Mr. Sri Nandakishore Prasad,
Rawat Nagar - I, Bindu Khatta,
Lal Kumoan Post,
Nainetal District, Uttaranchal

'I have been brought up in spiritual environment since my childhood. I had the good fortune to construct Gourisankar mandir in my village.

Some devotee of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba came one day to bhajan in our Gourisankar mandir and sang bhajans. This was in January, 2005. I was much impressed and became Bhagavan's devotee. I placed the photograph of Sri Shirdi Sai and Sri Sathya Sai in our mandir and perform bhajans and seva there.

On the day of Holi festival in 2005, Master Mohan, of one year and a half age, was brought to me by his mother. He was crying non-stop. I prayed to Bhagavan and applied a little vibhuthi on his forehead and put a little in his mouth. Miraculously, he at once stopped crying, and began to laugh after a few minutes.

During the Holi festival in the same year, one Mr. Kuber, a worker came to me. He works in the sand quarries in the river Gola. He had fever.

'Give me some medicine', he pleaded, 'I have fever'.

'I don't give medicines', I replied, 'I am not a doctor. But I give you a pinch of Bhagavan's vibhuthi. Take it!

I put a little vibhuthi on his forehead and put a little in his mouth also. Miraculously, he was all right in a few minutes.

'I am all right now', he told me, and 'I will go back to work'.

Bhagavan's grace!

One day in April, 2005, my mother, Mrs. Sukhni Devi was called to help one of our neighbours, Mrs. Soni Kumari who was having labour pains from 12 o' clock onwards but did not deliver the baby. When my mother got ready to go, I said, 'ma! Take some Baba's vibhuthi with you and apply it. Let them also to pray to Bhagavan. I too will pray.'

She took the packet and went. On return she told me, 'I applied a little vibhuthi on Soni's forehead and put some in her mouth. Bhagavan's grace, my child, she delivered, almost immediately, a male child. Mother and son are all right'.

I thanked Bhagavan for His love and compassion. Many are the miracles Bhagavan has been doing in our place through His vibhuthi. I have given here only a few by way of illustration. Those who were benefite

Mr. Nandakishore Prasad (36), an agriculturist, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

d would come to me to offer money. 'Bhagavan does not take money. You spend this to help poorer people', I tell them.'

-- Mr. Sri Nandakishore Prasad

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 08.06.2005)