Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group II | Mrs. G. Susila Bai

Mrs. G. Susila Bai,
Plot No. 35, Sri Sathya Sai Sadan,
Pandurangapuram Layout,
Visakhapatnam - 530 003
Tel: 0891-2569198

Mrs. G. Susila Bai (69), a housewife, relates a few of her experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in her own words.

'I have been fortunate to have been in Sri Sathya Sai environment along with my husband. We have visited Prasanthi Nilayam many times and Bhagavan has blessed us with interviews a number of times, out of His abundant love and compassion.

In one of the interviews, He called, 'oh! Sugar factory!' I could not make out whom He was calling thus. I had no sugar complaint - not to my knowledge. He then accosted me and said, 'oh! Sugar factory! I am calling you. You have sugar problem. It is on a high side. But don't worry. I will take care of it. You eat a teaspoon of mentulu everyday in the morning with curd - the first thing in the morning.' On return to Visakhapatnam, I got my blood sugar tested. It was 360. I followed Swami's prescription and it has not bothered me ever since.

My son, Prasad was drowned in the sea at Visakhapatnam when he went there with his friends. I could not withstand that calamity. My sister took me with her to Jemshedpur thinking that a change in place and environment might help in healing the shock. While I was there I had a dream one night. Bhagavan appeared in the dream and said, 'come to Puttaparthi. Your son is with me'. So I phoned up my husband. We both went to Puttaparthi. Swami came to the place where my husband was participating in seva for the construction of Sarvadharma Sthupa. I, too, rushed there on seeing Bhagavan's arrival. He gave us vibhuti and laddu prasadam. Then we returned to Visakhapatnam.

My daughter, Mrs. Lakshmi whose marriage was performed at Puttaparthi by Swami, was carrying. I do not remember the year. During the eighth month, the doctor said, 'the child in the womb turned reverse'. We were frightened and prayed to Bhagavan. We had to take x-ray at the insistence of the doctor even though it was not advisable generally. The doctor's fears were confirmed. When the pains started, I applied vibhuti on her abdomen and took her to the nursing home. The doctor examined her and said, 'I have to do caesarian'. They sent word for the anesthetist and went on preparing for surgery. We sat praying to Bhagavan. Miraculously, even before the anesthetist arrived, my daughter had a normal delivery. She was blessed with a daughter, Ms. Swetha Baba who is now studying Engineering.

One day I was cooking food in the kitchen in our house. The pressure cooker was on the stove. Suddenly the phone rang. As there was no one in the house at that time, I went to answer the call. As I lifted the phone and said 'hello', there was a loud sound. There was no response from the other side. I returned to the kitchen only to find that the cooker exploded. Had I been there, I would have been blown to pieces. Who phoned to us then? Why did not he/she respond when I said 'hello'. It is only Bhagavan who saved my life that day.

My elder son, Kishore had no children. I used to broach this with Swami whenever I could get a chance to talk to Him. He used to brush it off saying, 'what happiness people with children are getting? Less luggage more comfort!' But once He relented and said, 'bring your son and daughter-in-law'. So we went to Prasanthi Nilayam again with our son and daughter-in-law. Swami called us for interview. There were some devotees from overseas also. Swami materialized a cherry fruit and said, 'ova', showing it around. He gave it to my daughter-in-law and asked her to eat. We returned to Visakhapatnam happily. But there was no sign of pregnancy for months. However, we were confident that the blessing of Bhagavan would not be in vain.

Finally, my daughter-in-law conceived and gave birth to a female child owing to the grace of Bhagavan. Whenever we recall what doctors told us after some tests about the impossibility of her going the family way, we revel gratefully at Bhagavan's omni-potency to redraw the fate as well as the medical possibilities. My granddaughter is now studying 6th standard, a born devotee of Bhagavan. 'He (Bhagavan) is my friend', she says often. She came now (January 2005) to Prasanthi Nilayam for Sankranthi. On seeing Bhagavan during Darshan, she was overwhelmed by emotion and burst out weeping uncontrollably.'

-- Mrs. G. Susila Bai.

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 15.01.2005.)