Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group II | Mr. T. Bucchi Venkataramaiah

Mr. T. Bucchi Venkataramaiah
3-497, Samadhi Street
Puttaparthi - 515134

Mr. T. Bucchi Venkataramaiah (77), an agriculturist and a rice-miller from Kakinada, presently settled at Puttaparthi, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

'My wife has been a devotee of Bhagavan for a long time. I was, however, initially sceptical of His divinity. Some of our relatives planned a visit to Shirdi in 1997 and wanted me join them with my wife. My wife was enthusiastic but I declined to go. So only one ticket was reserved for my wife. On the day of departure, I returned early to see them off. I gave required money to my wife. All my relatives began persuading me to go to Shirdi as it was a golden chance to go in a group ensuring mutual help.

As they were taking out the luggage, I suddenly felt that Baba was speaking through me and said, 'ok. I will come. Get the ticket'. One of them phoned up to the Railway Station. The Station Master who knew us said, 'just now one Mr. Bhaskara Rao phoned saying that he cancelled his ticket. Let Mr. Naidu (that is, me) travel in his place'. I thought that Baba made Mr. Bhaskara Rao, whoever he was, to opt out only to enable me to go to Shirdi. When I entrained, a ticket collector came and asked me my age, I said, 'seventy-one'. 'How is it that it is given in the ticket as fifty-one?' he asked credulously.

'I sent my grandson to get the ticket', I replied, 'he entered it thus by mistake. Otherwise, I would have got senior citizen's concession. Now I lost that'. I do not know how I could think of that excuse. He did not raise any further doubts. After reaching Shirdi, we went for Darshan. I had some problems with my legs. I cannot stand for long nor walk for long. Nor can I squat on the floor. When we went for Darshan, harati was being given. I could not get a good view. I saw a small pedestal there. I went and sat on it. The view was very good from that place. Though I was a non-believer, I thought it was Baba's grace to get me a berth in the train and a comfortable seat in harati Darshan. We did not know that it was difficult to get harati Darshan in Shirdi. Fortunately, we could have three times harati Darshan. I sat on the pedestal on all the three occasions. No one objected. We were happy.

We took a jeep and went round the nearby places such as Sakur, Sani Singanapur, Temple of Renuka Mata, etc. I do not know what happened to me. Earlier, whenever my wife suggested any tour to pilgrimage centres, I used to brush it off. But now I felt a longing to continue on the touring spree. Our group decided to go to Tirupati. We went there and had good Darshan. As we were returning to Tirupati from uphill, I had an idea 'why not we go to Puttaparthi?' - this was unlike of me to think thus. My wife readily agreed.

One or two persons from our group also came with us to Puttaparthi while others returned to Kakinada. On arrival at Puttaparthi, we were given accommodation in the shed. At first, I thought that we would have to stay along with beggars. But I found to my surprise many well-to-do people staying in the sheds. In fact, I felt humble in their company. I wanted to be at Puttaparthi only for a day. But somehow I continued for about a week. I found many rich people and senior officers doing seva. Many ladies coming from high strata were doing menial work like sweeping streets and cleaning utensils. I began to appreciate the divine magnetism of Bhagavan drawing them in. 'Here is God in person', I reflected; 'if so, we should be here as long as we live'. Later, we went back to Kakinada.

But I felt a yearning to be back at Puttaparthi in a few days. I wanted to stay for a month. One of the devotees of Swami from Kakinada who owns a flat at Puttaparthi gave me the keys of his flat to stay. I came alone this time. During Darshan I saw people giving some envelopes to Swami. 'What is that?' I asked one gentleman. 'People wrote problems or desires', he told me. I have no problems. Neither do I have any desire. However, I managed to get required paper, envelope, etc and wrote a letter. 'Bhagavan!' I wrote, 'I want to spend the rest of my life here. Bless me so'. During Darshan I could not get front line, as I was late. I was seated behind four or five persons. Swami came along the front line. But instead of proceeding along the front line he turned across, came near me and stretched His hand gesturing to me to give Him my letter. I too stretched my hand but my hand could not reach His. Then someone - I don't know who, lifted me up from behind making me bend further. That enabled me to handover my letter to Bhagavan who took it, and walked away.

As I was walking after bhajan in the bazaar, one of my acquaintances accosted me. I confided in him that I wanted to rent a room and reside at Puttaparthi. He showed me a house. It is quite big. I thought that my wife would feel lonely in such a big house. 'If we could stay as neighbour to some lady who is in seva here', I told him, 'nothing like it. 'I will take you to a lady who is in seva here', he said, 'she may help you'. We went to that lady. 'In my house, a room was vacated by the tenant only yesterday', she told me, 'see if you like it'.

I thought Swami had caused it fall vacant for me. So I paid rent for one year. The lady was stunned. 'No, I don't want any advance', she told me, 'pay me only one month rent'. 'It is alright', I told her, 'I am giving on my own. Please take it'. Suppose I tell my wife I have rented a house paying one-month rent in advance, she may or may not agree to go over to Puttaparthi. But if I tell her that I paid rent in advance, we would lose 12 months rent if we did not go and reside at Puttaparthi, she would certainly agree to go over here. That was my idea in paying a year's rent in advance. My urge to reside here was so intense that I wanted to make sure that we left Kakinada for good.

When I went back to Kakinada, my wife was not ready to start. 'Now there is moodham (inauspicious period)', she said, 'we will go after it passes away'. I went to an astrologer. 'Next Wednesday is good to do housewarming', he told me, 'from Saturday moodham sets in. You can't do anything in moodham'. I returned home and told my wife, 'look! This Wednesday is good. I am going. I will not return to take you if you don't accompany me now'. My children and others sensed the seriousness in my tone. So they persuaded her to accompany me. Thus we became residents of Bhagavan's native place.

After sometime, I wanted to buy a house. I was told by an acquaintance that there are two rooms - one on the ground floor and the other on the first floor for sale. 'Beware', the gentleman cautioned me, 'I hear the neighbours are a nuisance'. I went to the landlady and quietly settled the bargain for Rs. 2 lakhs. I paid the amount and got it registered. The neighbours tried to give me pinpricks but I dealt with them firmly. By Bhagavan's grace, they did not give me any trouble. Though I was a new person, the owners of all other flats asked me to be the leader of the complex.

After a few months, my neighbour bought the room on the first floor from me for Rs. 2 lakhs. That means I got the room on the ground floor for nothing. 'This is your money Bhagavan', I thought, 'I will give it to you only'. So I took an insurance annuity policy for Rs. 2 lakhs. As long as I live, I take the income. Later, the principal will go to Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust according to my declaration in the policy.

In 2002, someone filed a suit against me involving Rs. 25 lakhs. I prayed to Bhagavan, 'I am under your care. Please take care of the suit yourself'. I went to depose before the court. My advocate found me faltering when he, in his office, asked me some questions, which the lawyer of the other party was expected to ask me. 'If you depose like this', he lamented, 'I am afraid we may lose the case'. I prayed to Bhagavan. 'You have to talk for me, Swami', I pleaded with Bhagavan in my mind, 'I can't do it'.

When I deposed before the court later, all were stunned. I deposed so well and so convincingly. I do not know what happened to me. But I am certain that it was not I who deposed, but Bhagavan. Needless to say, that the case was disposed of in my favour.

In 2004, my son-in-law and my two sons came to Puttaparthi for the Birthday of Bhagavan. Two or three days after the Birthday, they told me that the real purpose behind their visit was different. 'We wanted to take you from here to Kakinada', they explained, 'all people are criticizing us for allowing you to be at a far away place like this in this old age. But after being here for the last two days, we ourselves have no inclination to return. So we are returning happily convinced that you are at the right place. Earlier, we thought that you might be leading here a life of hardship and strain. After seeing for ourselves, we go back relieved certain that yours is a happy life of peace and tranquillity here!'

-- Mr. T. Bucchi Venkataramaiah.

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 31.12.2004.)