Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group I | Mrs. Girija Nayar

Mrs. Girija Nayar
A-4, Sai Swagat Residency
Chitravati Road
Puttaparthi - 515 134
Tel: 08555-288627

Mrs. Girija Nayar (62) was in the teaching line in London for over three decades. She is a longstanding Sai devotee. She is now settled at Puttaparthi along with her husband. She relates a few of her experiences in her own words.

'We hail from Kerala. My husband Mr. K.N.P.Nayar was running a business in Photographic Material in London while I was working in the teaching line there. In 1994, we came to Puttaparthi. As Swami was not there, we went to Brindavan, Whitefields, Bangalore. We had Darshan of Swami when He came along the Darshan line.

'Go to Vellore', Swami told my husband, 'and do 108 laksharchana. Also arrange to have a Samiti Building and a Bhajan Hall there. I will arrange the contact persons'.

We went to Vellore and participated in the laksharchana. After the laksharchana was over, two footprints of Swami were found on the top of the heap of flowers.

During the opening day of the Samiti Building and the Bhajan Hall, the lady who was leading the proceedings there came to me and said, 'now we will begin lunch for all those who attended Pooja as well as Narayanaseva. Please take the plate of papads and wait outside this building. You will have some surprise. A person will come to take papads. Then tell him, 'please wait. They are brining rice, etc'.

I stood outside the building with a plate of papads. Suddenly, a tall person in white cufney (shirt) and headdress appeared. Instantly I recognized Him as Shirdi Sai Baba. I saw his Photographs earlier. He who was before me was, of course, jet black.

He came and took some papads.

'Wait', I said, 'They are bringing rice, etc'. He did not wait. He was there till he could grab a few papads. Then he disappeared. 'Every time they do Laksharchana', the lady who had bid me to take the plate of papads told me, 'He comes and takes what he wants, and disappears'.

Once we came to Prasanthi Nilayam for Onam festival. I sat in Darshan line.

'Swami!' I prayed silently, 'please give me Padanamaskar. Today is Onam!'

Swami came but did not pause or look at me. He moved on. I was disappointed. I closed my eyes and began to pray intensely.

Swami went a few paces and turned back, and returned to me. As I closed my eyes, I did not notice Swami's return. A girl sitting by my side whispered softly, 'Swami!'

I opened my eyes. Swami was standing before me holding up his robes a little, as is His wont. His feet were being seen clearly.

The girl by my side again whispered, 'Padanamaskar'.

Immediately I bent and took Padanamaskar.

Our first visit to Puttaparthi is ever memorable even though Swami was not there at that time.

It was in 1972 that we flew from London to Bangalore. We enquired of Swami. Someone told us that Swami was at Prasanthi Nilayam. He misinformed us. In fact, Swami was at Brindavan, Whitefields that day. We came to the Bus- stand and boarded a Bus to Prasanthi Nilayam at around 4 p.m. The Bus was stopping at many places for tea. My husband was getting down wherever the Bus stopped. The Bus conductor and driver were not taking note if all those who got down for a cup of coffee were re-boarding the Bus or not. There was no check. I was anxious about my husband when one person gently tapped me on my shoulder and said, 'sister! Don't worry. I will see that your husband boards the Bus before it starts'.

After we went for about 30 to 40 km, some drizzle started. Soon it became a downpour. All the glass doors of windows in the Bus were closed. My husband and I were in seat Nos 1 and 2. I was a little bit scared. It was nighttime. We were in a new place. I prayed to Swami. Suddenly, something fell in between us. I looked at it - two flowers bound by some thread together. The flowers were wet as if some one from outside in the rain had thrown them at us. Who threw those flowers? No chance for anyone in the Bus to do so as the flowers were wet. Swami, we thought, was giving us warm welcome with flowers and assuring us that He was with us.

We reached Puttaparthi at about 11 p.m. The place, at that time, was poorly lit. The person who assured me that he would take care of my husband took us to the accommodation office and left. We do not know who he was. After we got allotment of a room, we did not know how to go there. Then I noticed a cute brown dog. It had a belt around its neck. It was looking at us. I thought it was trying to convey something. It started moving, and paused looking at us as if to check if we were following it or not. We decided to follow it. It took us to a block and ascended the steps, and paused at the landing still looking at us as if checking if we were following or not. Finally it stopped at a door. It was exactly the room allotted to us! I thought that Swami had led us there in the form of the dog.

Next day I enquired in the office if they allowed inmates to keep pet dogs.

'No', the one at the counter replied.

No pet dog from any house outside the Ashram would be there at that hour. It was clear that the dog, which led us to our room around midnight that day, was none other than Swami. I immediately remembered what Mrs.Meena had told me years ago. Mrs. Meena was my colleague in the educational institution in London where I worked. She used to read a book on Swami written by Murphet. I was curious about the book she was reading so intently. One day when she was in class, I took that book and began to glance through. Mrs. Meena returned from her class a few minutes before time.

'What are you doing in my seat?' She asked.

'I am reading this book', I replied, and enquired, 'do you have any more books on this Swami?'

'A whole lot', she replied. 'You can take any book and read, if you like'.

She told me that Sri Sathya Sai Baba is God in human form. He can manifest in any form, at any place and at any hour.

'How to see Baba?' I asked her.

'You have to go to Puttaparthi', she said, 'there is no programme for His visit to London in the near future'.

We could not go to Puttaparthi till 1972.

That is how I was introduced to the story of Bhagavan. She took me to Sri Sathya Sai Organization in London. After I started participating in the organizational activities, vibhuti came on Bhagavan's Photograph in our house. From one Photograph, sandal powder emanated. It is still there.

Once at Puttaparthi, we participated in Paduka Pooja. Swami blessed the Padukas we were holding. We still have that pair of silver Padukas in our shrine room.

During February 2004, while we were doing the Paduka Pooja Harati, I was ringing the bell, and suddenly dozed off in the middle. At that time Swami appeared before me and said, 'give me the bell. I will ring'. When I was giving the bell, my husband who was sitting by my side with closed eyes opened his eyes and looked enquiringly as to why the ringing of the bell stopped. I told him, 'Swami is here. He is asking me to give Him the bell because I was dozing.'

-- Mrs. Girija Nayar.

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 28.06.2004.)