Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group IV | Mrs. Malathi Subrahmanyam

Mrs. Malathi Subrahmanyam,
Mahindra Hills, Secunderabad - 500 026.

Tel: 040-2773 3522

Mrs. Malathi Subrahmanyam (75), a housewife, relates a few of her experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in her own words.

'In 1954, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba came to Hyderabad. All members of my family went to have His darshan. But my husband and I did not go as we were frustrated owing to the occurrence of a great tragedy in our lives that very same year. Owing to that tragedy, we were literally averse to Gods and God-men. Therefore, we refrained from going for darshan. Even-though we did not go for darshan of Swami, our thought was curiously riveted on and around Him. That was the seed. It took six years to sprout and become a plant. We developed, subsequently, yearning to have darshan of Bhagavan. Finally, we came to Prasanthi Nilayam in 1960 on Vinayaka Chavithi. We had darshan and returned.

In 1965, I was going to Madras. I felt some pain as if something had pierced in my ribs. I went to Dr. Kalavathi, who got x-ray taken and said 'one of the ribs had an overgrowth of 2½ inches. If it is not surgically removed, it may eventually pierce your heart in ten years'. I took the x-ray and went to Prasanthi Nilayam. I was in the darshan line. Swami came along and before I could open my mouth said 'what? Did they tell you that you will die? I am here. You don't need doctors'. I tore the x-ray then and there and placed the torn bits before Swami's feet. From that day I have had no need to go to a doctor.

In 1966, we decided in a huff to go to Prasanthi Nilayam for Sivarathri. Another two families also wanted to come. So we started in two cars, one of them a taxi. The taxi was going ahead of the car, as its driver was used to regularly travel on the roads in those parts. In spite of his knowledge of the area, he took a wrong turn by mistake 18 kms before Dharmavaram and went through cross-country. The road was about eleven feet high running through fields protected by thorny fence all along. As the taxi was going fast, we had to follow it in equal speed lest we should miss it.

There was a 'U' turn. The driver going fast could not manage the turn and lost control. The steering wheel came out. There was no way to stop the car or control its direction. We were all praying to Bhagavan. On the roadside there was only one tree nearby. By Swami's grace, the car went and dashed against that tree. Otherwise if would have fallen down over ten to eleven into the fields with frightful consequences. The impact was such that the car was pushed back from the tree with the same speed. There was a pregnant lady in the car with a child of 1½ years sleeping on her lap. When the car recoiled after it hit the tree, the back door opened due to the impact, and the child fell into the ditch on the thorny fence. Immediately I got down, picked up the child and climbed on to the road. The car which was going backwards due to the impact stopped exactly on the brink. Had it gone back a couple of inches more, it would have fallen into the ditch with all those inside. The most consoling part of it is that no one was injured, but for a few scratches to the child owing to her fall on the thorns.

We made two trips by the taxi leaving the car there. We reached Prasanthi Nilayam safely. Five minutes after our arrival, Sri N. Kasturi came to us and handed over prasadam. 'Swami wanted me to convey to you that He had saved the lives of all nine of you today.' We were overwhelmed by gratitude and devotion to swami for His love and compassion. We were only eight. We understood that Swami had not only saved us, but the infant in the womb also. He is omniscient; so knows everything.

Not only that. Swami sent our damaged car also safely to Secunderabad. That happened this way. There is a main route from Bangalore to Hyderabad (now National Highway). The route we took was not frequented by vehicles. But one empty lorry going to Hyderabad came that way. Knowing what had happened, that lorry driver took the car on his lorry and reached it safely to Secunderabad. 'I have not come this way in my 22 years' long service' that lorry driver told our driver, 'it is the divine wish that I should come this way today and help you'. Very true!

In 1968, my only son aged 17 had an attack of brain fever. He was running high temperature of 106.8 degrees for nine days without respite. Fever continued for 27 days. At one stage, he went into coma. His body became stiff. Even his clothes had to be cut with scissors and removed. 'We have done whatever is possible medically' the Doctors told us, 'we cannot say anything till 48 hours. Even if he survives, he will be like a vegetable with no responses.'

'Swami' I prayed to Swami then crying with anguish, 'give him health fully if you want to give. Or, take him away completely'. I kept his head in my lap and sat praying to Bhagavan. My husband was outside praying to Swami chanting 'Sai Ram'. At about 11:30 in the night an aura came on to my son's face. Vibhuti began to emanate from the face of my son. 'Swami is going round and round' my son who opened his eyes then told me, 'why are you keeping quiet when everyone is chanting mantras? You know everything'.

My mother was at that time in Prasanthi Nilayam. We did not inform her as she was a patient of hypertension. My mother was in the mandir when Swami came to her and asked 'did you receive the telegram?' 'No, Swami' she replied. 'Well! I got it' added Bhagavan. 'From whom, Swami?' my mother asked. 'Your husband passed away' said Swami laughing. My father had passed away 14 years back. My mother returned home and was crestfallen suspecting that something serious occurred. After five minutes, Sri N. Kasturi came searching for her. 'Swami wanted me to tell you that the son of Malathi is seriously ill with almost no chances of survival. 'But, no need to worry. I am here', Swami assures'. Sri Kasturi gave her vibhuti prasadam and said 'Swami wants you to take this prasadam and go to Hyderabad'. That very night in Hyderabad, vibhuti emanated from my son's forehead. He began to recover gradually.

My mother reached the bus-stand at Puttaparthi to go to Hyderabad. She boarded the bus in the night. 'You came at 11 o' clock' one of the passengers told her, 'you would have missed it, for it should have left by 10:30 p.m. Owing to some starting trouble, it did not'. 'Swami must have stopped it only for me' my mother reflected gratefully. She came to Hyderabad and gave Swami's prasadam. My son for whom Doctors predicted a life of a vegetable is now the Director, NGRI, owing to Swami's grace! He had wanted to take BZC in intermediate, but taken BGC as Swami advised him then. Bhagavan obviously paved the way for him to become the Director, NGRI even at that stage.

In 1973, we were coming from Bailadille in Madhya Pradesh. We had to go from Jagadalpur to Nagpur by bus and catch a train for Secunderabad. One has to cross forest areas between Jagadalpur and Nagpur. There is a canal and a culvert on it in the forest area. My daughter, who was then pregnant, her husband and I were in the bus. They stopped the bus at a dhaba. We took tea there. 'Why? This tea smells sandal' my daughter remarked. 'We don't feel that way; may be Swami gave you special tea' I quipped. Then we all boarded the bus.

As it was night time, the bus was speeding at about 100 km per hour. Almost all passengers were asleep. Suddenly there was a big sound. I woke up shouting 'Sai Ram'. The bus hit the railing of the bridge, but did not fall into the canal. One wheel was hanging on the rod of the railing of the bridge precariously. All the rods of the railing were broken and bent towards the canal except one rod which turned in and caught hold of the wheel that was near to door. The exit door was on the side of the bridge. Therefore, we could all get down one by one. No one was injured; not even a scratch on anyone. Then I realized that Swami indicated to us earlier that He was with us protecting us, through the sandal perfume my daughter had felt in the tea.

Once the 'Hare Rama, Hare Krishna' Society organized in the Gujarati High School at Hyderabad a programme with Swami. We were conducting it. At that time, I was suffering from arthritis and on bed in an immovable state. That morning during darshan Swami told my husband, 'bring Malathi inside'. My husband arranged to bring me on a cart. I was carried in with the help of some persons. When I was taken in and was seated, Swami came and put vibhuti on my forehead. 'How are you, Bangaru?' He asked me, 'you are on the move in utter disregard of your health. You need rest.' I could participate in the day's programme normally after that, and could even walk back to my home without the need for a vehicle.

Ms. Radhika, the daughter of my nephew, was suffering from cancer. Swami sent vibhuti prasadam through Sri Joga Rao. Swami conveyed a message also: 'I will merge Radhika in me tomorrow at 12 midnight.' Exactly, the next day at 12 midnight, Radhika breathed her last.

Once I kept a mala given by Swami in the sun when two jasmine flowers fell from it. I took those flowers, wrapped them in a paper and opened the almirah to keep the flowers safely. Then the hall ticket forgotten by my niece while going to her exam fell down from the almirah. Immediately I sent it to the examination centre. My niece could write the exam because she received the hall ticket in time.

Once I was travelling by train. A girl of seven years was sleeping on the upper berth. As I was looking at her, she slipped in her sleep and was falling head down. I could not do anything in that split second except praying 'Sai Ram' and shut my eyes. Next moment, the girl was sitting on the floor of the carriage like a doll totally unhurt.

It was the day of Diwali. My eldest daughter was writing her record sitting outside. Suddenly a rocket fell on her. It came fast and there was no time even to move except cry 'Sai Ram'. Within six inches of her eye, it stopped as if some one had caught hold of it, then taken a turn and then hit the wall leaving my daughter safe. Though it came very near, her papers or books did not catch fire owing to His grace.

In September 1975 my husband was retired compulsorily from service. I wrote a letter to my mother who was then staying at Puttaparthi. Swami came along the darshan line to my mother. 'Is it so?' He remarked, 'there is no fault on his part. Does not matter! Let him sit in the house and do namajapam. He will get his salary'. In the month of December, I had a dream. A postman delivered a letter, in which I thought I had seen words '15th March, 1977'. But no message came till that date. On March 15, 1977, my nephew phoned up to tell my husband 'you are reinstated. Take orders and join'.

In June 7, 1968 Swami came to our house. At that time there were 3000 books in our personal library. Swami picked up a book, wrote in it a poem and gave me. I have preserved that book and poem till now.

Swami visited our house in 1969 again.

What can I say about Swami who showers bliss every second and makes every event an amazing miracle for us? He has given us what all we have needed, and has been protecting us all, all the time.'

-- Mrs. Malathi Subrahmanyam.

(As given in a written note to Sri Sathya Sai Veda Pratishtan in her own hand.)