Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group IV | Mr. Sunil Kumar

Mr. Sunil Kumar,
Nangal Jarialan -177 212,
Una District, Himachal Pradesh.

Mr. Sunil Kumar (45), an Army Officer, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

'Mr. Kishen Singh, who came to Nangal Jarian as the new Principal of the Secondary School there, has taken a house near to ours. He is a devotee of Bhagavan. I heard from him about Swami for the first time in May 2004. He used to invite us for bhajans.

After this, I had three dreams during 2004 and 2005. In the first dream Swami appeared to me as Lord Krishna. Afterwards He slowly turned as Shirdi Sai and then Sri Satya Sai. In the second dream, Swami came as Shirdi Baba and then turned into Sri Satya Sai. In the third one, Swami appeared as Sri Satya Sai. He took out a linga and we all did namaskar to the linga. Then Swami, too, did namaskar to the linga. As he was doing so, He grew in size and became very tall and strong, and turned into Hanuman.

After these dreams, I wanted to go and see Bhagavan. By Swami's grace, a chance came to me to come here in seva. After coming here, I was amazed to see the Hanuman of huge size on the hill, which I saw in my dream. By His grace, I was posted to security duty. Whenever Swami came out in His car, we were blessed with excellent dashan from close quarters. Swami sometimes looked and smiled at us, which sent us into indescribable ananda.

Once I sustained a gun injury in the battle. I was awarded Saurya Chakra, a gallantry award. But, I had to undergo surgery. They had to put a plate inside my skin above my abdomen during surgery. It causes me pain and inconvenience whenever I have to bend or turn sideways. After coming here, I have not experienced any such pain or inconvenience during seva even though I have had to bend or turn in the course of discharging my duties as sevadal. It is a great and amazing miracle I am experiencing here.'

-- Subedar Sunil Kumar

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 27.07.2005)