Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group IV | Mr. Ramesh Chand

Mr. Ramesh Chand
G 167, Sector 23, Sanjay Nagar
Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh
Tel: 0120-2784087

Mr. Ramesh Chand (57), an employee of the UP Power Corporation Ltd, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

'My colleague, Mr. M.P. Singh, a devotee of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, used to tell me about Bhagavan and the miracles Bhagavan has been doing. He gave me a calendar containing Bhagavan's photograph.

In February 1991, my daughter, Ms. Tripti Rani of 12 years age at that time, prepared a cardboard frame in her Balvikas class. As the frame was empty, she cut Bhagavan's photograph from the calendar given by my colleague to me in 1982, and pasted it in the middle of the frame. She put that photograph with frame in our house on the fridge.

One day in February 1991, we noticed that some white powder was on the photograph. We then understood that vibhuthi was emanating from that photograph. It went on emanating for 45 days. Many persons in the neighbourhood as well as from various other places used to come to witness the miracle. It attracted media attention also though we did neither seek nor do any publicity. We started doing bhajan for one hour daily. We continue to do so till now.

When I told about vibhuthi emanating from the Bhagavan's photograph, Mr. M.P. Singh said, 'Baba has come to your house'. Vibhuthi had a fine fragrance. Many people used to take it as prasadam. Vibhuthi used to come later on all photos of deities with fine fragrance.

We used to keep coffee for Bhagavan in a stainless steel glass and keep a lid on it. After sometime, vibhuthi was found on the lid as well as under the glass.

In November 1989, my daughter Mrs. Archana, who was continuing her studies in Post-graduation after her marriage, staying with us, went to Hardwar to see her grandfather Swami Paramanand Saraswati. But when she reached Hardwar, she found that Swamiji was out of station. Therefore she was returning to Ghaziabad. As she slept in the train, she could not get up at Ghaziabad. When she woke up she found that she was heading for Mumbai. A naval officer was travelling in that coach. He helped her by buying her a ticket. It appears that she wrote a letter to us but it was not received. Our efforts to trace her failed. We had no idea as to what happened to her and began praying to Swami. Bhagavan appeared in my dream in the form of Siva and said, 'your daughter is safe in Mumbai. She would reach home safely'. As foretold by Bhagavan, we got information that she was safe in Mumbai. We went there and brought her home safely in December, 1989.

In those days when vibhuthi was coming from the photograph, I had a dream one night at 3:15 a.m. Bhagavan appeared in the form of Siva and said, 'a letter will come from the missing boy of Satrughna in 15 days. The boy will return in a month'.

Mr. Satrughna was my neighbour. He came from Bihar. His son, Ajeeth, a young person, was missing from February 19, 1988. That was the day on which my daughter Archana was married. All efforts to trace him failed. Immediately, I sent word to my neighbour about my dream. As told by Bhagavan in the dream, the letter came from the missing boy, exactly on the 15th day. The boy returned safely on the 30th day.

I came to Prasanthi Nilayam in 1991 with my family. That was my first visit. During our journey to Prasanthi Nilayam, we met a devotee Mr. S.D. Taneja. He was new to us and got acquainted with us in the train. When we arrived at Prasanthi Nilayam, he took me to Mr. Janakiramaiah, the younger brother of Bhagavan, who gave me a pass to enter through the VIP gate for Darshan. I could sit in the front line as a VIP and have Darshan of Bhagavan. Swami paused for a few seconds before me. I made my namaskar when He said three times 'very happy' and blessed me. He went to my daughter, Archana on the ladies' side and said, 'wait, wait, wait' and took a letter from her. She had some problems with her in-laws. After sometime all her problems were solved. She is happy now. I wondered at His grace! How He had arranged through some unknown person like Mr. Taneja to seat me in the front and have His Darshan excellently from close quarters and also receive His blessings.

Mr. M.P. Singh was preparing to go to Prasanthi Nilayam with family to attend Bhagavan's 65th Birthday celebrations on November 23, 1990. Mrs. Singh wanted to prepare eatables for the long train journey, but was unwell to do that. My wife Mrs. Brijlesh went to Mr. Singh's house to prepare puri, mithai, etc. While my wife was doing the cooking on the stove, the frying pan fell down by accident, and the hot cooking oil fell on her feet. My wife began to chant Sai Ram while Mrs. Singh and others who had heard the sound of the pan falling on the ground rushed in, enquiring 'what happened?'

'Nothing', my wife replied.

By Swami's grace, there were no burns! Every one was stunned. My wife could complete the work as if nothing had happened and returned home. She did not suffer any pain or boils even later, and was completely normal.

We made our pooja room look like a mandir. There are large size photographs of Sri Shirdi Sai and Sri Sathya Sai on either side, as in the mandir at Prasanthi Nilayam. There is another large size photograph of Bhagavan laminated in the front. One day some passer-by who was fully drunk tottered into our house and tried to enter the pooja room. Then the laminated photograph of Bhagavan fell off in the front as if in annoyance. Immediately, I sent the drunken person out. When we examined the laminated photograph that had fallen, we found a mark on it as if it had tried to push the fellow out.

In 1994, I had a dream in which Bhagavan appeared and said, 'I will come to your house but you will be frightened'. One day a small snake was seen on the calendar of Bhagavan. My son Parveen Kumar saw it and alerted his mother. It was a Monday. My wife was on fast that day. The snake was in bright and beautiful colours. I tried to catch it and put it in a container but could not do so. My wife was saying, 'leave it alone'. After a few minutes, it was not seen. We searched the house but there was no trace of it. It just disappeared. Then we recalled Bhagavan's words in my dream and concluded that Bhagavan came to our house in the form of the snake.

My friend Mr. Yasbeer Singh Sisodia had a severe back-ache in 1994. He could not get up except with the help of at least two persons. Doctors advised him complete rest. One day we went to see him. 'If you have no objection, I will put a little vibhuthi', I told him. I knew that he was not a believer. He agreed. I put a little on his forehead; mixed a little in water and gave him to drink it. I was there for 15 minutes.

'Please get up now', I requested him.

He got up without any one helping him to get up. He could stand all right. His pain left him owing to Bhagavan's grace. He and his family members were amazed at this miraculous cure of his painful ailment. All of them became devotees of Bhagavan. Owing to Bhagavan's grace, the financial position of Mr. Sisodia improved well.

In 2002, he wanted to visit Prasanthi Nilayam for seva.

'Would I get a room there?' he asked.

'Sevadal members will be provided accommodation in Sevadal building but are not given rooms' I told him.

'I will become Bhagavan's devotee only if I get a room to stay in Prasanthi Nilayam', he said before starting.

He came to Prasanthi Nilayam with us for seva. When he asked for a room, it we refused. Then we ran into Mr. Sivkumar of UP sevadal. He used his good offices and got a room allotted to Mr. Sisodia. Thus Bhagavan fulfilled his desire for a room. Mr. Sisodia became a devotee.

In 2003, I went to my office to attend the function of Gandhi Jayanthi on October 2. After the function, I was returning to my house by my scooter. On the way, a motorcyclist came and hit me from behind. I fell down. There were injuries on my face within half an inch from my eyes. Blood was oozing. But Bhagavan saved my eyes. There was no fracture. The motorcyclist also was unhurt. I returned home safely on my scooter, which was also all right. I was all right till I reached home. The moment I reached home, strangely I collapsed in pain as if the pain and suffering was withheld by unknown force till then. After sometime, I became all right again. I could attend to my normal duties after that.

My neighbour's son, Mr. Acchu was working as the driver of a bus. One day in 2004, he made an accident with the vehicle of dacoits. The dacoits caught hold of him and bet him black and blue. They left him unconscious on the road thinking that he was dead. Some passers-by saw him and shifted him to the Ganesh Hospital in Ghaziabad. Because of the shock, he was behaving delinquently. The doctors had to tie him down with ropes to prevent him from taking off the saline tubes, etc. My wife and I went to see him one day. With the permission of Mr. Acchu's parents, I put some vibhuthi on the forehead of Acchu. We mixed a little in water and poured into his mouth. Just then my wife felt the sweet fragrance of the rose. Mr. Acchu's mother also felt the same. He drank that. At that time there was rain outside. We stayed on for 15 minutes. We then noticed that there was miraculous change in him. He became normal. A member of the medical staff of the Hospital came there and said, 'he is normal'. They removed the ropes which were tying him down. Later, in a day or two, he was discharged as he was quite all right.

On October 10, 2004, I met with an accident when I was returning home by my scooter in the morning. Some person riding a two-wheeler hit me. I fell down and lost consciousness at once. The handle of my scooter turned to a side. As I lay there unconscious, two young lads came there. My purse and other things were scattered on the road. They saw my identity card in my pocket. They repaired the handle; put my purse, etc in my pocket and, keeping me in my unconscious state on my scooter, they brought me safely to my house. One person was driving, and the other, riding on the pillion, caught me well keeping me in a seated position in between the two. It was found later that that three of my ribs were broken. But I became all right soon. Owing to Bhagavan's grace, I recovered well. Bhagavan came in their form and saved me, I thought. One interesting thing is when I was brought home, I was laughing - I was told later. Bhagavan, perhaps, made me oblivious of pain of my broken ribs and kept me in a condition of laughing with myself.'

-- Mr. Ramesh Chand

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 07.06.2005)