Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group II | Mr. S. Venkata Subramaniam

Mr. S. Venkata Subramaniam,
C - 8, IHDL Apartments,
Ammankoyil Street, Venkatapuram,
Coimbattore - 636 013
Tel: 0422-2439191

Mr. S. Venkata Subramaniam (70), a retired senior officer of the Survey and Land Records Department in Tamilnadu, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own wards.

'I had been a devotee of Shirdi Sai originally. In 1964, I heard from my uncles and aunts, who have been devotees of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, that Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the re-incarnation of Shirdi Sai.

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba was going to Kollangode (Kerala) via Pollacchi (Tamilnadu) in around 1965. Kollangode is the place from which Swami's elephant Sai Geeta hails. I was at Pollacchi where I had Darshan of Sri Sathya Sai Baba for the first time.

Though I had Darshan of Swami in 1965 itself, I did not proceed further in my path of devotion to Swami till 1979. I continued being a devotee of Sri Shirdi Sai meanwhile. I have a silver medallion of Shirdi Sai with me, which I have been keeping since those days.

In 1979, I became associated with Sri Sathya Sai Samiti at Salem and was exposed to the spirit and theory of service propounded by Swami. The same year I went to Prasanthi Nilayam for the first time and had Darshan of Bhagavan. In 1981, I went there again when I bought a photograph of Swami for my Pooja room. I used to participate in the service activities of the Samiti and was appointed as sevadal convenor of the Samiti. Till this moment I have been doing service of Swami as best as possible.

On January 26, 1994, I was returning to Salem by Bus after attending a marriage at Coimbattore. I kept my two-wheeler at my office, before boarding a bus to Coimbattore, at Salem in the morning, which I wanted to take on return to Salem. The Bus entered the five-road junction at Salem where I wanted to get down. As I pulled my bag, it got stuck behind the seat. The carrier belt gave way as I tugged at it.

Just at that very juncture the Bus was going round the curve in the five-road centre. I was thrown out of the rear door near which I was sitting till then, due to the sudden release of the carrier belt of my bag on one hand and the centrifugal force generated by the Bus going round the curve at that time. When I was thrown out of the Bus with full force, the only thought that crossed my mind was that it was the end of me. Let me admit frankly that I could not think of Swami even.

The next thing I knew was that, instead of dashing against the road, I was floating as if some one put His hands under my body (held horizontally) and carried me to land smoothly over 20 to 30 feet away from the point of my ejection from the Bus. All passengers raised a hue and cry on seeing me being thrown out of the Bus. Then the Bus stopped at about 300 feet away from where I fell down. The conductor came running towards me. I don't know how I could get up so soon, but I was on my feet instantly running towards the conductor.

The conductor was completely stunned on seeing me run towards him. 'How could you get up and run after such a fall?' was his query. At once I showed him a ring on my finger with the Photograph of Swami. Swami had blessed it earlier at Prasanthi Nilayam. That ring alone saved me. All those, who had written me off, were pleasantly surprised on my miraculous escape even without a scratch.

I still revel gratefully whenever I remember the soothing and blissful touch of the Divine-hands that made me float in air before safe landing 20 to 30 feet away from the point of my fall. I was wearing spectacles at the time of fall besides keeping a purse and wearing chappals - not even shoes. Believe it or not, all were intact.

The said five-road junction is one of the busiest centres in Salem with heavy traffic. Several heavy and light vehicles pass along the road continuously. At the time of my fall, not one vehicle other than the Bus, even a two-wheeler, was on the road. The five roads branching from the circle were completely empty at the time of this incident. Anyone falling from a speeding Bus at the junction could have been crushed to death by the heavy traffic all around in the normal circumstances. The Lord has been so kind, compassionate, loving and caring to me that he saved me from what could have been a fatal accident even though I had not even thought of Him even once during the critical moments.

Though I started worshipping Bhagavan only since 1979, I was a devotee of God in the forms of Muruga and Devi. I recall an incident that took place in 1954. Those were the days when I was working in rural areas as a new entrant into the Survey and Land Records Department. I was posted at Sonnahaickana Halli, a small village without any amenities worth mentioning. I had to walk for about 2 to 3 miles to have a bite at my friends' houses in nearby villages.

One day I was going to a nearby village. It was around 6:45 p.m. After I went half the way, it started raining. It was becoming dark. It was a part of forest area. I was really frightened and prayed to the Lord to protect me. After going a few paces, I saw a hut. I went there hoping to take shelter there from rain, at least. When I stepped in, a gentleman accosted me. I introduced myself, and the purpose of my visit. He simply said, 'food is ready.' He served just prepared chakkarpongal (sweet pongal), with pure ghee. I ate it and, on his advice, rested in that hut for the night. Next day, I returned to my place in the morning.

After 4 or 5 days, I went to the same place to thank him for his hospitality once again. The hut was there, but there was no trace of any human habitation in it for months. When I made enquiries, I was told that no person of the description given by me had ever been seen there. The hut was being used by the landlord occasionally as a cattle shed! Then who was He that had entertained me with sweetpongal and shelter that night, if not the Lord in person!

My job was a transferable one. Though I had four promotions and several transfers on paper, I was never moved out of Salem. I spent 28 long years of my service only at Salem. It may be difficult to believe but true. It is again a leela of Swami that allowed me to take active part in Sri Sathya Sai Samiti programmes at Salem all those years, and to keep me there without a shift, to facilitate my participation.

I came to Prasanthi Nilayam for seva in 1987. During the evening Darshan, I sat in Darshan lines as I was off duty. At that time, we all used to sit in the open, as Sai Kulwant hall was not there. All around, there were many trees. As it was time for the birds to return to their nests, the trees were full of birds. They were making lot of noise besides leaving excreta on the sitting devotees. This disturbed the devotees and they began to be restless. As Swami came along the lines, the squeals of birds became much louder and unbearable. Then Swami looked up and made a soft sound with His lips indicating disgust. At once, the birds became silent. No sound was heard as long as Swami walked along the lines. I was a personal witness to this miracle, which demonstrates Bhagavan's control on all the livestock.'

-- Mr. S. Venkata Subramaniam.

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 22.10.2004.)