Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group II | Mr. Sreedhar J.R.P.

Sreedhar JRP
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E-mail: sreedhar_jrp@yahoo.co.in

Mr. Sreedhara Janardhan Rao Pingali (51), Regional Manager, Nagarjuna Grameena Bank, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

'I happened to develop faith in Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba owing to the influence of my brother-in-law Mr Madiraju Ramachandra Rao, an ardent devotee of Bhagavan. Fortunately my wife Mrs Seetha has been a devotee of Swami. My children have grown up in this environment.

I visited Prasanthi Nilayam for the first time on January 23, 1990. But Swami was not there at that time.

My second visit was in 1993. I went with my family. At that time, some medical conference was going on. We were fortunate to have not only Darshan of Bhagavan, but Padanamaskar also. Since then I have been going at least once in a year to Prasanthi Nilayam. Swami once gave me Vibhuti, which He materialized. Each time of my visits, He has been showing some gesture of blessing.

My elder son Mr. Vikas passed Intermediate in 1997. He expressed intention to study in a college with some good buildings and structures. So I went and made enquiries in Tamilnadu. There is an engineering college, which suited his desire. Christian missionaries at Coimbattore run the college, named Karunya Institute of Technology. Its buildings are imposing. Located in idyllic surroundings, the college impressed me well.

But I learnt that one should get either 95% marks or above in the Intermediate Examination, or pay heavy donation of more than Rs. 4 lakhs to get admission there. As we could not fulfill either, I lost hopes and returned. I was only praying to Swami about my son's future. After a few a days, my telephone rang at 11.30 pm. I lifted the receiver half asleep.

'I am Satyanarayana.' A voice said, 'one of the students who joined B.E (Computers) took T.C and left. So better come and try for that'.

I could not place the caller and also the purpose immediately. I put down the receiver as if not interested. Suddenly, it dawned on me that he was talking about my son's seat. I then recollected that I had met one hostel warden working in that engineering college at Coimbattore whose name is Satyanarayana. I was having his phone number. So I rang him up at once and apologized saying that I had mistaken him for another Satyanarayana.

'You know, I can't pay donation' I told him frankly, 'nor my son got the stipulated merit marks. How can I hope for that seat?'

'In that case', he said, 'you may try to get some recommendation from a Christian Bishop or Father. Perhaps it may help'.

I knew one Bishop Krupakar from whom I could get a letter recommending my son for that seat, to the founder of the college. It was addressed direct to Dr D.G.S. Dinakaran who was the founder of the college.

I contacted the P.A. of Dr Dinakaran immediately over phone. 'I want an appointment with Dr Dinakaran'. I pleaded with the P.A.

'It is not possible. He is very busy.' The P.A advised me to fax the letter of the Bishop to Dr. Dinakaran.

I faxed the letter. Later, I went to their local office in Chennai. I was directed to some other building.

After initial interview, my son was given a seat in B.E Computers with nominal donation. I feel that it was only owing to Swami's grace. Otherwise, could I hope to have my son admitted in such a reputed college? It did not end there. My brother's son also studied Intermediate with my son. I requested the Management 'can't you give him also a seat?' I knew what I was asking too much. Surprisingly, the Management agreed! Swami's grace is boundless.

In September 2000, I went to Prasanthi Nilayam. I stayed with my brother-in-law Mr. Ravulapati Venkata Rama Rao in his room. Bhagavan gave him two diamond rings, earlier, one after the other. I jocularly asked him, 'why Bhagavan is giving diamond rings only to you? Why does not He give us also?'

'You do seva' my brother-in-law said, ' He will give you, too'.

In fact, I have been doing some seva in the health care by collecting physicians' samples, medicines etc. from Doctors and supplying them to medical camps for free distribution to the poor.

Though we could collect a bag of medicines or so in the beginning for a medical camp, the collection has grown, owing to Swami's grace, to a jeep load of late. My wife and I have also been taking interest in running Balavikas classes. When I told my brother-in-law about these activities, he simply said 'good, continue your seva'.

Earlier also, whenever I could get a chance in Darshan line to talk to Swami, I used to pray, 'Swami please give me strength to do service, to carry your message to devotees'.

That night (when I spoke to my brother-in-law about our service activities) I lay down thinking about wearing the ring if Swami gave me one. As I had two rings on each hand, I thought of removing one to make room for the ring to be given by Swami. My brother-in-law had told me in the past that one should not remove the ring given by Swami from the hand in any circumstances.

Next morning, that is, on September 28, 2000, I went with my brother-in-law for Darshan and sat along with the group brought by my brother-in-law from Anakapalli. Swami came along and asked me what I was doing.

'Participating in medical seva, Swami', I replied.

Swami moved on, took a turn along the line, and came back to me again.

'What are you doing?' Swami asked me again.

'Medical seva, Swami', I repeated.

Swami moved away.

I was wondering if there was anything wrong with my reply, because Swami repeated His question.

Swami walked along the lines and, taking a round, again came to me for the third time .He asked the same question and I replied in the same manner only adding 'Swami, I will do any service if you entrust and give me strength to do it better'.

Swami moved on, but turned back and returned to me. He materialized a ring with 3 white diamonds by wave of His hand. On seeing it, I lifted my right hand. But He pushed it away. He took my left hand into His hand, and put the ring to my left hand ring finger. Thus Bhagavan responded to my wishful prayer for a diamond ring, though I made the remark in a lighter vein with my brother-in-law. It is still on my left hand.

My son passed B.E and wanted to do M.S in Computers in the U.S.A. But he did not get favourable response for VISA from the U.S Consulate office at Chennai. This was in November 2002. We felt depressed. We only prayed to Swami about it. Around November 24, my wife had a dream in which Bhagavan appeared.

'Swami' my wife pleaded in dream 'my son did not get VISA'. Swami laughed and laughed. The dream ended. But on November 30, my son received a mail from the U.S Consulate at Chennai to attend the office on December 5. He went there, and was taken inside bypassing a long queue. He was interviewed and asked to come in the evening. When he went there again, he was given the VISA! How did it happen? Only it is Swami's grace.

There are many more instances relating the shower of His grace. The most important of them is, in my view, the way Swami brought about a silent but salient transformation in me. I used to spend lot of time with friends and in public relations. All that has ceased after I came into Swami's fold. Now I attend to my official work, and, in spare time, service activities. No chatting or waste of time!'

-- Mr. Sreedhar J.R.P.

(Sent to info@vedamu.org through e-mail on 20.08.2004.)