Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group IV | Mrs. K. Subbalakshmamma

Mrs. K. Subbalakshmamma
Bharathi Vruddhashram,
Puttaparthi - 515134

Tel: 08555-289009

Mrs. K. Subbalakshmamma (72) is presently a resident of the Bharathi Vruddhashram, Puttaparthi. She narrates her experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in her own words.

'My husband, Mr. Timmayya Gupta was working in the Revenue Department at Dharmavaram in the eighties. My mind was disturbed due to some problems in the family. One day I went to a bhajan being held in our vicinity. I felt immense peace and used to attend bhajans, wherever they were held.

I used to go for nagarasankirtana in those days. Sometimes I used to be late when they used to move away. Then I had to go by a short cut to join them. To go alone in the streets when there were no lights was risky. I used to walk alone praying to Bhagavan. Then a black dog used to accompany me till I reached the main body of nagarasankitana. It was not to be seen afterwards or earlier. This happened many times.

My eldest son advanced money for film production and incurred heavy losses. We had to clear his debts. I prayed to Swami. 'This is beyond our capacity to clear the debts' I used to pray, 'you have to help us'. Miraculously we used to get money from some unexpected source, and all debts were cleared.

Sometime ago my eldest son was ill. We took him to Bangalore. My husband could not come. I didn't know anyone there. They refused to admit him in the hospital. Nor did we have any place to stay. Where to go and stay for the night? I frantically prayed to Bhagavan. Then an unknown person came and asked me, 'what is the matter?' I explained my predicament. He took us with him, got admitted in a hospital and left. I was having a small photograph of Bhagavan with me. I prayed to Bhagavan. Next morning the fever subsided and my son was discharged from the hospital and we were back in Anantapur.

One day I went for nagarasankirtana. At the end of it, I noticed that I had lost the key. I was very much worried. I prayed to Swami. In a couple of minutes, a boy of 10 or 11 years came and gave me the key saying 'is this yours?' It was my key.

Once I went to Koilakunta by bus. Just near the village, the bus failed. The conductor said that all the passengers had to walk from there into the village. All the passengers got down and walked. I was suffering at that time from some problem with my legs. I could not walk. I prayed to Bhagavan. Suddenly, the bus started and we travelled up to my house in the bus.

Once, my husband was transferred to Kurnool. I did not like a shift then. After going to Kurnool, I got admitted in the hospital and operated upon for my leg pain. I used to keep a photograph of Bhagavan in the hospital and do bhajans there. Doctors used to quip 'you are conducting the hospital into a bhajan mandal'. My leg pain was completely cured, and then I understood why we had been shifted to Kurnool by Bhagavan.

Once I tried to open the lock of our house. It did not open. Many people came to help, but it did not open. They wanted to break it open. In that case, the lock would become useless and we had to buy a new lock. I prayed to Bhagavan. I took the key and made a last ditch effort praying to Him. The lock miraculously opened to the surprise of all.

In 1975 I had a dream. In it Bhagavan took me and showed a house. He took me in. There I saw some persons. The dream ended. When my husband and I joined the Vriddhasramam, I found to my surprise that it is the house Bhagavan had shown me nearly thirty years ago in my dream. One or two persons whom I saw in the house in the dream are in the Home now.

After we conducted Namam for 80 days to mark the 80th Birthday celebrations of Bhagavan, I felt fine fragrance of vibhuti. There was some vibhuti on my bed also. At once, I knew Bhagavan had come. Then we noticed vibhuti on the photograph of Bhagavan. Earlier, when we were at Dharmavaram thirty years ago, one night there was fine fragrance in our house. Vibhuti emanated from the photograph of Bhagavan. One day two packets of vibhuti came from the photograph. After that vibhuti came in packets a few more times at our Dharmavaram house. The fine fragrance was the same on both the occasions.'

-- Mrs. K. Subbalakshmamma

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Bharathi Vruddhashram, Puttaparthi on 03.08.2005)