Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group II | Mr. V. Jwala Narasimha Rao

Mr. Vanam Jwala Narasimha Rao,
F-703, South Block, Dwarakamayi Complex,
Navodaya - Srinagar Colony,
Yellareddyguda, Hyderabad - 500 073
Tel: 040-23747652, (M) 98491-03359

Mr. V. Jwala Narasimha Rao (58), former Additional Director, Dr. MCR Human Resources Development Institute, Hyderabad and Correspondent, National Information Services, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

'We were residing in Ram Nagar, Hyderabad at that time. My wife, Mrs. Vijayalakshmi used to visit Sivam now and then and participate in bhajans there. I was, however, not interested in such activities at that time. During 1973, I think, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba came to Hyderabad. Darshan and bhajan were arranged at Sivam. My wife went and had Darshan of Bhagavan, but I did not go there.

May be in 1976-77, Bhagavan came to Hyderabad again. At that time we were residing in Asok Nagar. My father-in-law, Mr. A. Rama Rao who was not well was with his son, Dr. A.V. Manohar Rao who was also residing nearby. We all went to Sivam. I, too, went along with them and had Darshan. After the programme was over, we were returning home. It was very hot. We could not get any auto-rickshaw even though we walked for about a kilometre. Being a non-believer, I wanted to have a jibe at Baba and said, 'why is He making us walk in the hot sun. If he is really God, let Him send us an auto-rickshaw, at least'.

No sooner had I completed my remark than a car stopped by our side. The driver gave lift to all of us, dropped us safely and comfortably at our place and left even before we could thank him. That had made me change my attitude towards Bhagavan though I would not say that it had made me a devotee. However, I used to visit Sivam whenever I chanced to go that side. I used to attend a bhajan or two at my convenience. And, unlike earlier, I used to go to Sivam, whenever Bhagavan visited Hyderabad, to have His Darshan. I used to go there on Sivarathri day in the night without fail. Initially these were the changes that had crept into my mindset since that day.

Gradually, I added recital of 'Aum Sri Sainathaya Namah' to my daily recital of Gayathri, which I had been doing for the last 5 or 6 years. Later, I joined the Institute of Administration later known as Dr. MCR HRD Institute of AP as a Faculty. While working for the Institute, in February 1998, I accompanied a team of professionals from the Defence services to Prasanthi Nilayam. One of the members was a victim of an accident, moving with the help of crutches. He was seated on a chair, as a special case during Darshan, while all others had to squat on the floor. Swami came to us, exchanged courtesies and, then, went to the person sitting on the chair.

'Get up!' Swami ordered. The person, who was, of course, a non-believer, got up and stood without the help of his crutches to the amazement of all of us.

Next day, we were all called for an interview. 'You were all wondering if you would get a good Darshan', Swami began, 'and you got it.' In fact, we got the interview, which we did not expect.

Bhagavan was seated on a chair while we all squatted around. Only the official, who moved on crutches, was given a chair. Bhagavan then spoke at length on various topics. Unfortunately, I did not take a pen and notebook on that day. Usually, I carry them with me always and take notes. That day I could not take notes and I was not even aware that I was not taking notes. I realised that I did not do so only after the interview was over. It never happens!

Swami materialised a few things and gave them to a few of us selected by Him at random. He went to Mrs. Ponnamma from the NDC and said, 'remove your watch'. He, then, materialised a watch and gave her. He gave her a ring also. He asked each one of us our names and spoke a sentence or two in our own mother language and as well as English. When I replied to His query about my name, 'Vanam Jwala Narasimha Rao', Bhagavan quipped, 'oh! Not just Narasimha but Jwala Narasimha!'

All the time, I was wondering if He would give me also something. But He did not.

In the course of the interview, Swami told the person seated on the chair, 'get up!' He got up and walked a few paces towards Swami without the aid of crutches. 'Don't worry', Swami told him, 'it will heal completely soon'.

A few minutes before closing the marathon 90-minutes interview, Bhagavan went to a window and took a bag. As He held it on one side, I held it by the other. Bhagavan placed His hand on my shoulder as we moved along those seated. He distributed vibhuti packets personally to all. I was thinking whether Bhagavan would give me at least vibhuti or not. At the end, He picked up a handful of packets and thrust them into my pocket Himself and patted me by way of blessing on my head!

Bhagavan gave new clothes to Lt. Gen. Iyengar. 'Swami!' Iyengar broached his problem with some hesitation, 'I have a couple of years of service. And, I am yet to perform the marriage of my daughter'.

'Don't worry!' Swami replied, 'your term will be extended, everything will be ok.'

'Go and see the hospital', Swami told us, 'I made arrangements for you to go round it. Mr. Paramahamsa is there.'

When we all returned to our rooms after Darshan, Lt. Gen. Iyengar was heard remarking, 'we neither have terms in the Army nor extensions'. Obviously he was credulous of the boon.

I ran into Iyengar after a few years. After approving the report of the Pay Commission, the Government of India raised the retirement age for all its employees including the personnel of the armed forces. Therefore, Iyengar, as Swami assured, continued in service for a couple of years more than his earlier date of retirement, I learnt; despite there being neither terms nor extensions in the Army. His daughter was married happily while he was in service.

In September 1990, my younger brother met with an accident and was brought to the NIMS. He was suffering much. There was no hope of his survival. I could not stand that sight. I went to Sivam and prayed. I don't remember exactly what I prayed for, but in my prayer, the emphasis was, perhaps, more on averting his suffering than extending his longevity. I brought a packet of vibhuti from Sivam to the NIMS and placed it under his pillow. In a few minutes, he passed away getting rid of all his suffering mercifully. Swami granted him relief and eternal peace, thus.'

-- Mr. V. Jwala Narasimha Rao.

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Hyderabad on 16.12.2004.)