Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group I | Mrs. A.Swaroopa Rani

Mrs. A.Swaroopa Rani,
W/o Mr. A. Prabhakar,
304, Santamma Apartments,
D.D.Colony, Bag-Amberpet, Hyderabad - 500 013
Tel: 040-255348109
E-mail: ssahyd@yahoo.co.in
Tel: 040-27532344

Mrs. A.Swaroopa Rani (36), a housewife, has had several mystic experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan of which she narrates a few in her own words.

'We have been devotees of Shirdi Sai for the last 20 years. We came into Sri Sathya Sai fold about nine-ten years ago.

In 1991, I was blessed with a male child. When my son was 9 months old, he fell ill. We were then at Visakhapatnam. The illness showed no sign of abatement. All signs of life slowly disappeared. I frantically prayed to Shirdi Baba. Due to His grace, the child recovered. It was a rebirth to him.

Earlier in 1982, I had a dream in which Baba appeared to me. He changed into Sri Rama and then into Sri Krishna. Then he disappeared changing into a lingam.

In the year 1994, vibhuti began to come out of the Photograph of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai in our house. We came into the fold of Bhagavan since that event.

Once in 1995, Bhagavan put my head in the astral plane on His chest, when I felt like an electric shock. Bhagavan told me that He had given me power (spiritual energy).

I was a diabetic in 2000. I used to take vibhuti, but no medicines. I used to pray to Bhagavan to cure me. He gave me on the astral plane amritam in an uggu-ginne (a small container used to feed infants), which I drank. From that day, the problem of diabetes vanished, even though I had not taken any medicine.

In 2003, I observed pink light emanating from a white marble Ganesh idol brought from Varanasi, in our pooja room. The idol turned pink up to the waist, and the rest into gray colour. In the same year, Bhagavan made me experience Panchabhutalu. In the morning at 5 a.m. I had a dream. In it I saw the sky. In it I saw the moon and then the sun. It turned into Agni, and turned into water and wind.

I could also see in these Panchabhutalu all anecdotes of Bhagavan since his childhood. Then Bhagavan told me in the astral plane, 'move on. There will be no need for you to look back.'

In December 2002, I saw padukas in my house hanging one on the other as if Bhagavan had worn them, and sat cross-legged.

After that we went to Puttaparthi on January 1, 2003. Swami told me in the Darshan line to wait. My husband felt disgusted to stay on as reservation had already been made. When he went to cancel the tickets, and reserve afresh, they told him that there was no vacancy. But he was asked to come back after two hours, and then they gave reservation. On January 2, I got the first token for Darshan. Bhagavan came to me and moved on. I cried 'Baba'. Bhagavan who had gone forward a few paces, returned, looked into my eyes, took the letter from my hand and left.

On April 10, 2004 my husband had high blood pressure. His face had cramps as in an attack of 'Bells Palsy'. Bhagavan had shown me in advance my husband's photographs showing both his cramped face as well as his cured face. Later, Doctors said that there was no worry as it was a side effect of blood pressure and would disappear when the blood pressure came to normal. He is now very much normal, as assured by Bhagavan in advance.'

-- Mrs. Swaroopa Rani.

(As narrated to Mr. B.Parvatala Rao at her own residence at Hyderabad on 27.4.2004).