Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group IV | Mr. Suraj Pande

Mr. Suraj Pande,
Ranger College Ground,
Opp. Saint Thomas School,
Dehradun - 248 001
Mobile: 92198-48421

Mr. Suraj Pande (37), an employee of the Medical Service, Government of India, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

'I came to know about Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba through one of my friends, a pharmacist. In those days I used to feel disturbed in mind, and was in quest of peace. Though I have been connected with Sai activities since 1997, I have started taking more active participation only for the last three years.

In the year 2002, I went to attend the Birthday celebrations of Bhagavan. After the programme was over, I took prasadam and started to return to my house. I was coming by my motorbike. In the front was my last daughter Parun, while my second daughter Pratiksha and a girl from my neighbour's house were riding on the pillion. Suddenly, a Maruti car came in the opposite direction. We both turned into the same lane and dashed against each other. We fell down and went under the car along with the motorbike. My daughter was crying Papa! Papa! Passersby gathered and pulled us out. Immediately I asked my daughter who was crying if she was hurt.

'No, I am not hurt', she told me, 'I was crying out of fear and shock'. By Bhagavan's grace, all four of us were safe and escaped without a scratch. How the Maruti car had stopped exactly where it stopped was a miracle. Had it moved even a little by a few inches, we would have been crushed by the back tyres coming over us. We escaped the onslaught of the front wheels, too. No onlooker of the accident believed that we would be all right while they pulled us out. Even my motorbike was not damaged at all, and we could return home safely on it. On Bhagavan's Birthday, His grace gave us a new lease of life.

In April 2005, we conducted a medical camp in Pokhal village. We went there in the morning and returned to Rishikesh. There we changed into a van and collected some cartons of medicines and started. The van was going at about 80 kmph. When a large carton of medicine bottles fell down from the rear of the van on the road, we stopped the van, ran back and collected the carton. We were afraid that many of the medicine bottles which were made of glass would have been broken by the impact of the fall from the van. When we examined the carton, we were surprised that not even one was broken. All were intact. We all thanked Bhagavan for His grace.

Now I came to Prasanthi Nilayam for the first time. I came for seva, and also brought my wife and three daughters with me. On June 2 (yesterday), I was taking rest after return form duty. Some one woke me up saying, 'Swami has come'. There was no programme of Swami returning from Brindavan. We all rushed to the mandir and had Darshan of Bhagavan. Same evening, Bhagavan left for Brindavan again. Why did Swami come? Only to bless us with His Darshan! Had he not come to Prasanthi Nilayam, we would have returned to our places without His Darshan after the seva was over.'

-- Mr. Suraj Pande.

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 03.06.2005)