Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group II | Mr. S.Vijaya Kumar Virli

Mr. S. Vijaya Kumar Virli
3127, Sector 24-D
Chandigarh - 160 023
Tel: 0172-2774296

Mr. Vijay Kumar Virli (53), a Marketing Executive, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own wards.

'I came to know of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in 1967 through a newspaper article for the first time. My wife and I had Darshan of Swami in 1980 for the first time in Delhi. Since then we have been devotees of Bhagavan.

My wife is a Government Servant while I am in the marketing line in a private company. My wife was observing fast on Mondays and wanted that we both should go to Siva Temple in the evening together. But the nature of my job was such that I could seldom make it on time. As she was carrying at that time, I did not like to displease her. Even though I asked her not to wait for me, she used to wait for me invariably.

One day we returned from the Temple to our house when the power supply went off. She requested me to light a candle and also a lamp, while she was in the kitchen. I returned just then after taking bath. As I lit the candle, my eyes fell on the portrait on the wall. It is a felicitation address presented to us on the occasion of our marriage. It has photographs of Siva, Parvathi and Ganesh.

As I was looking at it casually, I was amazed to find water spring up from the photograph of Siva, for a second. I thought that some drops might have fallen there from me as I was returning after taking bath. Immediately, as if to dispel my doubt, water gushed like a fountain from the Trishul held by Siva. I called my wife immediately to see the miracle. This has assured us once again that Swami has always been with us.

I used to feel that I should do some seva in my humble way. One senior devotee, an Engineer by profession, saw me with my Father-in-law who was an Aeronautical Engineer. On my being introduced to him, he entrusted me with seva, which was to my liking and was in my line. My work was to organize a medical camp. He was the then State President of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samithi. Even though there were two qualified Doctors in the Samithi, I was kept in-charge of the medical camp.

I went to a shop to buy some medicines for the camp. When the shop owner came to know why I was buying them, he said, 'please take all these medicines for the medical camp. You need pay nothing'. In fact, three or four of us were contributing in all Rs. 40 a month to meet the expenses of the camp. About 60 to 120 persons were getting free medical aid and medicines in the camp. We used to hold the camp in Kishangadh, about 7 km away. We could run the camp successfully from 1982 to 1986. The camp developed well with the cooperation of all and the grace of Swami; we could manage well within Rs. 40 a month as medicines were procured from dealers free of cost.

One day a lady came to the camp. She had some skin problem. At that time there was no Doctor available in the camp. I prayed to Swami, picked up an ointment and gave it to her; 'please pray to Swami and apply this', I told her. After a few days, she returned. 'What is that ointment?' she asked. 'It cured my ailment'.

'Swami cured you', I told her, 'I don't remember what ointment I gave you'. I thanked Swami in my mind for healing her.

In 1983, I was going to the camp on a bicycle in the morning. Two more persons were to join me at a point. The sky was turning cloudy. It began to rain heavily. When I reached the point where the other two were to join me, no one was there. A thought then crossed my mind, 'who would come in this rain to the camp? I had better get back'. Within a few minutes, the rain ceased. The sky became clear. I began to proceed further thinking that the sky had cleared in the natural course.

Soon the rain returned heavily. Though I was afraid that none would come to the camp in the rain, I kept going. I met the Surpanch who came with me to the School where the camp was to be held. We were already late by a few minutes. Though the camp was kept open, there was no one till 9:15 a.m.

Usually by that time, there would be a good gathering of patients. I thought that there was no use sitting idle, and wanted to pack off. Then suddenly crows came and dropped near me. Usually crows do not come near people. They were there for a couple of minutes and then flew away. Soon after, everything began to move normally. Gradually, people began to come for check-up. The crowd bulged to the normal size. Balavikas children came and classes were held.

From that day, many things began to happen in my house. Whenever there was an occasion like our wedding anniversary or the birthday of any of our family members, something unusual used to happen. Amritam used to come out of the Photographs of Swami and the Photographs of other deities. When we lit a lamp, the wick, after being burnt out completely, used to leave a mark in the shape of Aum! This happened twice.

In 1985, we used to hold the medical camp in the village called Kaim Bewala. One day Dr. A.Govila held a special eye camp. Though he was a Plastic Surgeon, he used to attend to all cases. All patients were seen and only three or four remained. So, we decided to close the camp after seeing the remaining patients already waiting, and call it a day.

Then an old gentleman came to the camp. He was leaning on a stick and pleaded to examine his eye. Though we had just closed by that time, we treated him also and gave medicines. Dr. Govila even wanted to give the old man a lift in his car and looked for him. He was not to be seen. We took to the road. There was only one road. We journeyed along the road, but the old man simply disappeared. 'Was the old man Shirdi Sai?' - we were discussing. 'If He were Shirdi Sai, He would give us some indication', I said to the Doctor.

When I reached home, I saw a drop of water shedding from the eye of Sri Satya Sai in the Photograph in my house. So Bhagavan came to our camp - I concluded happily.

While we were in seva, fine fragrance used to descend into the house many times. In 2000, I underwent surgery for some kidney problem. After being discharged, I returned to my house from the hospital. I sent my two sons for seva to Prasanthi Nilayam. Both sat in Darshan lines, one with a letter. Baba came along the lines and took the letter from my son while caressing him on his cheek. He caressed the other on his palm with His divine hand.

That night, in Chandigarh, I woke up around 1 a.m., as there was a sound like 'zoom' as if someone had passed by very fast. I felt someone had entered into the house. I saw that the door remained closed, and the bolt was securely fastened. My wife also woke up with the same feeling. But there was none. At that time, suddenly a fine fragrance enveloped my room. Next day we got phone call from our sons that Swami had blessed them at Prasanthi Nilayam.

In 1981, we came for seva. Mr. Indulal Shaw announced that all those who had done seva in kitchen and toilets would receive Padanamaskar after they returned to their places. After our return to Chandigarh, my wife and I both had dreams at the same time on the same night. In my dream, Swami gave me Padanamaskar. My wife dreamt that she had placed her head on the altar during Bhajan with her head on Bhagavan's feet.

I woke up, and woke up my wife, too. When we exchanged information on our dreams, we were surprised to find that Swami had blessed us both with Padanamaskar as announced at Prasanthi Nilayam.

This afternoon (August 15, 2004), I was returning from sevadal canteen after finishing my lunch. I was on my way to duty when one of my friends accosted me. 'Today there is a very good programme in Sai Kulwant Hall', he told me, 'don't miss it. You can have Prasadam also.'

'But I have to be on seva at that time', I replied, 'I can not leave the place of my duty.'

As I was proceeding, there was some commotion. People were running hither and thither. Suddenly Swami's car was coming that side. Immediately, I began regulating the crowd putting on my scarf and badge. Swami's car was coming along slowly. I had the good fortune of having Darshan of Bhagavan face to face from very, very close quarters. This was at about 12:50 p.m. Later, in the evening, some people, who came to South 3 where I was on duty, gave me Prasadam.

Thus, in His boundless love and compassion, Swami gave me very good Darshan and also arranged Prasadam, without my having to leave the post of my duty.

-- Mr. Vijay Kumar Virli.

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 15.08.2004.)