Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group II | Mrs. B. Nirmala Devi

Mrs. B. Nirmala Devi,
I.J.2, Officers Colony,
Errum Manzil Colony,
Hyderabad. - 500 073.
Tel: 040-23328781

Mrs. B. Nirmala Devi (53), housewife, writer and social worker, relates her experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan in her own words.

'I have been a devotee of Shirdi Sai and also Sri Sathya Sai for a long time. It has been my frequent experience that whenever I misplace keys or purse or documents, etc., I think of Bhagavan. Invariably I find them - sometimes, surprisingly, in places where I searched in vain for them earlier.

In 1987, we went to the USSR. At that time, the USSR was still united. During the notorious Russian winter, roads used to be covered with glassy snow. To walk on those ice-paved pavements was dangerously slippery - more so, for people like me who are not used to such exercise. I used to pray to Bhagavan whenever I had to step out of our house on to the pavement. Bhagavan always protected me and I did not slip even once during our four-year stay there owing to His grace.

In 1989, I underwent cardiac surgery at Hyderabad. I applied vibhuti to my forehead before I was taken into the operation theatre. Owing to Swami's grace, everything was all right. For all members of my family now, Swami's vibhuti is a must. We all feel Swami's protective hand when we apply it and set out on our daily cores.'

-- Mrs. B. Nirmala Devi.

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Hyderabad on 18.12.2004.)