Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group II | Mr. V. Kodandarama Rao

Mr. V. Kodandarama Rao,
1-11-112, Flat No. 305, Nagella Towers,
Shyamalal Building, Begumpet,
Hyderabad - 500 016
Tel: 040-55206830

Mr. V. Kodandarama Rao (63), a retired senior officer of the State Bank of India, narrates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

'Some years ago, I read an article in the Illustrated Weekly of India on Sri Sathya Sai Baba, but did not pay much attention to it later. During the year 1991, I heard about Baba while I was working at Mahaboobnagar. Then I remembered about the Illustrated Weekly article. My brother-in-law who is a devotee of Bhagavan used to tell me often about Baba. I, too, developed a desire to visit Puttaparthi.

During those days, I used to feel sometimes that Baba was calling me to go over to Puttaparthi. Somehow, I could not visit Puttaparthi then. Just at that time, I was told that I was likely to be posted to Assam. In fact, I wanted to go to Tirupati but they used to tell me that Tirupati posting would not come unless Lord Venkateswara willed it. I don't know what happened, but I received orders of posting as the Regional Manager, Tirupati in 1994.

My jurisdiction included Anantapur district also. So, I wanted to go to Kadiri in Anantapur district and have Darshan of Kadiri Lakshminarasimha Swami, my personal deity (Ishta Daivam). But Bhagavan willed it otherwise. In the very first week after my joining at Tirupati, my CGM phoned to say that he wanted to visit Puttaparthi. So, I had to follow him. Though we went by Kadiri, I could not visit the Temple. At Puttaparthi, Bhagavan called us for an interview. I did not realise at that time how lucky I was to get interview during my very first visit. Swami came to me and asked, 'what do you want?' 'Your grace Swami', I replied, 'shall I give you vibhuti?' Baba asked. 'Your kindness', I said. Baba materialised vibhuti and gave me.

Afterwards, I had been to Puttaparthi more than half a dozen times. Once or twice, Swami came to me in the Darshan line and talked to me. Though He stood before me, I could not dare to take Padanamaskar without His permission. I hesitated to ask for permission.

I do not remember the year, but we went to Puttaparthi for Darshan during Dasara. We stayed there for three days. We had Darshan daily. I could not go in during Sahasra Kalasabhishekam but my wife could get in. Then some sevadal were distributing Photographs of Swami. 'Don't get up', they were telling, 'be seated. We will come to you. You will get it'. So I sat where I had been. But I did not get one as the stock was over before they came up to us. I was a little disappointed.

After I returned to my room, the local Branch Manager of our Bank came to me and gave me a medallion. 'This is one of those kept in Padapooja', he told me, 'I secured one for you'. When I looked at it, Bhagavan's Photograph is there on it on one side. I felt immensely happy because though I could not get the Photograph, which was distributed earlier during Darshan, I could get Swami's medallion kept in pooja. It was only owing to His grace that I got it.

During the three days we spent in Puttaparthi, it was raining heavily. Despite the rain, the crowd was huge. On the last day, I could somehow get in for Darshan. Just then, I discovered that I had lost my purse somewhere. My railway tickets, personal papers were all there in it besides cash up to Rs.8, 000. After Darshan, I went out and searched for it in all places visited by me that day. I could not find it. We returned to our room and sat praying to Bhagavan. We had only an hour to go and catch our train. Just then a person knocked on the door. When we opened the door he asked, 'are you Mr. Kodandarama Rao?'

'Yes?' I replied.

'Is this yours?' he asked, handing over a purse to me. It was my purse!

'Yes, it is mine!' I cried overjoyed to find the lost and found article.

'There is a receipt given by the accommodation office in it', he said, 'so I could get to you. Please check if the money, etc are all there'.

'Thanks a lot', I said, 'everything is ok'.

It is the leela of Bhagavan that I got back my purse. My wife and I thought that Baba Himself had come in that form to return the purse to me. My wife, in fact, was so overwhelmed with joy that she actually broke down and wept.'

-- Mr. V. Kodandarama Rao.

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Hyderabad on 20.12.2004.)