Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group II | Mrs. Kinnera

Mrs. Kinnera,
E-mail: kinnera_k@yahoo.com

Mrs. Kinnera (32), an Engineer working presently in the USA, relates a few of her experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in her own words.

'It was a great disappointment to me in my life that I could not get selected to study Engineering in spite of my best efforts. My parents who happen to be devotees of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba were also disappointed. My father got me admitted in B.Sc. and paid fees. Even then, I could not reconcile to my fate and began to cry almost without break. Just at that time, a family friend, an IAS officer, called my father on telephone casually. My father explained to him my position. Little did I realise at that time that Bhagavan, in the form of our family friend, was about to turn the wheel of my fortune for better.

Our family friend took my father along with him to Mr. Rajeswara Rao, a Member of Parliament, who was then running the Engineering College at Ramtek in Maharashtra. As my father was not in a position either to pay donation or even the college fees, Mr. Rao arranged a seat for me in B.E. at Ramtek, without any donation or fees. Only mess charges at the rate of Rs. 3,000 per annum were collected from me for the four years of my study there. I was certain that this unexpected development was only the grace of Bhagavan responding to the prayers of my parents. I have since become a devotee of Bhagavan.

Incidentally, the Government of Maharashtra subsequently paid me two instalments of Rs.10,000 each towards scholarship. It means that I got back even the mess charges I had paid.

While I was watching sports from our college stadium in Ramtek when I was a student there, the stadium roof collapsed. My classmate who was sitting just next to me died on the spot while I miraculously escaped death within a few centimetres! I sustained some injuries however, and recovered after treatment. Afterwards I could return to my studies owing to Bhagavan's grace.'

-- Mrs. Kinnera.

(As narrated by her to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao through her father, Mr. V. Jwala Narasimha Rao, on phone from the USA, on 23.12.2004.)