Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group III | Mrs. A. Ammadu

Mrs. A. Ammadu
W/o A. Kanaka Raju
22-100-13, Near Reading Room
Gandhipeta, Visakhapatnam - 530 001
Tel: 0891-2565342

Mrs. A. Ammadu (69), a housewife, relates a few of her experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in her own words.

'I had the good fortune of attending Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's Birthday celebration at Prasanthi Nilayam in November 1966. That time my husband could not come.

In 1967, my husband and I came for Gurupoornima - Swami gave a spoon of amritam materialised by Him to each of the devotees that attended. I had padanamaskar. We were called for interview.

'What is your wish?' asked Swami when I was seated in the room.

'I want to go like this, Swami', I said.

'You will be sumangali,' Swami said.

'His health is not good, Swami', I said referring to my husband.

Swami materialised vibhuti and smeared it on the chest of my husband. My husband was suffering from some sort of digestion problem. First the doctors thought it was jaundice. Whatever he ate, he vomited.

'Go and eat whatever you want', Swami told my husband.

After the interview, we went to a hotel opposite the Gopuram gate. My husband ate whatever he wanted to eat without following his usual diet restrictions, but he had no problem at all. He was cured completely and instantly by Bhagavan. My husband also became an ardent devotee of Swami. We returned to Visakhapatnam happily.

That year, on the day of Deepavali, my second son Sitarama Swami whom we call Kumar brought all the crackers purchased by my husband for the children. He had an idea to make them a bundle and ignite. Our third son helped him. Suddenly the bundle on ignition blew into the air with a bang and hit Kumar in the chest, which was burnt seriously. My third son also burnt his fingers a little. When I heard the noise, I ran out and brought my son into the house. I did not know what to do. My husband was not at home.

I prayed 'Sai Ram, Sai Ram' and put some vibhuti on the boy and applied burnol ointment. Then I saw Bhagavan physically in the room walking from one end to the other and back, with His hands at His back, absorbed in thought. On seeing Swami, I felt reassured. All members in my family were crying in panic on seeing the boy. Many people gathered at our house as the news spread. Many were making audible whispers about my not crying as if nothing had happened.

My brother-in-law, Dr. Bapi Raju, a Sai devotee, came and bandaged the boy. He was apprehensive if the boy was to be hospitalised. On the day of Nagulachaviti, Dr. Bapi Raju came and removed the bandage, and re-bandaged it. After about a month, the injury healed, but the skin was not forming as before.

We went to Prasanthi Nilayam. Swami called us for interview. He materialised vibhuti in heaps and smeared on the affected part of the boy. He blessed him by placing His hand on the head of the boy. We returned to Visakhapatnam. Doctors were surprised that the injury was healed so completely that it left no scar or trace behind!

I had a dream in September 1989; Swami appeared in the dream as Jyothiswaroopa.

'What do you want?' He asked.

'I want your lotus feet, Swami!' I replied.

'Oh! You want my feet!' Swami said, 'I will give!'

After a few days, Sri Sathya Sai Jyothi was brought to Visakha. My husband was the convenor of that programme in our area. If anyone invited, Jyothi was to be taken to that house. If nobody offered, it used to be kept in our house for the night with bhajan going on.

Jyothi was brought to our house one day. Bhajan was held. That day vibhuti emanated all over the house - in the hall, in all rooms and even on the stairs. After the nightfall, there was rain. So we brought the Jyothi from the open terrace where it was kept to facilitate bhajan by as many people as possible, and kept it in a room. We kept it in such a way that one could do pradakshinam (going round) to it. After 15 days, it was taken to another area. Many people used to come for vibhuti that emanated in our house. I used to take a slip of paper and collect vibhuti with it into another slip of paper to make small packets of vibhuti. Swami used to appear to me on those slips of paper as I collected and packed vibhuti. This was not my experience alone, but that of all my family members.

One day, I went to attend bhajan in connection with the Jyothi yatra in a neighbouring area and returned late in the night. When we were about to go to bed, I heard a curious sound as if someone was working with a welding arc. I got up and went into the room in which we kept Jyothi when Jyothi came to our house. To my surprise, I saw the relief in vibhuti of Swami's feet there. The left side of Swami is said to be that of Devi. Swami's left foot is smaller and more delicate than His right foot. The footprints in vibhuti that emanated on mosaic flooring are exactly like that - the left foot relief is smaller and more delicate. I shouted in excitement 'Swami gave me padaalu (feet) as promised in my dream'. This was around 3:30 a.m. I washed the feet with lavender water and applied sandal paste, turmeric and kumkum. The vibhuti footprints have remained indelible. Many come to our house and have darshan of Swami's feet and go.

In 1992, one of my neighbours, Mrs. Gouri Kanthamma, had a dream. She was suffering from stomach pain. Swami told her in the dream, 'why do you suffer like that? Go to your neighbour, Ammadu. I gave her amritam. She will give you a little of it. Take it. You will be all right'.

She came to me and said, 'Swami told me in my dream that He had given you amritam. Please give a little for my stomach-ache'.

'Swami has not given me any', I replied, 'but if Swami said so, it must happen. Let us sit before Swami's feet and do bhajan'.

That day I had ample stock of fresh roses. I decorated Swami's feet with them. Before Swami's feet, we keep a silver plate in which we keep idols of other deities.

We both sat before the feet and began to do bhajan. After a while I had to go into the kitchen to attend to the boiling milk.

'Ammadu garu!' cried my neighbour in excitement 'amritam has come'.

I was in the room of padaalu in one jump. All the roses on the feet were oozing honey. The silver plate with idols was full of honey! I gave a little to my neighbour after thanking Swami. She was completely cured of her ailment. In fact, she was to undergo surgery in a couple of days for the stomach-ache. Swami cured her without surgery.

Whenever devotees ask for amritam, it oozes from my fingers continuously. Hundreds of people come to take that. Many more ring me up to be sent to them. This has been going on for five or six months now.

One day Mr. N. B. S. Rama Rao from Puttaparthi came to our house. Mr. Rama Rao delivers lectures on Swami's miracles. So he came to see personally. When he saw honey oozing out of my fingers, he, too, took one rose into his hands and tried to give honey to devotees as I did. But only a few drops that stuck to the petals dropped. No oozing. Mr. Rama Rao returned to Puttaparthi. He told Swami about this. Swami replied, 'yes! I have given (this power to Ammadu). You go there again and see!' Therefore, he came to our house the second time. He narrated to me what had transpired between him and Swami.

Swami appears to me in physical form and talks to me. He has blessed my husband also with the same experience. Swami tells me about those who call on me. 'That lady has asthma', Swami would tell me, 'apply vibhuti on her chest', I used to do so and that lady used to get relief, and leave happily. 'See this young advocate', Swami told me once, 'tell her that she would become a judge in six months'. I mentioned to her what Swami had told me. She said, 'absolutely no chance'. But exactly in six months she returned as a judge.

Many people were taking silver padukas in those days and getting them blessed by Bhagavan. We too discussed the issue 'as we have Swami's feet in our house, is it necessary to have padukas also'. Swami said in the astral plane, 'get them'. We went to Brindavan, Bangalore in August 1994 with padukas. Actually we did not know the physical size of Swami's feet and the goldsmith who could do padukas. Swami, in the astral plane, told me, 'go to Sarveswara Rao in Anakapalli'. We went there. He arranged a pair of silver padukas of Swami's size.

'Come to me with padukas', Swami told us in the astral plane, 'don't bring any one except your daughter, Sailaja'. At Brindavan, I was afraid how I could go and get the front line. By the time we reached, the hall was full. One lady in the front line came to me and said, 'you have brought padukas. You go and sit in my place'. Thus swami moved me to the front. I spread a silk sari, which I brought with me, and the padukas thereon, in front of me. Swami came, put His feet on the padukas, walked for three paces on the silk sari, and left the padukas before me. He went towards gents and told my husband, 'I have done it'. He materialised vibhuti and gave it to him.

In the same year, Swami appeared in my dream and said 'come for Shashthipurthi'. In our house our in-laws were not in the habit of celebrating birthdays even. So we forgot birthdays. Therefore, we could not follow what Swami was telling. Whose Shashthipurthi? Our brother-in-law (elder brother of my husband) told us that it was the Shashthipurthi year for my husband.

My husband and I planned a visit to Brindavan. 'Bring Sailaja also' Swami told us in the astral plane. So we three went there.

My husband sat in the Darshan line with a tray of usual birthday fare. Swami came, threw chocolates around, took one clove piece, and blessed my husband by sprinkling akshatas on him. He gave padanamaskar also.'

-- Mrs. A. Ammadu.

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 11.03.2005.)