Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan | Group V | Mr. Ram Prasad V.K.

Mr. Ram Prasad V.K.,

Mobile: 98450 66289
E-mail: ram_sairam@rediffmail.com

'I am Ram Prasad from Bangalore. It is my immense pleasure to share the lovely experience I had yesterday (23.12.2005) at the Manipal Hospital, Bangalore.

Yesterday morning, I got a call from one of Swami's devotees that there was an urgent requirement for A+ blood at the Manipal Hospital. But that person was not interested to tell me his name. I also didn't force him to say his name. Then I enquired of the phone number from which I got the call. That is a public telephone booth in front of Brindavan, Bangalore.

Around 5 p.m., I went to the Manipal Hospital, enquired about the patient and went to the Blood-bank to donate blood. They went through some preliminary formalities by filling up the form. I was told to lie on bed. I did so. One lady nurse came and punctured my right hand at different spots, but was unable to find the particular blood nerve. I was experiencing severe pain. Then she called up the doctor. He came to me. He just inserted the needle into my right hand and found the exact spot of the nerve. He was standing to my right. I just opened my eyes and could see a black mole on his left cheek. Then I thought that Swami came to me in the form of the doctor. From that moment, I was not at all feeling any sort of pain while that doctor was standing beside me. While my blood was going out from my right hand, I could feel some new energy passing into my body.

It just took 8 minutes to fill that blood sachet. It gave me extreme satisfaction for being of help in donating blood right in the presence of my Divine Master.'

-- Mr. Ram Prasad V.K

(As reported on e-mail by the devotee to www.vedamu.org on 24.12.2005.)