Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group VII | Mr. P.R.Rajagopalan

Mr. P.R.Rajagopalan,
D.No. 20 / 37, B-I Floor,
Prakash Apartments,
Parankusapuram Street,
Chennai - 600 024.

Tel: 044-2372 2892

      Mr. P.R.Rajagopalan (65), a retired Defence official, relates a couple of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

'I have been coming to Bhagavan since 1980s. In the last few years, I had several mental worries. I could not get suitable alliance for my daughter as we were keen on horoscopes. I used to pray to Bhagavan. By the end of 2004, I prayed to Bhagavan with deep anguish. Then one day, one of our people suggested an alliance. I thought it was sent by Bhagavan. It was quite suitable. The marriage was performed without any problem in January 2005.

Soon after, an alliance came for my son also. His wedding was performed in March 2005. Owing to Bhagavan's grace, I could discharge my responsibilities in an easy manner.

The way the marriages of my daughter and son were performed in quick succession was surprising to many of our relatives and friends. Both alliances came unexpectedly and without effort on my part carrying the unmistakable stamp of the grace of Bhagavan.'

-- Mr. P.R.Rajagopalan

        (As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Brindavan on 02.06.2006)