Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group II | Mr. S. Hridaya Sami

Mr. S. Hridaya Sami,
Malavanoor, Keelaperingavur P.O.,
Via Valadi, Lalgudi Taluk,
Trichi District, Tamilnadu.
Tel: 0431-2548026

Mr. S. Hridaya Sami (71), a retired Railway employee and an agriculturist, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhgavan in his own words.

'I came to know about Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba from my friends in 1968. That was the first time I heard of Baba. I must admit that I did not believe in Him at that time. My friends used to go to Puttaparthi to see Baba. At their insistence, I had been to Puttaparthi four or five times. Though I had Darshan of Baba along with my friends whenever I went there, I used to return only as a non-believer.

In 1980, when I returned from Puttaparthi, my wife delivered a female child. I, being a Christian, went to our pastor and solicited the favour of christening the child. The pastor did not like my visits to Puttaparthi. On that day he exploded. 'I don't christen the child', he told me rudely, 'go to your Bhagavan. You are a Hindu, not a Christian'. My visits to Puttaparthi did not make me a believer in Baba. Yet, the pastor unnecessarily flared up against me. So, I decided to go to Puttaparthi more with a vengeance than out of devotion.

I went to Puttaparthi with my family. There was no Sai Kulwant Hall at that time. We used to sit in the open on an unpaved front yard for Darshan and bhajan. After bhajan Swami came out. On seeing Him, I tried to get up with the child in my arms to go to Him but He told me, 'wait, wait! I am coming to you'. He came to me and passed His hand a little above the child, which was in my arms. Out of his hand vibhuti showered all over the body of the child in a thick layer. 'What is the name of the child?' Swami asked me. 'You give her a name, Baba', I requested. 'Satyabhama', Swami told me, 'call her Satyabhama. Another thing. The pastor will himself come to your house and will accept the name'.

We returned happily to our village. I did not go to the pastor. Nor did I invite him. But as Swami said, he himself came to our house one day. When he was told that Bhagavan had given her the name Satyabhama, he said, 'good. It is a Christian name. 'Satyabhama' is embodiment of truth'.

While naming the child Swami said, 'she is a brain child'. I could not understand what Swami had meant at that time. True to Swami's words, Satyabhama has been an intelligent girl all through. She is now doing B.Ed., after receiving M.A. and M.Phil. Degrees. Satyabhama is my younger daughter. Henreeta, my elder daughter, is not educated and is now a housewife.

Afterwards, I managed to buy 2 acres of land in around 1982. Local bigwigs were jealous of a person coming from the downtrodden classes buying land. They stopped water coming to the field I had bought. I was not in a position to join issue with them. I came to Puttaparthi to pray to Bhagavan. Swami coming in Darshan lines stopped by me. 'Put a bore', He said, 'I will give water'. I came back and had a bore dug. We struck plenty of water just at 25 feet. He showered His grace on me. If I have become now one of the richest people in my area, it is all owing to His grace. Only owing to His grace, I could build a big house in my village costing several lakhs of Rupees. I named it 'Eswaramma Illum' (Illum means house)

In our area, a person like me coming from the lower rung of the social ladder building such a building is unheard of. As a token of my gratitude, I offer free food to all those who participate in seva during Swami's Birthday programmes in our district. I have been coming to Puttaparthi for seva every year for the last two decades. I conducted for 2 years chariot festival of Swami at Lalgudi entirely at my expense.

I don't remember the date exactly, but once I came to Puttaparthi. While visiting important places in the village, I went to see the house where Swami was born. It was then in a dilapidated condition full of thorny bushes and wild growth. I felt very sad. 'If only there had been a temple raised here', I thought, 'I would have presented a lamp'. Later, a temple of Lord Siva was constructed there as if Swami had answered my prayer. So I brought a brass lamp tree, which has 108 leaves - each leaf to serve as a lamp, for the temple.

In many places, such offerings are accepted gladly. But, in Puttaparthi, no one accepts any thing in cash or kind unless Swami specifically permits. So, I had to sit continuously for three days in Darshan lines praying to Swami kindly to accept it. For three days, Swami did not even look at me. Next day, He came to me and said, 'today is the day of Varalakshmi vratam. Give the lamp-tree to the temple'. Then I realised why Swami had kept me waiting. He wanted me to present the lamp on a very auspicious day. 'Kutumba Rao!' Swami called and instructed him, 'take care of it and ensure its proper use and safety'.

Once, I was at my field during the time of harvest. During the night, I was there to keep a watch on the produce. Somehow, I dozed off. Some persons came in the night with an intention to steal the grain. Suddenly, I woke up. Swami was there before me like a short person. Instantaneously, He grew into a tall person. All the thieves were scared, and fled. Swami then told me, turning into on ordinary person, 'what would have happened, had I not come to protect you!' Next second, Swami flew into the sky turning into the form of a jyothi - an aura of incandescence, and disappeared.

People call me Sai Baba in my village. I feel elated because, that way, they utter Swami's name once more on my account.'

-- Mr. S. Hridaya Sami

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 10.11.2004.)