Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group II | Mrs. B. Savitri

Mrs. B. Savitri
268 / 3 RT, Near Post Office
Vijayanagar Colony
Hyderabad - 500 057
Tel: 040-23345076
E-mail: prashant8484@yahoo.co.in

Mrs. B. Savitri (73), a housewife, relates a few of her experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in her own words.

'It was in 1973. I had a dream in which Swami appeared. At that time my husband was working in a Sugar Factory at Chelluru, East Godavari District. I was a staunch believer in Lord Venkateswara at that time. I saw Swami in my dream. He was very tall, as tall as a building. 'You don't believe in me?' Swami asked, 'who will come and protect you?' At once I realized, I don't know how, that Lord Venkateswara and Bhagavan are one. At once I said, 'Saranam, Swami!' The dream ended.

In the same year, my son, Mr. Subrahmanyam Jagadish who was studying Engineering at Anantapur was suffering from fever. As the fever had not abated, we brought him to Chelluru. We went to Prasanthi Nilayam and had Darshan of Swami. Swami gave my son a locket to wear. After that he recovered. But as he was not attending classes for months, he was about to lose the academic year. We used to pray to Swami for help. That year the Government announced that all those who had not attended classes in the first year could join in the second year. It was done owing to some agitation - I don't remember. Thus, his academic year was saved owing to Swami's grace.

On May 9, 1980, we performed his marriage in Mumbai with Ms. Lakshmi daughter of Mr. K.V.R. Rao, a devotee of Bhagavan. Swami fixed the muhurtam, gave new clothes to the couple, and blessed them at Dharmakshetra after the marriage.

Swami gave us all an interview on May 10, the next day after the marriage.

'What is the meaning of Sai Ram?' I asked Swami.

Bhagavan looked at me, smiled and said, 'speak good things. It's enough'. He caught both my hands and blessed me leaving an indelible impact of bliss on me.'

-- Mrs.B. Savitri.

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Hyderabad on 27.08.2004.)