Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group I | Mr. S.Poornachandra Rao

Mr. S.Poornachandra Rao,
Postal Asst., Gandhinagar (P.O.)
Vijayawada - 520 003
Mobile: 98486-72569

Mr. S.Poornachandra Rao (42), an employee of the Postal Department, has had several experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan of which he narrates a few in his own words.

'I am working in the Postal Department. Ours is a marriage among close blood relations. All the three children we had were deformed. In spite of our best efforts and giving expensive medical treatment, none of them survived. Besides, all the three were caesarian deliveries. Our Doctor sternly told me not to have any more children, as one more caesarian might cost even the life of my wife. We were very much depressed on hearing the Doctor's advice.

Some of my colleagues in office are devotees of Sri Sathya Sai Baba. They used to tell me about the various Divine miracles of Baba. I was not paying much attention. They used to advise me now and then to go to Puttaparthi and have Darshan of Bhagavan. Somehow, I could not take a decision to go to Puttaparthi.

All this was before 1999. During 1998-99, I constructed a new house. We did grihapravesam (entering the new house) on August 31, 1999. Three days after that, I had a dream in which Sri Sathya Sai Baba appeared and blessed me thrice. Soon after that, I went to Puttaparthi and had Darshan of Bhagavan. I went alone to Puttaparthi at that time.

Later, my wife became pregnant again. Our Doctor was doubtful about the outcome. In fact, she did not feel it wise to allow it. 'You do whatever is needed to protect the fetus from the medical angle', I told the Doctor, 'another Doctor also is attending to the case'.

'Who is that Doctor?' Our Doctor asked me in surprise.

'Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba', I replied.

Every month, Swami used to appear in a dream and show me the son who was going to be born to my wife. The boy was crawling in front of me when I was doing Bhajan along with others in the dream. In the seventh month, however, I had a dream in which I saw houses crumbling down - which I was afraid was not an auspicious omen. I prayed to Swami frantically. Next day Swami appeared in my dream with Babu (the son to be born to us) in his lap. I was reassured thus by Swami.

As the due date for delivery was drawing to a close, the Doctor told us to get the caesarian done earlier than the due date in view of the fact that sutures of the earlier caesarian did not heal well. If the baby grew to full size, it could be risky for the mother. Scanning was also done. I told the Doctor that we would be blessed with a son. 'How do you know?' our Doctor asked me. 'Swami has shown the boy to me', I replied. The Doctor did not seem convinced. In the scanning report, the child's weight was 2.75 kgs. 'The actual weight at the time of birth might come down to 2.5 kgs', the Doctor said.

We were asked to be ready for an early caesarian. So we approached an Astrologer and fixed up a good muhurtam for the delivery, and got my wife admitted in the Hospital five days in advance. My wife suddenly developed severe headache. The Doctor was apprehensive of miscarriage again. 'Don't wait for muhurtam', she said, 'get the caesarian done at once'. So my wife underwent caesarian delivering on May 15, 2000 a healthy male child without any deformity. Both the mother and the son are well due to Swami's grace. Our son is exactly as I saw him in Swami's lap in the dream earlier. On the Doctor's advice, my wife underwent tubectomy also.

Since then we have been participating in Bhajans and seva regularly. I took my wife and the child to Puttaparthi when we performed Annaprasana (giving solid food for the first time) for our son there.

On February 19, 2002 I had Darshan of Swami in a dream. 'Come to Puttaparthi, Bangaru', Swami told me in that dream. I did not go to Mandir the previous evening. When I went to Mandir in the evening, my fellow devotee told me, 'you were not here last night. You are included for seva at Prasanthi Nilayam. We are going there tomorrow (February 21)'.

We went to Prasanthi Nilayam. We had Darshan, but no sign of Swami blessing us. On February 24, Swami told that all of us from Vijayawada should be seated as a separate group. On that day Swami gave a Discourse also in which He referred to Vijayawada samiti people two or three times appreciatively. Prasadam also was given to us.

In 2003, I had some difficulties. I prayed to Swami. I had a dream in which Swami appeared and told me, 'your karma has been cleared but a little is remaining still. Don't worry, I will take care of you'.

From that day, everything has begun moving favourably. I purchased some lands at the rate of Rs. 1 lakh an acre. By Swami's grace, the value of those lands went up to Rs. 6 lakhs per acre very soon. I am quite comfortable financially as well as in my job. Ever since, there has been no looking back for me, as assured by Swami in the dream.

In February 2004, I was included for seva at Prasanthi Nilayam. But I had no money (liquid cash) with me at that time to defray my expenses to go to Prasanthi Nilayam. I prayed to Swami for release of some incentive payment arrears pending for a year. There was no indication about their possible clearance at that time.

On the day of departure, a Thursday, early in the morning, I participated in Nagarasankirtana and also in seva at the Mandir. When I entered my office, post from our Head Office was just received. One of my colleagues, who opened it, cried excitedly, 'Poornachandra Rao's incentive arrears have come'. I received Rs. 2000 which was more than enough for my Parthi trip!'

-- Mr. S.Poornachandra Rao.

(As narrated to Mr. B.Parvatala Rao at Sai Gokulam, Brindavan, Bangalore on 08.05.2004.)