Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group III | Mrs. B. Jayalakshmi

Mrs. B. Jayalakshmi
Peddajaleru Veedhi
Srikakulam District
Tel: 08947-233871

Mrs. B. Jayalakshmi (42), a housewife, narrates a few of her experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in her own words.

‘Sri Sathya Sai mandir was constructed in Sompeta in 2002. In June 2002, some devotees were going to Puttaparthi to invite Baba to inaugurate the mandir. At that time, my husband Mr. Papa Rao was a non-believer. He used to criticize Baba. I, too, was not a devotee of Baba.

Just at that time my husband had some cardiac problem. Devotees who were going to Puttaparthi asked him to accompany them and have a free medical checkup. So he went with them. Even though the devotees sat for three days in Darshan line they had no chance to give the letter of invitation to Baba. My husband said, ‘I am not a devotee like you but I tell you that Baba will take the letter from you today’. That day Swami came and took the letter. He told them to go ahead and assured that He would also attend the function.

On the day of inauguration of the mandir at Sompeta, one lady reported that she saw Baba going into the mandir. May be Bhagavan had come there in His astral body though many could not see Him. My husband Kanta Rao said, ‘I don’t believe this. If He gives me some signal of positive proof, I will believe’. At once a flower dropped from the photograph of Baba in the mandir. My husband was amazed.

It was Ganapathi Navarathri time in 2002. We went to temples and worshipped Vinayaka and returned home. As I was entering my house, I lost track of what I was doing. I was completely oblivious of what was happening. Later, they told me that I said, ‘call the president. Swami calls him’. They went and brought the newly elected president, Mrs. Kavita Kumari. She was a devotee of Bhagavan while I was not a devotee at that time.

‘You have forgotten Swami’, Swami spoke through me ‘you have not done what you vowed to do’.

Immediately the president fell on my feet – I was told. She said, ‘yes! I forgot my vow. I will fulfill it. Kindly excuse me’.

Then Swami told her through me, ‘serve people with dedication. Take a pledge now’. The president took pledge that she would serve the people with dedication. Then I regained my senses. After I regained my senses, I could not remember anything I had done while I was thus possessed by Swami’.

My son, Mr. Satish Kumar got a seat in a pharmaceutical course. We had to pay Rs. 60,000 as fee. My husband had no money with him at that time. One of the Sai devotees suggested to him, ‘keep a photograph of Baba under your pillow when you go to bed today. See what happens tomorrow’. Though my husband was not a devotee, he said he would do it. He slept with Baba’s photograph under his pillow that night. Next morning his cousin came to our house.

My husband explained his problem. His cousin asked, ‘have you asked so and so? If not, go and ask him now’.

My husband had no hopes that that man would advance such heavy amount. Yet, he went and asked that person. He gave Rs. 60,000 on the spot without a single question. My husband was stunned. Instantly, we turned devotees of Bhagavan.’

-- Mrs. B. Jayalakshmi.

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 23.04.2005)