Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group III | Mrs. B. Ratna

Mrs. B. Ratna
28/6, Flat No.1, Eswari Flats,
Parameswari Nagar, II Street,
Adayar, Chennai - 600 020
Tel: 044-5218 8714

Mrs. B. Ratna (58), a housewife, relates her experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan in her own words.

‘We went to Tirupati in September 2004. I wanted to go uphill by walk. As I had breathing problem, it was not, in fact, advisable. Added to this, I kept the new inhaler in the suitcase, which was sent from Alipiri by free lift uphill. The inhaler that was with me was the used one. I did not notice that I was bringing the used inhaler instead of a new one till we ascended five hundred steps. For every ten steps or so, I had to rest and also take a puff frequently.

By the time we ascended five hundred steps the inhaler was exhausted. I was facing serious breathing problem and was not in a position even to stand erect. My husband, Mr. B.K. Rao was advising me that we abandon the plan and try to descend slowly and then go by bus uphill. I sat down on the stairs in desperation saying ‘Sai Ram, Sai Ram’. Then a passer-by in white shirt and white trousers stopped by my side and asked, ‘are you a Sai devotee? I heard you repeat ‘Sai Ram’. I nodded in affirmative.

‘Someone gave me a packet of vibhuti which was given him by Baba at Prasanthi Nilayam. Have a bit of it’; so saying he put a pinch of vibhuti in my mouth, wished me well and moved away. After swallowing the vibhuti I regained my strength. I began negotiating the steps without taking a single puff. I did not know when I had crossed the famous Mokali parvatham. (It is considered to be difficult to negotiate, as the steps are steep.) We reached Tirumala without difficulty. I searched for the person at Tirumala to thank him but he was not to be seen. I am sure that it was Bahagavan who came that day and gave me vibhuti, and helped me to go uphill by walk without any problem even though my inhaler was exhausted.

My second daughter, Anuradha passed B.Tech and GATE and was expecting a seat in IIT. She applied for Mumbai and Kharagpur IITs. I suggested that she apply for Chennai IIT also.

‘Chennai will not be given to me’, she said, ‘only those that get above 90% will get a seat there’.

Still I insisted. On my insistence, she reluctantly applied for Chennai IIT on the last date.

One day after she had applied for IIT, Chennai, we went for bhajan. Then as we were looking, a flower fell from the garland placed on the photograph of Bhagavan.

‘You will get a seat in the IIT, Chennai’, I whispered into my daughter’s ear, ‘see! Bhagavan has blessed you’.

My daughter looked at me as if pitying me for my superstitions. Later, she got a seat in the IIT, Chennai to study M.Tech owing to Bhagavan’s grace. On receiving the news she came to me literally crying like a baby.

‘Oh! Mom!’ She said tears rolling down her cheeks, ‘I did not care to apply to Chennai. You insisted. When the flower fell that day during bhajan, you were certain of my getting a seat in Chennai. I did not believe. But your faith won me a seat in the end’.

‘Bhagavan’s grace’, I corrected her, ‘got you a seat’.

As her M.Tech course was drawing to a close, a team of experts arrived to interview the candidates for campus recruitment to Tata Consultancy Services. That day, we received intimation that people from Shirdi Sai mandir were coming for bhiksha to our house. We were then at Visakhapatnam. One old devotee from mandir also came to our house. He blessed that my daughter would be selected in the recruitment. We took it as the blessing of Bhagavan Himself. My daughter was selected in the campus recruitment and was also given posting at Chennai. We remain indebted to Bhagavan for His grace always.

We yearn to come and settle down at Puttaparthi after getting our two daughters married. We are sure that Swami would bless us so, so that we can come here at the earliest for good.’

-- -- Mrs. B. Ratna

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 08.04.2005.)