Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group III | Mr. S. Bhupathi Naidu

Mr. S. Bhupathi Naidu
Retired Executive (Technical)
606, MIG Colony, BHEL
Ramachandra Puram, Hyderabad - 500 032
Tel: 040-23026705

Mr. S. Bhupathi Naidu (62), who voluntarily retired from the Executive (Tech) cadre in the BHEL, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

‘It was around 1950 that my mother, Smt Dhanalakshmi Ammal came to Prasanthi Nilayam along with my uncle. My mother was always anxious about my future, as she had to bring me up without any source of income, ours being a poor family. So she asked Swami about my future. ‘He will get a government job’, Bhagavan replied, ‘it will be one that is related to black mud.’ Though my mother could not comprehend what Swami said, she was happy that I would get a government job.

I became a regular employee of the BHEL in 1966. I used to return from work daily and remove my shoes and socks, when black dust like snuff used to fall out.

‘What is that?’ my mother enquired one day.

‘I am in the foundry section,’ I replied, ‘we use lot of black mud to prepare casts’.

‘Say so’, my mother remarked in amazement, ‘Swami told me then itself but I could not understand’. She then told me about what Swami had told her about my future. I too was amazed.

I began to take interest in Sri Sathya Sai seva activities. I had Darshan of Swami, I think, in 1970, when He came to the BHEL.

In 1980, I came to Prasanthi Nilayam for the first time as sevadal. Swami gave us all padanamaskar and distributed vibhuti prasadam with His Divine hands.

In 1995, I performed the marriage of my eldest daughter Sarada. Though none of my relatives came forward to help me, Sai devotees stood by my side and literally organized it on a grand scale. We prepared food for only 500 to 600 people for the marriage party. But there was unusual turnout up to 1500 people. But owing to Swami’s grace, food was adequate for all. Afterwards I came to Prasanthi Nilayam. When Swami came along Darshan line, I said, ‘Swami! I performed the marriage of my eldest daughter on a grand scale owing to your grace’.

‘Santosham, Bangaru’, Swami remarked.

In 1977, my daughter Sarada was selected as an Accountant in the BHEL. There was only one vacancy for which she was eligible, besides two reserved vacancies. Applications came in large number. Her selection amidst such stiff competition was nothing but a miracle of Bhagavan.

Once when my wife was in Darshan line, she asked Swami about a seat in Swami’s educational institution for my second daughter Kanaka Durga.

‘Whom shall I give’, Swami assured her, ‘if I do not give your daughter?’ Accordingly my second daughter Durga became a student in M.Com in the Anantapur Campus of Bhagavan’s Institute of Higher Learning.

My third daughter Devika, came for seva. When she was in Darshan line, Swami came to her. ‘I want B.Sc. seat in Swami’s college’, Devika prayed to Swami.

He put His Divine hand on her head and blessed. She was completely transformed after that. She became a good student. She is now doing her Ph.D. after completing M.Sc. in Swami’s college. All my daughters were married into good families. Like them, their husbands also are Sai devotees.

In 1998, I had heart problem. Tests were conducted in the BHEL Hospital, and I was referred to Medicity Hospital, Hyderabad to undergo angiogram. Meanwhile, my daughter Kanaka Durga, who was then a student of Swami, told Swami about it. Swami materialised vibhuti for me. The vibhuti came to me in time and I began using it.

When I was being taken for the angiogram, I prostrated imagining that Swami was before me. Doctors and others who were present might have thought that it was odd that I was prostrating before empty space, but I did not care. The result of the angiogram was that there was no problem. I was discharged. When I returned, the doctors at the BHEL hospital were amazed at the result of the angiogram, which was contravening the results of all the tests done by them.

Swami told my daughter, ‘great danger was averted’. Only owing to His grace I was saved.

I came from a very poor family. I lost my father while I was still in my mother’s womb. So I could not study beyond the 8th standard. When I applied to the post in the BHEL from Madras after seeing an advertisement, I did not expect a call at all. When the call for interview came, I had no money to go to Hyderabad. My mother borrowed some money and sent to me.

When I was appointed, I was asked to come with a pair of black shoe, a pair of white canvas shoe and certain other things. I had no money and had to buy all second-hand things. From such a state, Swami brought me up to very unexpected heights. I could educate all my three daughters up to post-graduation in quality educational institutions, could perform their marriages spending Rs. 4 lakhs on each, construct a house with Rs. 12 lakhs and keep comfortable savings for my future use. All this is a miracle running through my life.’

-- Mr. S. Bhupathi Naidu.

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 04.04.2005.)