Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group IV | Mrs. Meenakshi

Mrs. Meenakshi,
C/o S. Rajagopalan,
A10, 6th Street, 1st Sector, K.K.Nagar,
Chennai - 600 078

Mrs. Meenakshi (80), a housewife, relates a few of her experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in her own words.

'I used to chide my son, Rajagopalan while he was doing pooja to Baba. 'Don't believe these Babas' I used to tell him, 'be devoted to God, Lord Venkateswara or Siva'.

One day sometime around 1990 I was in Ballygunj, Calcutta with my daughter. I met with a minor accident while I was cooking food on the stove. I burnt my hand. Though the wound healed completely, the scar remained. 'It will not go' the doctor told me, 'the wound was deep'. I tried several ointments in vain. One night I had a vision that someone was sitting by my bedside and was caressing me by passing His hand smoothly and soothingly on my hand. I opened my eyes. There was Sri Sathya Sai Baba in person before me. After a minute or so, He disappeared. I was amazed, but a bigger surprise awaited me. After two or there days, the scar on my hand disappeared completely yielding place to normal skin! .

No need to say that I have been transformed from a critic of Bhagavan to an ardent devotee of His.'

-- Mrs. Meenakshi

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 01.11.2005)