Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group VI | Mr. S. Satyanarayana

Mr. S. Satyanarayana,
Sai Bhargavi Apartments,
Behind Bus Stand,
Puttaparthi - 515134.

Mobile: 92471-26108

      Mr. S. Satyanarayana (38), a journalist and real estate dealer, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

'I had no belief in Bhagavan and used to criticise Him in those days. In 1989-90, I came to Puttaparthi accompanying a patient suffering from kidney problem. Our driver ridiculed us when the patient wanted to go for darshan saying that Baba is no God. I, too, did not care to go for darshan and returned. In retrospect, I think all my troubles started from that point of time only.

In 1999, when I was doing well in the film industry, I had an attack of jaundice. My people had lost hopes and were doubtful if I would survive that attack. Ion those days, I was taken to a spiritual person by one of my well-wishers. He was a believer in Virat Potuluri Veerabrahmam garu. 'You will be all right' he told me, 'meditate after midnight. You will see God.' I used to do so. My health picked up. After 45 days I shifted to Bangalore because I received a phone call from friends to enter real estate business there since the film I was producing at Hyderabad ran into financial troubles. At Bangalore, my money got locked up in land deals and I went broke.

While I was facing the misery of poverty, a photograph fell on my feet one day. It was containing Shirdi Sai, Lakshmi and Venkateswara. I thought that it was a good omen. I was advised by a friend to visit Papaghni Mutt. I went there, had a dip in the holy waters of Papaghni. From there I went to Puttaparthi without any plan or programme to go there. I had darshan of Bhagavan there for the first time. Swami went to Brindavan the next day to inaugurate Sri Sathya Sai Super Specialties Hospital there. Some unknown persons helped me to return to Whitefield.

I suffered from poverty for two months. One day my child was crying for food. We neither had food nor money to buy it. I went into the open grounds adjacent to Brindavan Ashram and contemplated on my pitiable state. 'If you are God' I challenged Swami, 'feed me and my family.' As I was loitering on the ground aimlessly, I noticed some papers. I picked them. It was a bundle of tokens of Gokulam canteen! We had no problem with food. As soon as the tokens were over, I used to find tokens literally coming to me. One of the persons in seva at Puttaparthi met me at Brindavan. 'I have a house here' he told me, 'you can stay there and pay me the rent you can, when you have money'. I thought it was the arrangement of Swami. Now He solved my food problem and house problem. On the advice of a friend, I began to do Sai Gayathri. My target was to do it one lakh times. One gentleman whom I used to meet at darshan one day told me 'if you want to start some business I will give you some money'. He maintained me for 3½ years.

In 2002, I gave Swami many letters on my plight. Once I went to Vetapalem where I gave a letter to Swami by placing it at the altar in a devotee's house there. Pat came the reply 'don't be afraid. I am with you.' The reply came in letters written in vibhuti, and foot prints came on a cloth in vibhuti. Swami advised me 'control your mind and eliminate desires'. Strangely, a person gave me after that a book on how to control mind and check desires. I thought that Swami sent it to me.

One day I was writing a film script when I noticed amrit trickling down the photograph of Swami in my house. I began to read 'Bhadrakalyanam' daily when such miracles occurred.

In 2003, Swami's cottage Trayee was being extended at Brindavan. I was appointed a sevadal to supervise the work. I found some large stones on the yard. 'Let us remove them' I told the workers and clean the yard'. 'They are too big to move' was the reply. 'Let us chant Sai Ram' I told them, 'and do the work.' When we started removing the stones chanting Sai Ram, we could move them. So we could remove all those stones. The workers were amazed. I gave them Swami's vibhuti also. Later, one of them told me 'sir! You gave me vibhuti. I gave it to my relative - a cancer patient. He is now better'. Most of them were workers migrated to Bangalore due to drought. By Swami's grace, they could settle down in Bangalore comfortably now. I, too, shifted to Puttaparthi.

In 2003, I was working on a script for a film. Suddenly I noticed kumkum on my cloths. There was no chance for kumkum to come there. I thought that it was a blessing from Bhagavan.

One day Shirdi Sai came into my dream. He took the file containing the film script from me saying 'give it to me'. He then blessed it. Just by His side was Sri Sathya Sai talking to a devotee. The dream ended.

I received a phone call after that from the film field. It was a reasonably good offer. I went there but had no mind to continue there. I returned to Prasanthi Nilayam. I do not know what Swami has kept in store for me but He is taking care to see that I lead a comfortable life here with my family. I look forward for His continuing blessings.'

-- Mr. S. Satyanarayana

   (As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 16.02.2006)