Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group I | Mrs.K.Vani

Mrs. K.Vani
D.No. 3-5-961, Narayanaguda,
Hyderabad - 500 020,
Tel: 040-23228122

Mrs. K.Vani (41), a housewife, narrates a few of her experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in her own words.

'I was a devotee of Sri Venkateswara Swamy. Even though my in-laws were organizing Bhajans of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, I was not attending them.

My mother was suffering from a painful type of cancer. She was at Guntur. The Doctors said that she might last, at the most, three or four months. We could not see her suffering like that. On a Thursday, I attended a Bhajan of Sri Sathya Sai. I prayed intensely. 'They say you are God. If you cannot save my mother, at least give her a peaceful end without delay'. On the following Sunday we received a telephone call that she was serious. Immediately, I left for Guntur. On Monday, the 28th August 1992, she passed away. I saw Swami standing by the side of an almirah, which was near the cot on which my mother was lying. It indicated that He came to take her in response to my prayer.

Once I had a dream. In the dream, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai appeared in our house. Many people gathered there for interview and Darshan. He sat on a chair and said, 'See! How these people are after me!' Then Swami Himself took the chair, placed it under the shade of the neem tree in the front yard of our house and sat on it. The dream ended. Only after that, Bhagavan has begun to appear in astral plane in our house. Strangely, the chair, which was got prepared later by our father-in-law exclusively for Bhagavan was placed exactly in the same place in which I saw Bhagavan seated on a chair in my dream. Since then Bhagavan has been guiding me on astral plane in all matters.

On November 29, 2002, I was informed that my Father was not well. Swami in astral plane told me that I should not worry about him as he was destined to leave his physical body soon. But my Father told me on phone that he was all right. I went to see him. I could reach my Father's house around 3 a.m. (early hours of the next day).

Two, three days before, when I was searching for something, I found a vibhuti packet, which was given to me 7 or 8 years ago. Swami gave me that vibhuti during the Padanamaskaram He gave to all of us in sevadal after seva. I wondered, 'for whom is this intended?' While I was leaving to see my Father, I brought it also along with me. My Father never allowed any vibhuti to be placed on his forehead. But as he was unconscious at the time of my arrival at my Father's place, I could put vibhuti on his forehead and sprinkle it on his body also. Thus Swami not only indicated in advance about the departure of my Father but also made him wear His sacred vibhuti while he was on his last journey.

Swami continuously guides me in the astral plane. If I fail to follow His guidance, He would show His displeasure by some incident. For example, we came to Prasanthi Nilayam for Dasara in 2003. I was about to go along the queue forward. Swami told me on the astral plane to give my seat to some one He showed me. As I got a convenient seat and wanted to watch the Yajna, I did not give up my seat for some unknown person. So I did not yield my seat.

When I was going out after the programme, I suddenly fell down. It never happened before. As the people were all coming out in a large flow, I thought they would trample upon me. But it was Swami's Will that I should only be warned not to transgress His guidance. It was not His intention to punish me. Therefore, due to His grace, the people coming behind me left me alone and walked out on all sides leaving me in the centre. I was in no way harmed.

Once when I was at Guntur, Swami said, 'give two of your gold bangles to your aunt'. My aunt resides in the Ashram of Sri Ganapati Satchidananda. She participates in service activities selflessly. But I did not comply with Swami's instruction, as I was not sure how my in-laws would take it. 'You have not followed my advice', Swami said, 'you will lose more'.

I returned to Hyderabad that day. My husband came to receive me at the Railway Station. 'I have lost nothing', I thought with relief looking at my jewellery. When I got down from the auto-rickshaw and walked into my house, I noticed that my brooch was missing. There was no chance of its being lost. It was costlier than two gold bangles. As Swami warned earlier, I lost more than what He had wanted me to part with.

Bhagavan grants many experiences to me everyday like this. Sometimes He takes me to places of pilgrimage on the astral plane. Once He took me to Sabarimala. Ladies of my age are prohibited from entering the temple. At that time, I was out of doors. I pleaded with Swami not to take me there. 'Why fear when I am here?' said Swami. I was taken into the sanctum sanctorum. I could see vividly at Sabarimala the idol, scenes of natural beauty and throngs of devotees as if I had gone there in my physical body.

During Godavari Pushkarams, I wanted to go to Pushkarams. Swami took me to Bhadrachalam. I could take bath in the Godavari, visit the temple and return to my house, as if I was moving in my physical body.'

-- Mrs. K.Vani.

f(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 05.07.2004.)