagamani appeared on the linga which I had brought from Manasa Sarovar (and which was growing in size at that time). Later, there emanated vibhuti also.

It is so bright and dazzling that it can not be seen with naked eye for long. As instructed by my guru, I kept it in a silver bowl and covered it with kumkum.

'It is very powerful' my guru told me on phone, 'it can cure any disease by mere touch'. One Ms. Shivani (22) came to me with severe stomach-ache. I gave her the sacred water with which Nagamani was given abhishekam. She was instantaneously cured.

My guru told me 'keep it safely without allowing sun rays to fall on it'.

My guru also asked me to go to Shirdi. I came to Bangalore on December 26, 2005 and left for Shirdi. There was heavy rush at Shirdi. From there, I wanted to go to Puttaparthi. 'Visit Ghusneswar also' came the message from my guru. How to make it? It seemed that darshan at Shirdi itself was going to take the whole day. 'Don't worry' my guru told me, 'you will get a message'. I got a message, 'you will have darshan before you drop and lift your eye lash!' I don't know even now how it happened. My son and I were before Sai Nath, had darshan and came out in a trice!

At Ghusneswar, I saw one of the 12 Jyothirlingas. We could go into the sanctum sanctorum and touch the linga and worship it. We came out and went to a restaurant. In 2004 I visited another Jyothirlinga at Trayambakeswar near Nasik. I was much impressed by its divine aura. Of course, we were not allowed to touch it. But at Ghusneswar, the linga appeared quite ordinary. As I was wondering how it has become so prominent, a message appeared for me on the tissue paper: 'At Trayambakeswar you were not allowed to touch it. So you felt its importance. Here, at Ghusneswar, you touch it. It appears ordinary'.

My guru, then, gave me instruction to go to Tirupati before going to Prasanthi Nilayam. How could we get reservation? I reached Bangalore and from there went to Tirupati. We went up to Tirumala by foot. There was heavy rush at Tirumala at that time. Some one who has known me came to me and made arrangements for my stay and also for darshan. I could go in, have a good darshan and come out just in two and a half hours despite the heavy rush. When I was before Lord Venkateswara, there I saw Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba standing in flesh and blood, and not Venkateswara.

I came to Prasanthi Nilayam in the end of 2005. 'Go to Parthi' reads the message I got, 'you will see miracles'.

I wanted to offer a laddu of 1 kg to Ganesh at Prasanthi Nilayam. A local resident got it prepared for me. We both went with one large laddu of 1 kg to the Ganesh temple at Prasanthi Nilayam on January 1. Mr. Bhat, the priest took it into his hands to offer it to the Lord. Even before he started naivedyam, a slice of it disappeared as if someone dug his fingers into it and took a slice of it to eat.

With the 1 kg laddu, the local resident got made two more small laddus. 'Let us go to the Deenajanoddharana School' she told me, 'and offer them there'. So we went there. As we were offering them, one laddu was cut into a small triangular slice as if a cake was cut on a birth day. 'Were these the miracles Swami promised to show me at Prasanthi Nilayam or more in the offing?' I don't know.

My guru told me that I would get an idol of Lakshmi or a ring with the picture of Lakshmi soon. I don't know when I will be blessed with that.'

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 01.01.2006.)