Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group I | Mr. S.Venkateswara Rao

Mr. S.Venkateswara Rao
Village Assistant, Siripuram
Via: Wyra, Khammam District

Mr.Venkateswara Rao, a Village Assistant in Khammam District, narrates his experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words, conveyed through his relative.

'Ours is a lower middle class family. Unfortunately, I fell into bad company and became a slave to many bad habits. The result was that we were reduced to poverty on one side, and my health deteriorated on the other.

In the month of January 2004, I got myself checked up by Doctors. I was told that I had blocks in my heart. My pulse came down to 22 against the normal rate of 72. Both my legs became swollen as if filarial. Though I was advised to go to the NIMS at Hyderabad, I could not afford it. So my close relatives took me to Puttaparthi. We started on a Friday and arrived on Saturday. I didn't remember the date, but it was in January 2004 only.

After I entered the premises of Prasanthi Nilayam, swelling on my legs disappeared miraculously in a few minutes. It did not recur. I had Darshan of Swami twice on Saturday and once on Sunday.

On Monday I was taken to the Super Specialities Hospital. The Doctor said that the ailment was the result of my habits. He said that my condition was such that doing angiogram was also risky. He gave medicines and a prescription of diet. He wanted me to take medicines with vibhuti of Swami. He did not tell me all these things in person, as I was not in a condition to withstand any unpleasant news. My heart was so weak. He conveyed all these things to those that accompanied me.

According to the Doctor, the end might come to me any time. My relatives who accompanied me were doubtful whether I would last long enough to reach our home. When I went to Puttaparthi, I could not bear the weight of my own body. On return, I could walk properly and could also carry a carry-bag with water bottles. I took rest and medicines for six months. My pulse rate rose up to 50. My condition improved miraculously disproving what Doctors had predicted. I could rejoin duty. I am certain that I turned the corner after my visit to Puttaparthi. Swami's vibhuti has been my real medicine rather than the medicines given at the Hospital. My relatives who were doubtful if I would return alive from Puttaparthi say now that I am a standing example of Bhagavan's miracle.'

-- Mr. S.Venkateswara Rao.

(As conveyed through his relative Mr. G.Mohan to Mr. B.Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 07.07.2004.)