Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group II | Mr. P.S. Rangachary

Mr. P.S. Rangachary,
229, Prakasam Street, Senthil Nagar
Chennai - 600 062
Tel: 044-26371176

Mr. P.S. Rangachary (66), a retired official of the Telecom Department, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

'I have been hearing about Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba since 1960. I had Darshan of Bhagavan for the first time at Chennai on His visit there.

I was a devotee of Shirdi Sai originally. I went to Shirdi in 1987 along with a few others. One of the ladies in our group used to tell things intuitively. She said, 'Swami wants all of you to stay at Shirdi for four days'. So we took a hall there and spent four days having daily Darshan.

On our return journey, we went to Pune and got into Pune-Bombay train. By mistake we got into I class. As soon as we entered, the train started. There, in the compartment, we found the Ticket Examiner who checked our tickets and asked, 'why did you enter I class having only II class ticket?' We said, 'we are coming from Shirdi. In our hurry, we entered this bogie by mistake'. On hearing our explanation, he said, 'ok. Go into the II class compartment.' There were some others who had only II class tickets. They too gave the same explanation as we had given. But the Ticket Examiner asked them to pay the excess fare.

We thought that it was Baba's grace that he believed our word and let us go. We went to Bombay and caught Bombay-Chennai Mail and alighted at Arkonam. We had to catch there another train. As we got down, we found that our connecting train was about to leave. We signalled to the driver to stop but he gestured to us that it was not possible to stop and wanted us to come by the next train. As we were praying to Baba, the train started, moved for a few yards and stopped. We had to go over to another platform by crossing the lines. The train stopped till all of us could reach the other platform and could get into the train. Only then, it started. We were all grateful to Baba for this benediction.

In 1990, I went to Shirdi again with my wife and sisters-in-law. My wife and sisters-in-law went to the bazaar to buy some bangles. When they were checking the size, the golden bangle of my sister-in-law went out along with ordinary bangles by oversight. My sister-in-law did not notice it. Nor did the shopkeeper. When she noticed the loss she began searching for it in vain. The shopkeeper also began to search for it but he too could not locate it.

Just then a stranger came into the shop and asked, 'searching for the bangle? Here it is'. So saying he touched a bangle box in the shop. When opened, the bangle was found in it! My sister-in-law returned to our room happily and said, while narrating the incident, 'I think it was Baba who came as a stranger to show us the bangle.'

-- Mr. P.S. Rangachary.

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 27.10.2004.)