Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Mr. R.M. Krishna Rao

Mr. R.M. Krishna Rao,
2-2-23 / 38, S.B.H. Colony,
Bagh Amabarpet,
Hyderabad - 500 013

Tel: 040-55769664

Mr. R. M. Krishna Rao (60), retired as Senior Audit Officer in the AG's Office, has been a longstanding devotee of Bhagavan, and the author of Bhagyanaraga Sevabhagyamu. He relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

'I had personally no idea about Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba for a long time though I had been hearing about Him occasionally. Once I happened to see a letter written by Baba to a boy named Bharadwaja, a student of Swami's Veda Pathasala condoling the death of His father. I participated in a bhajan in the house of Ananda Ucchil at Secunderabad and saw the Photograph of Bhagavan there for the first time. That very first bhajan left an indelible impression on me.

Later, in another bhajan, they distributed the Photograph of Bhagavan to all of us. I brought it and kept in my room though I knew little about Him. I did not realise then that Bhagavan had entered my life and house thus. All these happened in 1964 and 1965.

In 1964, I joined the AG's office and met Mr. J.P. Sastry who was working in the same office. He gave me a copy of 'Sathyam Sivam Sundaram' written by Sri Kasturi. That book enlightened me on the life, leelas and messages of Bhagavan casting on me a lasting influence.

In 1965, I joined the Law College (Evening sessions) at Hyderabad. One day, by chance, I happened to go to the house of Raja Omapathi Rao where Bhagavan was camping at that time. It afforded me an opportunity to participate in a bhajan in which Swami Himself sang a few songs. Next day, I had the good fortune to listen to His Divine Discourse. After that I used to attend bhajans, and never missed Darshan of Bhagavan whenever He came to Hyderabad.

In 1965, Prasanthi Vidwan Maha Sabhas were held at the Exhibition grounds for 5 days. I worked as a volunteer for that Conference, and had the good fortune of receiving the badge from the Divine hands. Later, I had the good fortune to participate in seva during Dasara at Prasanthi Nilayam in 1968. That was my first visit to Prasanthi Nilayam.

In 1970s, Swami came to Rajahmundry. I went there along with Mr. B.V.Ramana Rao in the car of Mr. Satya Murthy. During that visit, I had the good fortune to have breakfast with Bhagavan.

I had to return in the middle of the programme to Hyderabad. 'Yedi vaadu?' (Where is that fellow), Swami enquired of me next day. When I came to know of it later, I was overwhelmed by His kindness and concern for the members of His entourage.

Later, in 1970s, some of us went to Prasanthi Nilayam. Swami called Mr. B.V.Ramana Rao for an interview. We all followed Mr. Rao. But Mr. P.V.Raghava Reddy did not go in, as Swami did not call him specially. 'Where is Raghava Reddy?' Swami asked and told me, 'go, call him'. I went out and fetched Mr. Reddy.

After formation of the Hyderabad sevadal, we had the opportunity to go to Swami for seva in 1968 when Mr. V.V.Giri, President of India, inaugurated the Women's College premises at Anantapur in the presence of Bhagavan (It is now the Anantapur campus of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning). They arranged dinner in the open yard. I had the opportunity to serve curd chutney to Swami on that day.

On another occasion, when we went to the Anantapur college, a couple of days before a function, the local people were surprised. 'Why have you come now?' they asked, 'Swami is not coming'. We did not feel upset. 'Anyway we have come for seva', we said, 'we will do it'. At 4 p.m. that day Swami arrived from Bangalore unannounced! 'I cancelled My programme', He told us. 'I came only because you are all here'.

Later, He started to go to Puttaparthi. 'Are you coming?' He asked us. We gladly assented. On the way, vehicles stopped at the railway gate. Swami's car took a turn and came to the side of our bus. 'Are you all dumb?' Swami asked. At once, we started bhajan. On the way, Swami got into our bus. He sang bhajans; and made us sing. He was in our bus for about an hour. Swami allowed Padanamaskar to the driver. He was a Muslim. Swami patted his hand. When the driver opened his (loose) fist, there was a note of Rs. 100. No knowing how it came into his hand! When we reached Puttaparthi our dinner was ready. Swami arranged some communication from Anantapur to the canteen people to keep our dinner ready at Puttaparthi.

Whenever Swami came to Sivam (Hyderabad) and camped there for a week, we used to get the golden opportunity to garland Him or to give harati to Him. I, too, had once enjoyed that bliss owning to Swami's grace.

We participated in seva at the time of inauguration of Brindavan Campus. We reached there in the evening and by the time we got into action it was 10 p.m. There were no lights as at present, in those days. What all we had received for cooking food for Narayana seva the next morning were wet fuel and vessels with holes to store water. Our leader Mr. Rmana Rao took a torch and got down a step-well with a pot. Then some of us followed him and stood on the steps in the darkness. All of us had fright in our hearts, but put on a bold face trusting in Bhagavan. Water-filled vessels were handed over from one to the other so that enough water was carried to the kitchen tent.

The next task was to kindle the wet firewood. We kindled it chanting 'Sai Ram, Sai Ram'. It caught fire and began to burn comfortably. Prasadam was ready in time. Swami came to us in the early hours and blessed the food items prepared. We used to hear earlier: 'When Swami gives you a work, He will create conditions that facilitate completion of the work on time.' We actually saw it happen against all odds. After the function was over, Swami allowed us the opportunity to take food along with Him in the same line and spent an hour with us. He gave us several baskets of mango fruit while seeing us off personally with His blessings.

Once we went to Puttaparthi and participated in some construction work. Swami was going to Anantapur. 'You also come to Anantapur', Swami told us. When we reached Anantapur, Swami came out of His room and said, 'what will you do here? Do some gardening'. He arranged for supply of necessary implements. We all stayed in the guesthouse. At 3 p.m. we all stood in a line near Swami's room. He called each of us into the room one by one and talked individually with each. I mentioned about the wedding of my sister. 'It will take place in March', Swami assured me. Accordingly, the marriage of my sister took place in the month of March most unexpectedly. The marriage of another sister of mine also took place in the month of March only - but the next year, as if Swami had showered on us a double blessing.

We went to Puttaparthi for one Gurupoornima festival. We were in the Darshan line in the morning, one day before the festival. Swami came to me and asked, 'how many members of sevadal have come now?' 'Twenty Swami', I replied. 'Come to Anantapur', Swami instructed, 'along with college students'. We were 20, and the students, too, were of equal number. Swami's car was going in front of our bus. At Kothacheruvu turning we all stopped.

'What is that you have written?' Swami asked looking at the banner of our bus, 'Hydera bad sevadal? Read! 'When the word 'Hyderabad' is split at 'Hydera', the banner reads as 'bad sevadal'. It was Swami's quip. Then Swami gave us some snacks and sweets to eat. By the time we reached Anantapur, there was some function in the P.G. Centre. After dinner with Swami, we left for Puttaparthi again. After sometime, on our way back, Swami got into our bus and spent an hour with the students. Next day was Gurupoornima. Swami gave amritam with a silver spoon to all of us.

Once I accompanied Bhagavan from Vijayawada to Guntur, and then to Eluru, Kovvuru and Rajahmundry. Swami asked Mr. Anil Kumar, 'AG Office man has come. Have they all taken food?' Swami notices everything and cares for everyone.

I went to Madras once on official work. Fortunately, Bhagavan was there at that time. I went to Sundaram. Luckily, I could get a chance to sit in the front line. Swami came to me and accepted the wedding invitation for my sister's marriage from me saying, 'your sister's marriage, I know'. He said this even without looking at the card!'

-- Mr. R.M.Krishna Rao.

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 26.11.2004.)