Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group III | Mr. S. Trisankar Gupta

Mr. S. Trisankar Gupta, M.A., L.L.B.
14-89, Khader Miran Street
Chittoor - 517 001
Tel: 08572-220495

Mr. S.T. Gupta (32), advocate, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

‘This was around 2002. Those were the days when Sri Sathya Sai mandir at Chittoor was being constructed. One devotee promised to donate marble slabs worth a few lakhs of rupees for the mandir. The stock was to be lifted from Tirupati. So a few of us went in a car to Tirupati. Even though I was not well, I had to go owing to the pressure of my colleagues in Sri Sathya Sai Samiti.

Each marble slab was of the size of 8’x9’. Each slab had to be tested for cracks or weak spots, if any, before it was lifted by the labour. If the slab gave way after lifting it up, there was the danger of the labourer’s legs getting chopped off owing to the weight of the falling broken pieces. Besides, the lorry also had to be kept in a slant position to load the slabs. The chassis of the lorry we engaged had not been aligned properly. Yet we began getting it loaded. After the loading was complete, I went in to count the pieces. Just then a labourer also got in to adjust the slabs on the other side. As the slab was pushed on the other side, the whole lot of slabs on my side fell on my back as I just turned back after counting. I was sandwiched between the slabs, and the side of the lorry. Simultaneously, the slabs on other side also fell on the labourer who was trapped like me between the slabs and the side of the lorry. In his case, the slabs fell on his front side. All those who were there were helpless. To remove all the slabs would take at least an hour or so by which time we would be crushed like a papad.

The weight that fell on me was estimated later, as roughly 3 tons! So was the case with the other person. I was praying ‘Sainatha’ while the other person - a Christian was saying, ‘Yesunatha’. Within a few minutes after praying to Baba, a proclein machine came there. It was a Sunday. There was no chance of any such machines being around, that too, with driver. The driver brought the machine near and pushed the slabs to a side easing the pressure on me. Persons around pushed a wooden log in between the slabs and the sidewall of the lorry to hold the blocks from falling on me again. They extricated me in almost unconscious condition. I was rushed to the hospital. The other person also was rescued likewise, and was rushed to the hospital. In my case, x-rays were taken. Amazingly there was no fracture anywhere - not even a hairline one.

I was discharged and advised complete rest. On my return to Chittoor, x-rays were taken again, as the result of the x-rays at Tirupati was unbelievable. But the same result came. One doctor came to my house and gave some painkiller. I recovered soon, and have had no problem ever since. The other person also was saved, but had to undergo treatment for a few months! Owing to the grace of Bhagavan, I escaped death miraculously.

In the year 2001, we announced a programme Sri Sathya Sai Sandesa Vahini, but could not secure any vehicle to go round the villages during the period of that programme. As we did not like to postpone the already announced programme in the villages, we were praying to Bhagavan. We could finally secure a van used to transport eggs and began our journey in it. After going a few kilometres, it hit a very heavy carrier-truck, which was parked on the roadside. Just then another vehicle that was coming behind us hit our van. Our van was badly damaged. But miraculously all the twenty or so passengers in it escaped completely unharmed owing to Bhagavan’s grace. One of the passengers was a person known for his frugality bordering on miserliness. After our miraculous escape, he invited us for bhajan in his house and treated us for a lavish meal!

In the year 2003, my father Mr. S.V. Narayana Setty was unwell. One night, as he lay on his bed in a critical condition, I prayed to Bhagavan to save him. In my emotionally surcharged state, I lost my sense of propriety and began finding fault with Bhagavan. I even dared Swami to save my father if He is God; my father recovered miraculously and lived thereafter for 78 days. He passed away on the 79th day, which was the day of Bhishma Ekadasi after the advent of Uttarayanam.’

-- Mr. S. Trisankar Gupta

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 03.04.2005.)